Amanda Todd: Young girl kills self due to cyberbullying/bullying

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SophiaGrace said:
the risk for suicide is greatest when people begin to improve because then they have the energy to go through with it. Or so the theory goes.

that's a disturbing thought
Sarah_Lbnz said:
Ijustwish said:
Kids will find a way...they'll go to the libraries etc...they'll borrow other people's can only educate, but cannot monitor 24/7.
If any of us had a parent move in and try to stop us from using the internet - we would find a way.
Kids are AMAZING and BETTER at computers than most adults now.
If you control too much, they'll rebel.

Also, how the f did the **** track her down? That is crazy...just from seeing her cam? Apparently she didn't give any identifying information. Who knows how many more innocent children he is doing this to!

1 - I'm hearing nasty comments about why she flashed herself...I mean, come make mistakes and we live in a society where young girls are pressured to be sexually attractive at like, 10 ok...adults support this sickness as well by being the ones RESPONSIBLE for sexualizing our youth!
Why the hell are kids that young wearing makeup and worrying about looks!?!?! Look at the magazines, images that are thrown to girls and how it has f-ed up everyone's perception of beauty...a young, fragile, inexperienced mind is not that strong are vulnerable and desperate for attention...also young girls I find, are desperate for love from boyfriends etc...dunno why but I guess lots of emphasis being put on having partners even to kids....

If you're interested in this, a CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) documentary came out recently on the priming of hypersexualization of children (mostly girls), the effects of the pr0n industry + technology on children, etc.

Kind of takes slightly paranoid angle, but very provocative and interesting perspectives, including interviews with teens speaking about their experiences dealing with peers, analyzing and dissecting mass media images and celebrity figures (i.e. Miley Cyrus, that ******** Cosmo rag). Also highlights community members who are working with tweens and teens, self-esteem and sexual health workshops (i.e. )
"In a hypersexualized society, you're either fuckable or invisible."
"Girls sexuality becomes a performance and distorts their (boys) view of what they're supposed to want and what they're supposed to look for in a girl."

(run time about 45 minutes)

This part is so true:
"In a hypersexualized society, you're either fuckable or invisible."
"Girls sexuality becomes a performance and distorts their (boys) view of what they're supposed to want and what they're supposed to look for in a girl."

I'm interested in watching but I'm not sure if I should as these kind of things really upset me...I mean, it's life but I get worked up...I may or may not...not sure yet, but really sad especially for today's girls...don't ever want to have a daughter...

@ Sci-Fi: That is a very special teacher! I'll tell you one thing for sure...lots of teachers are not confrontational and ONE SHOULD NOT BE A TEACHER IF THEY ARE AFRAID TO DO THE RIGHT THING...I saw it all throughout school...sweeping, sweeping under the rug...pretending not to see bullying or hear kids calling names...never did a teacher stand up and say "STOP DOING THAT"...they just pretend and pretend and close their eyes and sleep well at night...and some teachers worry about not being "popular" or "liked" by the kids so they try to fit in with the popular kids...I have one in mind...ignoring the ones that need help but too busy being the "cool" teacher to the popular kids...sooo stupid...
If he is truly the guy who did that, I hope he gets what he deserves.

There is a news video that I can't watch atm about a man who was fired over a cruel comment he left about Amanda.
Sci-Fi said:
There is a news video that I can't watch atm about a man who was fired over a cruel comment he left about Amanda.

ive been hearing all about that today on the news... it really makes me wonder what kind of people are out there and all around us? why? what reason in the world could someone have to make comments like that on a memorial blog about a person they didnt even know?
he must have either thought it was some twisted joke, or it's just that his own life is so bad that he takes pleasure in hurting other people.
i'm glad he got fired. and if there is any justice in the world he will get a beating next time he takes a walk down the street.
I don't think children need web cams. They might be able to make new accounts but don't buy a web cam or a computer with one on it. We have one web cam and my children aren't allowed to use it without coming and asking us for it.
This isn't to say they can't sneak and do it, they might. Kids might do anything, never say yours won't.

But what about what the parents of the kids that were doing the bulling?? What were they teaching their children? What are their parents doing to them as punishment for this? They helped kill a young girl. They need to have punishment by the law if it can be proven they did any of the bulling and maybe it would help stop some of it.

I don't know what the punishment should be. Thankfully I don't have to decide but they shouldn't just get away with it and shouldn't have gotten away with it for the last 2 years!!

Trent said:
SophiaGrace said:
the risk for suicide is greatest when people begin to improve because then they have the energy to go through with it. Or so the theory goes.

that's a disturbing thought

actually probably true, We had friends that the husband got Parkinsons and when he got a bit better through diet and such, he shot himself, two weeks ago.
my kids both have webcams on there own pc's for a while now (14yr old girl, 16yr old boy) its hard not to now because they even have them on mobile phones and all laptops.
but the one thing we did try to always do, is raise them well and try to instal our moral values into them. this way as they get older and more independant we dont have to try to control or sensor them, we just trust them to do the right things while at the same time remaining a part of their daily lives so we are aware of whats going on with them. I even started my computer hobby when my son was born specifically to get a head start on them so I wouldnt be clueless as my kids inevitably entered the world wide web.
Sci-Fi said:
If he is truly the guy who did that, I hope he gets what he deserves.

There is a news video that I can't watch atm about a man who was fired over a cruel comment he left about Amanda.

Oh yes...lololol...and I don't pity the guy!!!

I understand lots of people are upset at how our actions online which are supposed to be "anonymous" sometimes catch up in real life...personally, I don't mind the consequences because I am not a ******* on the internet anyway!!! He had it coming!
One of the youtubers that I'm subscribed to said that there are people poking fun at her death. It's such a heartless place.
Bullying in school and the workplace will never stop, and now we have places to make it even more widespread and nasty, facebook and twitter hoorah!
It's part of human nature to bully the weak the people who can't or don't want to defend themselves and the bully's will always justify their actions with some excuse.
Sarah_Lbnz said:
Ijustwish said:
Kids will find a way...they'll go to the libraries etc...they'll borrow other people's can only educate, but cannot monitor 24/7.
If any of us had a parent move in and try to stop us from using the internet - we would find a way.
Kids are AMAZING and BETTER at computers than most adults now.
If you control too much, they'll rebel.

Also, how the f did the **** track her down? That is crazy...just from seeing her cam? Apparently she didn't give any identifying information. Who knows how many more innocent children he is doing this to!

1 - I'm hearing nasty comments about why she flashed herself...I mean, come make mistakes and we live in a society where young girls are pressured to be sexually attractive at like, 10 ok...adults support this sickness as well by being the ones RESPONSIBLE for sexualizing our youth!
Why the hell are kids that young wearing makeup and worrying about looks!?!?! Look at the magazines, images that are thrown to girls and how it has f-ed up everyone's perception of beauty...a young, fragile, inexperienced mind is not that strong are vulnerable and desperate for attention...also young girls I find, are desperate for love from boyfriends etc...dunno why but I guess lots of emphasis being put on having partners even to kids....

If you're interested in this, a CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) documentary came out recently on the priming of hypersexualization of children (mostly girls), the effects of the pr0n industry + technology on children, etc.

Kind of takes slightly paranoid angle, but very provocative and interesting perspectives, including interviews with teens speaking about their experiences dealing with peers, analyzing and dissecting mass media images and celebrity figures (i.e. Miley Cyrus, that ******** Cosmo rag). Also highlights community members who are working with tweens and teens, self-esteem and sexual health workshops (i.e. )
"In a hypersexualized society, you're either fuckable or invisible."
"Girls sexuality becomes a performance and distorts their (boys) view of what they're supposed to want and what they're supposed to look for in a girl."

(run time about 45 minutes)

It's a shame they've taken it down...

There are a lot of things wrong in our culture. It's... revolting to see those little girls with make up dancing all sexualized. We've failed to set boundries for them.

If you ask me, advertising it's out of control. Parents are absent. Those are the main factors.

That's the trailer. It shows a girl who took nude pics with his boyfriend. Then he posted them online. There should have been someone telling her to be careful about that. Someone to explain her that digital images can be easily distributed by anyone, and kids in that age (or even later on in life) often do mean things like sharing private stuff.

That's another issue. The rise of technology. Some parents just have no idea of all the possibilites for the distribution of information.
My sister went through a similar thing recently with her daughter. My niece is 12 (odd, same age as Amanda Todd when this happened), and she was asked the same thing Amanda was (to flash) on Skype. She said no, and turned off the webcam.

Amanda wasn't that lucky, though. I can't imagine what I would have done if there was a photo of my niece out there...probably would have smashed the face of the person who took it into hamburger.

I really, really don't understand bullying. I was bullied when younger, and even recently. The first incidents were over the choice in music I listened to (Genesis and prog rock), and now I'm getting bullied for liking certain types of pop music (Christina Aguilera.) I think it's pathetic, to be honest...I like what I like. People need to get out of my face about the kind of things I enjoy...not like I'm forcing them to enjoy them.

I was also bullied for my looks, which is probably why I ended up as a 30 year old virgin with no experience. I don't get close to people anymore. It's sad, but I fear being hurt. I don't want the same thing for my sister's kids, which is why I'm trying to keep the bullies away from them, but I can't go to school with them. My nephew was bullied over the summer, and my niece is being bullied by this one girl right now.
I think the aftermath of amanda todd's death says a lot about how we devalue young girls. People saying she was a ****, she deserved it, she's pathetic etc.

I don't think people would be saying these things if she hadn't flashed her breasts.

Peple were not being this derogatory about phoebe prince.
Anyone who say's she deserved it is a fcking dog, she was a human being she didn't deserve the **** she got and I hope the people who gave it to her get what they deserve.
It's hard to get the full story on this as a lot of people have come up saying she wasn't a nice person, hard for me to believe so I'll take it with a pinch of salt. What really annoys me is all the horrible imagery that has popped up as a result. All it does is reinforce the whole internet and cyber bullying as people just mock her even after she is dead.

Whether she did nasty things or not and whether she deserved it or not, the fact is she killed herself and at a young age which no person should do to themselves!
This still makes me cry thinking about it. Cause I was bullied through out high school and had noone to turn too. Even people tried to pick fights with me. It's so tragic. :(
It does make you wonder how ass backwards our society is though. This should have been a non issue. Rather than address the bullying aspect, an even longer term solution would be for us to stop being afraid of ****s and nudity in general.

If no one gave a **** about them being there, she wouldn't be getting bullied.
Sex should be demystified. It should be spoken about and seen as a means of healthy relationship, and fellowship with others. There should not be abstinence only sex education. Teens should have access to contraceptives to counteract the poverty inducing state of pregnancy. Having kids should be seen as something you do after you attain college.

People need to stop seeing women as sluts/whores when they are sexual\express their sexual side. Women should not feel judged for this because sexuality is a natural part of everyone.

Yes, even teens.

Flashing ones ****s online, though not the smartest thing, should not be a blackmail card to be used in the horribly malicious way it was against amanda.

We should not care what kind of person she was. Suicide is an awful gut-wrenching way to go. It is a place of absolute and desolate loneliness as you feel all avenues of escape closing off except that of suicide.

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