Another night, & still no friends!

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I must have tried talking to a billion people tonight. but it seems like if you don't already have friends. then your sh!t out of luck. man..... that sucks! I mean,.... what am I supposed to do? should I just give up? it seems pretty hopeless. THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ Trent
dude. get that regging stuff str810d out w/bjarne. so ppl can contact u & u them!!!
go 2 the other section thingy for feedback & news. & let him know ur issue. it might not b an immediate response. so b patient :)
Whoaisme said:
Before you look for friends... are you happy with yourself?

I wouldn't say I'm happy with myself. but I'm trying to. as for what new birth said. she's right. but some how I doubt any body will want to talk to me any way.
I'm pretty sure NewBirth is a dude or in the least a very masculine woman ;) if not, I've been sorely mistaken. NewBirth, I gave you a positive reputation point last night, 'cause you're funny as hell!

Guest, people don't want to talk to someone who isn't happy with themselves because it's a real downer. People can sense it from a mile away. Be happy with aspects other than your social life and then make a point to tell everyone around you "hello" and sort of project that you are a happy person.
Trent! I talked to you dude but of course I know you want more people to talk to. Why don't you start talking to other people here? In other threads. I mean it's easier doing it here than in person. :)

And please don't give up. You've still got a long way to explore and find people. Giving up now is just way too soon.
Guest said:
Whoaisme said:
Before you look for friends... are you happy with yourself?

I wouldn't say I'm happy with myself. but I'm trying to. as for what new birth said. she's right. but some how I doubt any body will want to talk to me any way.
sure. of course we would. or uh at least i would
Whoaisme said:
I'm pretty sure NewBirth is a dude or in the least a very masculine woman ;) if not, I've been sorely mistaken. NewBirth, I gave you a positive reputation point last night, 'cause you're funny as hell!
i really dont mind being called he or she. makes no difference 2 me LoL. & thanx 4 the pos point. that was nice of u
Yeah you should just give up on making friend and instead look for a gf or bf.