I know what it is, and how to get to it, but I stay away from it.
Mostly because it's crawling with feds and so I don't go on the dark web for the same reason I don't download anything related to Tencent:
Because there's probably some sketchy spyware stuff hidden in there somewhere given that the nature of it is sketchy to begin with.
Back in the days of the old internet, I used to hang out on gore sites a lot throughout my teens and into my early 20s.
I used them mostly as a way to desensitize myself from the sheltering my family imposed upon me to prepare myself psychologically for real world horror and travesty so that I could process tragedy a little better. This is also part of how and why I avoided falling into the trap of hard drugs and high profile criminal activity the way that many of the people I grew up with unfortunately ended up. It very quickly taught me that life is no joke or game, mortality is real and is absolutely terrifying and everything that we do and everything that we don't do does in fact actually matter.
This is also something I don't talk about much anymore, as such sites mostly have lost funding or have fallen to federal investigations due to live or active investigations being uploaded by unfortunately psychotically cracked individuals who were later apprehended by rightful authorities.
I will admit that it's not something I'm proud of, but I was an angry kid from an impoverished, abusive and neglectful family, and in the naivety of my youth the history of human tragedies fascinated me as I wondered how and why people ended up putting themselves in these situations that resulted in their mortality being compromised. This will happen by default in life, as life is kind of a Choose Your Own Death Adventure Book, but one can minimize the risks simply by just NOT falling into degeneracy to the point that degeneracy could situationally compromise your mortality moreover; Don't do addictive drugs, and you won't mess your life up over addictive drugs. Don't spend your money on stupid crap you don't need when you don't have a lot of money to do so, and you wont compromise your mortality over bad investments because you decided that some fancy materialistic thing was more important than saving money for rent.
As for the drug market, you know the damned thing is that because I look and sound like a stereotypical stoner/surfer, drugs find me more often than I find drugs. And the reason that's funny to me is I didn't start smoking weed until I was like 22 or 23, technically I did LSD a couple times first. I never touched uppers, downers, benzos or barbiturates --except for alcohol, because I am actually a recovered alcoholic. But because I'm from a family where both my mother and my sister were opiate addicts, I'm very familiar with all of the ups and downs of addictions and vices. It's sort of a touchy subject for me, and I tend to just stay away from people into harder drugs because of having seen the whole ride already. Hell, I don't even trip anymore, I made the choice to stop after I'd done over 260 hits of LSD within a 10-year span. I used to trip on every Equinox, because I wanted an entheogenic experience of The Wheel of the Year. Acid, weed, and time kind of mellowed me out. Acid is also a bit physically taxing, it's not a party drug to me, but even then, the afterglow the next day or so coming down, just feels a bit sore like I've been exercising. I tried mushrooms and DMT a couple of times. Mushrooms made me too emotional all 3 times and so I decided that they're not for me because all 3 times resulted in me panicking and crying. DMT was cool, but that was a one-off at a friends place, and in truth I haven't talked to any of my old connections in well over a decade now, I live in a totally different city too far away.
I don't go on the dark web because anything I'd find on there that would interest me anyway is already part of my past life and I've no real interest in going back to those places.