WARNING: Story about how I made the choice to move and change my life, as well as topics about religion and finding one self. I am not religious and will not belittle religion, but I may say things I had previously thought about religion during that period of time. Just a warning, if you are sensitive to these topics.
I made the move with my parents to start my life completely over as soon as I graduated high school. High school was the worst time of my life, EVER. I lived in the Midwest and was raised by two different families: open-minded agnostics/atheists, and fundamentalist Christians. This is how it went:
Before I turned 18, my father and my stepmother (the atheists) had custody of me. I went to see my biological mother and step-father (the very religious ones) every other weekend, (I could choose when I saw them as a grew older). My father and stepmother have my little brother and my mother and stepfather have my two little sisters.
After my stepmom gave birth to my brother, she completely changed her attitude of me. We started to argue all of the time, I no longer deserved hugs and kisses from her, she yelled at me all of the time for my poor grades. She casted me away in such a manner that she treated me as a stranger and that my brother was her only child.
It got to the point where we would argue every single day. Maybe this was all in my head, but she would scour me out for flaws and belittle me for them. I became very depressed and lonely, and sought attention from boys at school, an eventually was sexually taken advantage by a man in his mid-twenties at my very first job at 16 years old.
I needed to find solace, needed to get back on track, find MYSELF. I expressed my depression and sadness to my biological mother, saying I wanted to give her a chance to finally have me live under her roof, for the first time since I was born. I said I missed my baby sisters and wanted to help take care if them, that I wanted to find peace and love in my life and heart. She gladly accepted, even rushed to move the family into a bigger house so they could give me a place called home.
I was in for another emotional roller coaster, and a few emotional slaps across the face with The Holy Bible.
I was so desperate for love and acceptance, that I wasn't thinking when I moved in with my religious family. I had forgotten that when my mother married my stepfather, that every time I came over, they would try to force Jesus into my heart, shove religion down my throat. It hurt that they could not accept me for who I was. Now, it was starting all over again.
I lived with them for a few months. Some good things happened: got my first car, passed high school, and in the summer started a great romantic relationship. None if this was good enough for my family, though. It was all déjà-vu. My mother and I started to argue a lot, except she screamed and was a lot scarier than my stepmom. One time when my boyfriend came over to visit me, she had started an argument with me and it turned into a screaming battle. My boyfriend took my hand and led me to my car, grabbed my keys and jumped in, locking the doors and rolling up the windows. Mom ran outside, screaming and then slamming on the windows of my car. I later drove over to her house in the middle of the night, writing a note that said, "I'M MOVING AWAY. YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF."
So, I moved back in with my Dad and stepmom. I slept in the basement until my stepmom got the news that we would be moving to [classified] for her new job. I was thrilled. A completely different area with amazing people, a great school (college) and new possibilities in life. We moved three weeks after that news, and lived in the apartment we rented in the new area for a year. Things were always bad between my stepmom and I, but as soon as I turned 19, I threw myself out if the house, not ready to take on the world. I was scared, but excited about what was waiting for me.
I got a nice apartment with my two then-roommates, got the job I work at now, and started a very happy, healthy lifestyle where I knew I was liked. I became so happy after that. I still am, even though I have my moments of loneliness. I have never regretted moving, even if I wasn't ready. It's an amazing and exciting experience. I love where I live, and love my circle of friends that I now consider family. The distance made me and both sides of my family grow so much closer. They miss me, and I miss them, but it was for the best.
Don't be afraid to throw yourself out there. It will be difficult at first, but I am sure that if you found the right place and people, you will thank yourself for moving and starting over.
Sorry about the LONG story. I don't want to turn the subject on me but I figured that you and I related at one point of time, and that I'd share my experience. Hope it helped.