Anyone get depressed looking at old content on the internet?

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Well known loser
Jul 26, 2011
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New Zealand
Whenever I look at early youtube uploads, old flickr or FB photos and see something from the 2000s I have to shake my head and realize that was 15 years ago. There's something unsettling about the passage of time without the haze of memories or aging film/video stock.

People don't look that much different from then to now. I'm getting really old and and depressed about it, but it's unsettling seeing something from 2008 or earlier taken on a digital camera or a phone camera when they started to be not so crap, with people doing their OE or travelling, who look practically identical to young people today. They would be middle aged now, with lives already lived, marriages already wrecked, children and divorces all under their belts, yet here they are staring back as their younger, more naive selves in a selfie that looks like it was taken yesterday.
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For me, I can barely stand to listen/watch anything I used to cherish. Old films, old music. It used to just be older music that I had kind of, had grown beyond the phase of my life where it resonated with me; but, now there is just an empty void where everything I once held sacred, in film, music, maybe life in general, is gone...

Maybe about 7 or 8 years ago, I started on this trip of discovering old movies, it was pure bliss, at the time. Watching an animated film from the late 1970's felt like being transported back in time, to a bigger world, where you could still here echoes in the spaces that weren't being filled with cellular microwave radiation; and the silence of the pauses between communications that weren't linked by a world wide web, or a pocket computer radio (cell phone). These experiences were so profound, I wish I could just jump into these fantasy universes, and never look back...

Film, for me, has in some ways, been more to me than the so called real life. I've never been a 'fan,' type person, of certain things (getting obsessive about fiction (which is it what is not judging fandoms, just never really did that sort of thing)); but, always just found such joy in being immersed in these fictitious worlds...

And for some time now, all of that, is just empty now... It's a difficult thing to describe; probably not the same as a mid-life crisis or existential crisis; but, the one that hurts a lot, is not having that portal to the past, that gave me so much joy. If I some how managed to find a worthy flic from say the early 1980's; it would taste about as bland as a dried piece of bread, with no water to wash it down...

Maybe not quite the same thing you are talking about; but, I also experience those thigns too. It's creeping up on me. I'm nearing 40 and missing some very essential ingredients to even be considered for a relationship. I'm not sure I could even really function in one at the moment. And on top of that, old friends have well established families, other old friends are moving in their own directions...


Cheer up mate :) Every day is a new beginning; it ain't over till it's over. Don't forget that. Don't let a bitter, miserable old man move into your body. I'm trying to work on that too. It's a god damn waste of life.

Look at Betty White; she never aged a day past her late 20's,/early 30's...

I'd like to believe a single short few seconds, can make an entire life, suddenly worth it.

Anywho.. You can't be miserable all the time, even if you are; gotta take some breaks... Have to come up for air now and then...
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Kids today don't know about GeoCities and Angelfire.
Napster? Wtf is that??
I made a Daria reference to some girl that works for me who's 20 and she just looked at me like: "What? I don't get it..."
Yeah, I feel my age all the time.
The only reason I'm able to deal with it is because I'm painfully aware that I'm past my physical prime, and I'm managing a small handful of people under 27.
There are a lot of things I miss about being younger, but I'm more level-headed in my age, so it's not all bad.
It can be depressing some nights though, so I try not to think about it too much.
For me, I can barely stand to listen/watch anything I used to cherish. Old films, old music. It used to just be older music that I had kind of, had grown beyond the phase of my life where it resonated with me; but, now there is just an empty void where everything I once held sacred, in film, music, maybe life in general, is gone...

Maybe about 7 or 8 years ago, I started on this trip of discovering old movies, it was pure bliss, at the time. Watching an animated film from the late 1970's felt like being transported back in time, to a bigger world, where you could still here echoes in the spaces that weren't being filled with cellular microwave radiation; and the silence of the pauses between communications that weren't linked by a world wide web, or a pocket computer radio (cell phone). These experiences were so profound, I wish I could just jump into these fantasy universes, and never look back...

Film, for me, has in some ways, been more to me than the so called real life. I've never been a 'fan,' type person, of certain things (getting obsessive about fiction (which is it what is not judging fandoms, just never really did that sort of thing)); but, always just found such joy in being immersed in these fictitious worlds...

And for some time now, all of that, is just empty now... It's a difficult thing to describe; probably not the same as a mid-life crisis or existential crisis; but, the one that hurts a lot, is not having that portal to the past, that gave me so much joy. If I some how managed to find a worthy flic from say the early 1980's; it would taste about as bland as a dried piece of bread, with no water to wash it down...

Maybe not quite the same thing you are talking about; but, I also experience those thigns too. It's creeping up on me. I'm nearing 40 and missing some very essential ingredients to even be considered for a relationship. I'm not sure I could even really function in one at the moment. And on top of that, old friends have well established families, other old friends are moving in their own directions...


Cheer up mate :) Every day is a new beginning; it ain't over till it's over. Don't forget that. Don't let a bitter, miserable old man move into your body. I'm trying to work on that too. It's a god damn waste of life.

Look at Betty White; she never aged a day past her late 20's,/early 30's...

I'd like to believe a single short few seconds, can make an entire life, suddenly worth it.

Anywho.. You can't be miserable all the time, even if you are; gotta take some breaks... Have to come up for air now and then...
I still look obsessively at old content (music, film, local TV shows etc.) from 15+ years ago and like I said it's eerie how well preserved it is, how it hasn't aged at all in some respects. The mid seventies would have seemed like the buried past to someone living in the '90s, not so much now. But yeah it's also getting boring, focusing so much on the past with no new memories.

With older film, I enjoy long drawn out scenes, the silent spaces instead of constant action and plot progression.
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A little bit. But, I get more a feeling of Wow! That seems like a lifetime ago. Where did all that time go? Then I start remembering all the stuff I did and went through and think I'm glad I'm not back there now.

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