I'm incapable of looking forward

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Well known loser
Jul 26, 2011
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New Zealand
Everything ahead seems depressing and empty.

I constantly look backwards, looking up old series from the late 90s/ 2000s, old games, music, news items, celebrities, presenters, events, which is easy to do now with various archival sites, old webpages and retro themed YouTube channels. Or I'll drift around the inner city aimlessly trying to remember the way it was.

If I can hang on to these memories, keep them clear and unsullied, I won't have to face the future, but it's beginning to seem a world away now as the past recedes and time speeds up with age. The only reason the early 2000s don't seem as far removed as say the early 80s would have to my generation is because people dress similarly, popular culture has been recycled and the internet has made everything going back decades accessible. Younger people are more tolerant than what I remember, but realistically I can't really relate to them much longer and don't want to be a sad old man they tolerate out of pity.

The past was also when family members were alive. Even the cat, who died 2005; as weird as it sounds I would never consider getting another pet because it might somehow mess with my memories, so I can't move on even in this minimal way.

Of course people will tell me to fill up my time more effectively but I'm terrified time will go by even quicker in that case.
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sounds like you have anxiety. try to live in the moment and meditate even for just two one minute at a time.
Ardour I can well understand your fear of getting older I was feeling this alot lately as I soon to hit mid fifties.Alot of men my age keel over and die that I've heard of or are husbands of wifes that my wife mixes with socially and at work ,start to suffer from age related illnesses that aren't really going to end well.I've even been nervous about advertising about new work thinking customers would rather see younger fitter men turning up than an old man in a ****** old white van🙂.But weirdly they all seemed to look pleased which I've thinking deeply about lately why when I stress so much about my age do people seem to think the opposite. I've come to the conclusion they see realiabilty,knowledge, surely someone that age is going to know what he's doing.Wheras before I used to get tested on this when younger but now people just leave me to it which is really starting to make me comfortable about my age.I still get reminded by cheeky little fcuker kids that talk about retirement homes and that I'll be dead soon but I just laugh it off but it does hurt sometimes.

Sorry about being long winded but trying to say it's not all that bad when your old but it's important to live day by day and to realize you really have to make the most of your life. If you really worried about getting old you really have to change your life NOW!!!...before in your mind it is too late.
Ardour I can understand your fear,I fear the future,I think everyone these days are afraid of the future,with how the world is nowadays.
Usually that is a sign that you are now old. But, things pretty much suck now for most people. HOPEFULLY something good will magically happen in the near future.

My adult past, barring a few years here and there, was definitely better then the future is going to be for me. Even the little hobbies and things I used to do has gotten too expensive to enjoy any more. Travelling has gotten too expensive and I've been everywhere I want / wanted to go. The places I like I have been permanently closed down or has restricted access to them.

Currently I just keep working / fixing up my house to keep it up and to keep busy. But, after that I'm really not sure what I'm going to do. In about a year or two I will have to figure something out as all my projects will have run their course.

I keep thinking about trying to reinvent myself. Like joining a senior center and mixing it up with them. But, in reality that doesn't sound very exciting. Ha! ha! I thought about getting a stunt bike and learning some cool tricks since there is a skate / bike park close to me. But, I'm old now and will probably just end up hurting myself. A couple weeks ago I tried to do a minor trick I used to easily do on a jump and launched one of my spiked pedals into my shin. It bled quite a bit and is still swollen. Lesson learned. Ha! Ha!

I was thinking about volunteering again as a way to learn to intermingle with people again. But, when I was doing that before all it did was stress me out. I don't think you can teach / train someone to be social that isn't. I tried to do that to myself for years and failed miserably at it. I even tried to get help from several psychiatrists. But, that didn't work either. It's like I want to be social. But, my mind says, **** you, people suck dumb ass here's some stress for your wasted effort. ha! ha!

So, yeah, all I really see is being on the computer / internet, watching movies, and eating food. I definitely want to figure out something. It is difficult being a loner while all the available activities require being social. I ride my bike to parks and watch others play baseball. I want to like to play with them. But, I also really don't want to play with them. So, I watch from the outside, get bored, and ride off.
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