Anyone here use alcohol to forget about loneliness?

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2008
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I'm no alcoholic, but I have discovered just lately that alcohol does improve my state of mind if only temporarilly. At best it creates a false kind of happiness, and at worst it sends me to sleep. Both are much better than my state of mind when sober.
Alcohol helps me a little, and lets me feel a little bit more open and able to express myself. Im really self consious when it comes to expressing myself.

But it doesnt help me with the loneliness, makes me feel worse actually.
No...I don't drink anymore for reasons.
Alcohol offered me temporary releave from my pains, loniness, or problems.
Alcohol is a depressent...straight up and simple.
If i feel alonely or's just make it worst for me.

I'm the only person that consider myself an alcoholic...
hell there's people that act alot worst than me sober.
There's people that drank a lot more than i ever will.
I stopped drinking at the age of 22...
I was my decision. I didn't have court cards or DWI...nothing of that nature.
I was sick and tired of being sick and tire of myself and the way I was living my life.

An addiction of any kind it just escape for me to run and not deal with my problems.
Some addictions has negative consiquences than others.
We all have them...

It's simple really....If I'm lonely...I need to go out and make friends
Or if I want to get into a relatonship...I need to learn how be in a relationship...communicate,
stop acting on my BS....etc. Admmit my worngs and grow the **** up...or learn from my mistakes.
In other words spend time and energy learning.
Yes...I made a fucken big mistake today...I hurted someone I care about or that someone cares
for me...Evidently, if that person didn't cared for my ass...they wouldn't hurted...duh.
I'm suppost to feel remose and not numb the **** i don't do stupid **** like that again.
I'm suppost to feel lonely or like **** for a while or feel the fucken i don't do stupid
**** like that again or take people for granted when they open up their heart and soul...
Try to love me or care for me... hurts like hell. I did it to myself. My bad, my mistakes...i did that.
Since I'm not funken numb or living ing denial...I'm aware of that.
The fucken pain makes me aware of that...taking it like a man as tears run down my face...
becuase it fucken hurts.

yeah...thats what i want..A woman who's not afraid to tell me to **** off when I'm wrong.
Someone who's not afraid of telling me I hurted them becuase it's not okay for me to hurt people.
A woman who's willing to not put up with my BS and call me out on it.
Comfronting my fucken problems straight up. Loving and caring enough for let me know straight up.
So I can better myself.

I not suppost to fling out my fucken pain/Dis-Ease on others and blame other people for my BS.

If I get ****** up...I aint learning..I'm just numbing out my feelings.
If i get fuckend up out of my mind...I make even more stupid decisions or act out...hurt other
people without even giving a second thought. Cuase more fucken pain for myself and others..
Drink some more to get a tempoary releave or numb the **** out...its a visious cycle.
No thanks...I've had enough. I rather have hot and sweaty mind numbing sex, learn new positions :p
Yes I used to use alcohol to deal with loneliness, it was fine feeling on cloud nine for that short time until reality sunk in and then I was back into the cycle again. Now it's down to being non affordable for me and I don't get drunk like I used to so really don't enjoy drinking. I used alcohol for years as a means to feel better about myself but then again I cried a lot drinking it too so it was a depressant as well.
I haven't had the need to numb myself with alcohol for long time, but I have done so in the past. I guess there would be better ways to deal with problems, but for short-term reliever it worked just fine for me.
It normally sends me to sleep as well.

I always think its going to make me feel better in some way, But it never dose.

when I have drank in the past alone its normally cos am board shitless. I normally start posting stupid stuff just for fun on a forum some place. sometimes this one and sometimes another one. Then after I sometimes get upset with myself and that's when it becomes no fun. Mostly I don't drink alone now. probably once a month and that's manly just out of boardom.

Alcohol for me doesn't numb anything. It just enhancers the way am feeling. So if am feeling happy all be moor happy and if am feeling sad I well be moor sad. Am happy normally when I start drinking. But there is always a time at night when I have to make dinner for my self be for I go to bed. This is the time I would get to be feeling bad if drunk. The road you take when starting to drink well take you to no place good. Of that much I do know.
I used to rely on alcohol to improve my moods in the past. It didn't matter what it was- beer, wine, and hard liquor seemed to suffice. When I turned 21, I can honestly say I drank about 3 nights a week. It started to cause me problems. I would become overly emotional and would often humiliate myself through my conduct. I have made an ass of myself plenty of times, and even ruined some prospective dating opportunities. I have drastically cut back now, only drinking one night a week on the weekend. Alcohol should never be used as a substitution for good coping mechanisms. Take it from me, bad first impressions are hard to overcome.
I used to drink alcohol 4-5 times a week to just make me pass out because its the only thing to help me instantly forget about things. Currently, I just drink on the weekends or if some people from class invite me to the pub near my campus. I'll only have one or two drinks since I have to drive home. That is happening a lot since the semester is almost finished and people all of the sudden really want to get to know you.

It never helps, but for some people the feelings never stop so they don't stop drinking. You just keep on getting yourself drunk and sometimes just make yourself look like such a fool in front of family or associates. Just the thought that I drink by myself sometimes depresses me.

For myself the light buzz at first is nice, but then I get really tired and all my feelings are still there. They are worse and living with them in that state is unbearable. I get a mix of being angry, sad, and just sorry for myself.
i have never been a heavy or regular drinker.. i had my fair share of drinking to excess experiences when i was younger and discovered that i was the kind that had to sit and wait for an hour or two when i reached a certain level before i had the luxury of 'bringing up the goods'.. what i mean is... when i drank too much it took a long while of feeling utterly **** before i could purge.. this had the effect of not really wanting to drink at all from an early age... the first time i got drunk i ended throwing up, falling unconcious, getting dragged into someones bed (to sleep it off), throwing up in the bed on myself and sleeping the rest of the night with my own puke to keep me company.. lmao

as i got older i realised that alcohol is just like any other thing that you can do that is 'bad' for you.. people will always do things that are not healthy for them.. because they are enjoyable..

but i think the key is MODERATION

..and to look inside yourself and work out 'why' you are doing what it is you are doing.. reflect on your behaviour :)

i dont think alcohol or any other drug.. can be used as a cure/panacea for deep emotional struggles.. like depression, lonliness etc.. it will only act as a bandaid.. providing momentary relief.. it can help 'loosen up' those conversational juices and help you to relax.. i dont think this is a bad thing..

alcohol is a depressant as crow said and it has the effect of lowering inhibitions which can reduce your anxiety and self conciousness.. these can be benefits.. i just think it is not a good idea to try and let it solve your emotional difficulties 'long term'...

use it as a tool.. not a crutch.. be thoughtful, cautions and intelligent in the way you use it..
CAS said:
I'm no alcoholic, but I have discovered just lately that alcohol does improve my state of mind if only temporarilly. At best it creates a false kind of happiness, and at worst it sends me to sleep. Both are much better than my state of mind when sober.

I'm doing it now! And have done all my adult life.
Socialising with other people has always been so much easier when there's a bar there. But drinking alone has become a bit of a problem. I try to fill the emptiness with alcohol, and it often works but then there's the comedown to deal with. I usually deal with this by drinking more, but you have to come down in the end. The come down comes eventually and the "cure" seems worse than the disease, but you do it again because you don't have any better ideas.
Sometimes. I'm coming to the realization that I don't like to drink more than once a week. The reason is, because it just seems to blur time together, makes the days go even faster than they already go. The problem I have with alcohol is that while it can take the edge off of some of the bad things in life, it also takes the edge off of the good times. At least, that's how it feels for me. It just numbs me, for good or ill, just kinda makes everything diminished. I don't want to go through my whole life lost in a fog.
I dont drink myself under the table for quite a few years. But it never really helped me to be honest. Maybe to socialize a bit, but not sure that was all that desired, considering who I am etc...
But you can say I´m a stoner. I use that against this lonely feeling. But I smoke too much, I know that (but not socially), so its quite possible that it actually deepens this state of mine.
Whether you drink or don't drink, your problems are still there. It's better to face your problems and determine a solution to them.
Using alcohol to forget about your problems only means you're allowing yourself to deny you have problems and hide from them. Even if it's just for a little while. Chances are, it will only get worse, as you need to get away from your problems more and more as time goes on.
I don't, but Ive been thinking about it. I dont really like the taste but im sure i could get used to it.
I used to drink a lot to pass the time, or to keep me company...basically out of loneliness. I still drink wine every day, but it's really for my enjoyment, not for any kind of bad habit or to escape reality.
Pike Creek said:
I used to drink a lot to pass the time, or to keep me company...basically out of loneliness. I still drink wine every day, but it's really for my enjoyment, not for any kind of bad habit or to escape reality.

I hear a glass or so of red wine a day is supposed to be good for your blood and heart. I wouldn't be opposed to that, in fact, I'll probably take that up sometime, I've been wanting to. Some of my relatives have been doing that for years and it's turned out alright. I just don't want to be really buzzed/drunk more than once per week cause it just dulls me completely and takes away my desire to do anything but loaf around, consume, and drink some more. I want to create a life that I don't constantly want to escape and decompress from.
TheSkaFish said:
I hear a glass or so of red wine a day is supposed to be good for your blood and heart. I wouldn't be opposed to that, in fact, I'll probably take that up sometime, I've been wanting to. Some of my relatives have been doing that for years and it's turned out alright. I just don't want to be really buzzed/drunk more than once per week cause it just dulls me completely and takes away my desire to do anything but loaf around, consume, and drink some more. I want to create a life that I don't constantly want to escape and decompress from.

From my own experience, yes, red wine does a lot of good for me. I can't medically vouch for my heart and blood but I am in good health according to yearly doctor visits and blood tests, so I'd love to think that my love for wine contributes to that! My main observation is that a few glasses a day really helps with my digestion overall. It also helps me relax a little without feeling tipsy or drunk. If you overdo it then yes, you open yourself up to lots of health issues and sleep problems, but for me, I've found 2 glasses each evening is good for me. But I have to keep in mind, they are empty calories too, so I have to watch what I eat if I want to keep enjoying the wine every day. I've gone from using it as an escape to enjoying it as an enhancement to my dinner. But I've also become quite a connoisseur so it's a fun (yet expensive) hobby as well.

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