Size difference. A woman with the hourglass figure, but outweighs me considerably. Sometimes I just
really want to be smothered in curves. Something about the size difference, with me being a lot smaller, is very exciting to me. I've always wondered why I am like this. It's not that I want to stop or anything, I'm just curious because it is outside society's "norms".
I've also noticed that I've gone from simply always liking chubbier women, to liking increasingly bigger women. I think it's more like, maybe I never considered the possibility before, never asked myself the question, and it turns out my "range" is more than I thought. I'm more honest with myself than I used to be about it. They're not my only type, but definitely one of my types.
Aside from that, I like sincerity, sweetness, wholesomeness. It's endearing, and makes me feel comfortable around a person. I like someone with a heart.
Turn offs, would obviously be emotionally cold/hierarchical people, etc. - the people I've never gotten along with in the first place.
D'oh I saw I already answered this...