Are you a good person?

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Nov 24, 2009
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Are you? Ask yourself that question. This is something that everyone should think about but no one does because noone likes the answer.

(P.S. this is way better to read while you are listening to This Is Your Life by Switchfoot)

If you answered yes, then think really hard I bet you really aren't.

If you answered no then what you should do is think about every individual thing that you do wrong on a daily basis and everyone you are mean to or rude to then try to apologize or make up for it in some way. You may look stupid but that doesnt matter whats more important? What other people think about you or what you think about yourself?

I thought about all of this and I have discovered that I am a truly horrible person, but it is never too late to make up for it.
Sometimes I come across a bit brash because I might be in a hurry. I find a lot of hurt feelings can come down to mis-communication...if I'm pre-occupied with something or if I haven't been having a good day, sometimes I forget myself and get short with other people. I'm honest though, and I do fairly well at reading people's reactions, so I usually catch myself and apologize/explain things.

I think we all have our bad days and we all have our limits. I think being a good person comes down to being honest about it with ourselves and others, and being able to say "Hey, I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just (really busy/this or that happened). So how are ya?" and correct from there. So far it's worked well for me and those around me.
If you want to be a good person and try your best to be one, then I'd say that you're a good person. I'm somewhere in between I guess. I want to be a good person, and I try to be one, but I could always put some more effort into it. Especially at work, where I meet a lot of people everyday. It's so hard to care about everyone who complain, are rude, negative, talking in their cellphones, make fun of you. It's too much for me.

We're only human though. We all have good days and bad days. Still, being down isn't an excuse to treat everyone around you like ****.
I try to be a good person-on my own time and own dime I fed the homeless a few times a week for about a year, but in my own loneliness I gave that up. I try to be kind to family and to strangers.

I just can't beat the loneliness with a stick.
Obviously nobody is perfect. I try to always think about my words and actions before I act and I try to be thoughtful of others. I have done things I regret no doubt, but on the whole I feel 100% confident that I am a good person.
hmm When I really think back on it, I'd have to say that I am a bad person trying to do good things. Any good "deed" I do for another person I only do because it seems like the right thing to do, I'm not nice to people because I want to be, but more because I think I should be. Always comes across as disingenuous too, I bet. Is acting nicely the same as being nice? I wonder.
What Void said, I'm sure I'm not good enough of a person, but I do good things because I'm suppose to, I debate and feel angry over bad things other people do, but does that mean I can do better than these people? I don't know. I wouldn't hurt anyone, but I'm not the type that would lend a hand to strangers at urgent situation out of reflex or good will, I'd help if they ask for it, or even offer to help for a friend, do I mean it? I'm not sure, I feel really neutral about them and I'm doing what I'm suppose to do.

Sometimes it feels like I'm thinking too much and properly plan everything that I don't even think anymore, a car would probably about to crash into someone and I probably would have no intention of jumping in and push him out of the way, if I foresee it and I have time to actually think before I act, I'll definitely do it, even if it might harm me in a way, just because I think it's a right thing to do, but I'm not doing it because I have the passion or love the person. I definitely wouldn't do something because I want something in return. When the first thing in your head is a bunch of logic and you weighing pros and cons, judging whether what you do is correct or not, you really aren't that different than a person doing bad deeds, you just came up with a different answer than the one who would do other wise, it's just that you're putting something else on the top priority than other people, that people consider as "good", but I have no good intentions at all, so I suppose I'm not a bad person if I'm not harming anyone.
In certain situations I'd probably do nothing that leads to result into something bad, if something like that were to happen, I'd be considered as bad, but if I were to plan ahead, I would probably risk my life on saving someone, whether I'm a bad/good person or not is pretty relative, but if it is all innate and my decision based on logic and moral aren't evident enough of whether I'm good or bad, and we're judging purely by what I would do by instinct, I'm probably an animal and a bad person, because I wouldn't do crap about anything unless I have the complete solution.

I think it was Socrates that says, "He who knows what good is will do good", but it's all just logic and programming to me.
Thirteen said:
Used to be. Amazing how relationships change people.

this is so true. i feel like a ghost among others now. i do nice things like hold doors and smile and make small chat, but it seems to annoy most. so whats the point. do unto others right? well im not recieving any good nature from anyone.
Yes, I am. Unfortunately this is taken for granted, or unjustly used by others in order to serve their egoistic interests, or worse, considered a stupid innocence to laugh at and about.
And still, in spite of that..I am and continue being a good person (no self-flattering here).
I also agree with Void.
I don't feel that any person is good. For that matter, I don't believe anyone to be totally bad. If it comes down to it, we are animals doing what is necessary to survive, and if our individual plans deem it necessary to act decently, we had better. If not, behavior can deteriorate quickly.

Then again we are very smart animals, and it is possible for us to ignore base instincts. If we do that, we are acting "good". But to actually personify "good" seems impossible.

I am generally decent to people if I can at all manage it. Some of them go so far as to say that I am a good person, but I know that I don't have the slightest noble intention. I am, in fact, very horrible. It just works out that I don't have much call or opportunity to act horribly.
TylerZumwalt said:
I thought about all of this and I have discovered that I am a truly horrible person, but it is never too late to make up for it.

I grew tired of believing that I'm a horrible person and listening to people that encouraged me to think it. It occured to me that most of the people who have a low opinion of my abilities are clueless as to what those abilities are... and don't care to begin with.

I think apologizing for mistakes is good policy. Just be sure you're not doing it for the sake of unappreciative jackasses. It's not worth the effort.
I try to be a good person but then I get mowed over like a trash can that had rolled infront of a steam roller without brakes.

These days, I'm only a good person to strangers or people who treat me with respect.

To some people who give me a hard time, I turn into a pain-in-the-@** bitch and become as difficult as I can possibly be *huffs*.

Does that make sense?
I don't want to be a 'good' person, because society (and religion, a lot of the time) defines what is 'good' and what is not. And I don't want any aspect of My being defined by some external source. :/

I want to be a person that I am proud of being. Some of those aspects are analogous with society's idea of 'goodness' -- being pleasant to people when they approach Me (which happens quite often down here because that's the kind of environment it is), holding the door for the person behind Me, being tolerant of others no matter what their beliefs and lifestyles, et cetera. But to Me, all that stuff is just minor anyway.

Besides all this, I think Michael Curry defined 'goodness' the best way possible at the end of Anne Rice's 'The Witching Hour', and honestly, I wish I believed what he believed. I would quote it, but it's kind of long, LOL. But I really should...​
"I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most crucial moments."

- Jim Morrison

The Lizard King summed it up better than I ever could...
Hmmm...that's a good question.

But what makes someone good or bad? Actions or inner thoughts?

Because if this were judged on actions, then yes, I would consider myself to be a good person. I'm nice to people, I go out of my way to do extra things for family & friends (such as they are)...I treat animals kindly, pay my taxes, work hard...everything.

If this is judged on inner thoughts, I'd probably be a bad person. I love to fight, (both physically and verbally)...I can be aggressive, I'm shamelessly quick with hurtful sarcasm against others...I judge people when I shouldn't...I have a low opinion of at least half of the human race...things like that. (Alright, I may have exaggerated a bit, but you get the point).

So am I a good person (because of actions) or a bad person (because of my own thoughts and views of the world)?

Tough question, but in the self-serving interest of promoting a clean image of me to everyone, I'd say I'm a good person! ^_^


(P.S. Now no one's going to trust me when I tell them they're nice or smart or something! :p)
im pretty alright.
*brushes shoulder off*
might even say im a great person.


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