@Jacob - Very few. I'm a gamer but I'm from the 80s and 90's generation and separated myself from it when RPGs fell off as being the premier genre in gaming. I'm not into FPS or any of this "new" stuff now. I don't wont watch TV at all because..well I'll keep it to myself because I've gotten into a few arguements over the reason, and to this day I still don't understand why those involved got so uptight over it.. Hint: I don't support the image of women being displayed as weak beings. I am a poet..well a retired poet, I have written I think 51 since 2009.. The worst form of rejection is when a poem you write to someone you really like, never gives you a response. I don't play sports, but I'm a football/baseball(especially baseball..) fan. And well wrestling too, but the sport aspect of it, rather than the entertainment/gimmicky aspect of it. A former writer..I wrote about 7 short stories..I tried starting over, and so far I have just the cover writing. It's been about 10 yrs since I last wrote.. Because of the nature of today's music, there is only one form of music I listen to now and that video game OSTs.
@ak5 - Trying to make friends, is one big one. And I FAILED REALLY HARD AT THAT. I seem to attract those who couldn't hold a conversation if their lives depended on it. To get over my previous ex, I pulled myself away from any place online where she is known to go. I got rid of pictures, other things. I don't talk to her. Advice given to me by my mom, and some advice I read online.. While I don't blame her for anything, there is the overwhelming feeling that my life is done for. And the one guy I can be myself to, at work, is being an ass over stupid crap, and we often don't talk for days.
I started focusing more and more on my work, than pointlessly trying to re-invent myself, and I deactivated my useless facebook page. I downloaded lots of stuff to help me occupy this maddening amount of lonely ass free time that I have. All the while, wishing for and mourning over a life that is gone. I felt I needed to "clean" my image, so I had been practicing getting rid of my habit of swearing. No one notices, no one cares, it's not benefitting me at all. From all this, I start coming to a lot of conclusions.. First of all, after talking with my mom, as well as the incident with the poem, I am in short - an unrealistic thinker. I've pretty much been told that sex is the way to go, and the whole love and romance mentality is stupid. I've even been told I just need to get laid. That wont help, and I can't have sex casually because my mind doesn't work that way. I can only do it, if I feel that way about the girl in question and no, I will not do it if I feel lust and I DO know the difference between love and lust. I don't think about sex, that is farther away from me, than the total distance between the Sun and Pluto. Doing it like it means nothing like "every one else" because "it's a human thing" will not help me, but make me feel worse. When I tell myself on some days that it's time to let this go, and just live life and not care because NOTHING WILL CHANGE, my tiny desire to prove myself wrong kicks in, and then...I fail again..
@TropicalStarfish - *waves*