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TheLoadedDog said:
I thought Freud has been debunked.  Good if he has, because the monsters of my own id are not something I want unleashed.

Freud is funny for a railway enthusiast.  People dream of trains going into tunnels and it means sex.  I dream of sex and it means trains going into tunnels!  :)

Anyway, coming up to 0630. Bottle shop (off licence to you Brits, bodega or something to the Yanks?) opens in an hour and a half.  Beer can be had!

LOL Nope. Still teach him in college. WELL, did when I had my go-round. Apparently, some of the things he taught are indeed legit. His seperation of psyche, for example. The Me, The Self, all that (God, it's been so long I think I've forgotten more than I learned lol).
I'm more of a Nietsche man myself. But I blame Arnold Worchestershire's movie for that ;-)
Never heard about the trains in tunnels. Experts may believe what they want, I think it's horseshit. I think dreaming of trains going through tunnels is brilliant, because if they didn't, they'd ram RIGHT through the mountainside and explode into dead people ;-)
Ugh, I keep looking at my watch and can't wait for the second I get out of hear. I actually have a nice, sweet bottle of medieval ale (Hydromel in french, I don't know how to translate that lol) waiting for me at home. Declicious!
This post jumped out at me because a while back some one suggested I was autiistic because I don't care for loud, crowded places, or really bright fluorescent lighting. I knew nothing about Autism besides severe childhood cases and Rain Man of course. I was concerned and went to a therapist who diagnosed me as HSP highly sensitive person. I was relieved to know that some of my traits that others might not understand are actually shared with 15-20 percent of the population. I'm quite content being a highly sensitive person and I enjoy reading online about others who have similar traits and laughing to my self.."oh, I thought that was just one my silly quirks"
Any way, I read about Aspergers this afternoon and there are quite a few similarities to HSP and also some differences. I'm no expert but I do see a recurring theme of people feeling very different to others in real life and are feeling really bad about them selves. Some may have Asbergers, and that's fine. I would think that it would be comforting to read about it and know you weren't alone, or if there are traits that impeed your happiness that you could work on those things.
Just my 2 cents and hope I didn't upset any one.
A lot of lighting hot tempers in this here thread. I am going to just give myself the liberty of adding my two or maybe twenty cents on the matter. I meet a lot of people who claim to have an undiagnosed case of Asperger's syndrome. I think that may have been a major cause of the American Psychiatric Association doing away with that diagnostic label in their DSM-5, because so many people claimed to have it. Now everyone is just on the autism spectrum over here, if they have any degree of autism. My brother was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was about 7. He is actually open to talking to strangers and is very friendly. But there is more than that, and it can be very difficult with him. He talks to himself constantly all day long and often into the night, repeating the same things to himself over and over again and will often rock back and forth clapping his hands and, when he's really excited, jumping up and down. I used to have a room beside his, and it has driven me insane (more on that later). He would get obsessive phases where he would spend time finding out everything he could about whatever particular topic he was interested in at the time, which included bugs, dinosaurs, and actors and actresses, among others. Never really seemed too interested in trains. He doesn't seem to have these phases anymore, but then again, I don't live with him anymore. He takes no medications for it. I have met other autistic people that were also very similar in their habits, and it is definitely not something I would want to have.

I think that many I have met might think that I have Asperger's syndrome because of the way that I act, but that is simply untrue. I am usually antisocial, and usually hate crowds, and I do tend to get obsessive about constantly changing topics, reading everything I can on the matter, and have a lot of those stereotypical traits, but I dislike the labeling of people's minor idiosyncrasies and it is highly fascinating to me to see people seeming to want these labels. I don't dislike them for it, but it's very interesting for me to see that behavior from what one might call a psychologically healthy--i.e. a "normal" person. Honestly, I think that because of being with my younger brother and also being under the watch of so many of therapists, counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists, I find a lot of behavior of the psychologically health (normal) people really fascinating and I really want to know more how to emulate that and get that way too so I don't have to spend so much time in psych wards/mental health hospitals--i.e. the "looney bin" or however the hell you want to call it.

As I've said in other posts, I have often been under the influence of some very soul crushing and treatment resistant depression which I won't go into here, and I have read a ton of articles on the subject and of other mental health issues, as well as asking almost everyone I know for advice, and then, at the age of fifteen, I discovered how to break my way out of it--but at a pretty high cost. I stopped sleeping. For about a week, though it may have been a day or two shy of a full week--I am unsure due to the fact that I was really losing it by the end. I had what you may call a nervous breakdown, anxiety attack-- I never really found out what the doctors called it because I can't seem to remember the name of the mental hospital I was sent to so that I can request the records. You can go ahead and say I'm making it up. But I have no way to prove to you, and you can believe or disbelieve it as you like. But during this time, I was very active--I only lay down at night in the early hours of the morning and I would just stare at my clock the entire time. I paced for hours. Still do pretty often, as a matter of fact, which I am told is not normal, but screw that. I started reading my scriptures obsessively, highlighting and looking up every reference to Satan, and trying to write and figure out the numerical value of the words of the book of Revelations, which is some kind of practice of which the name is eludes me. I started walking my dog outside circles around my neighborhood for miles, walks with my dog that would go over an hour. Started wandering out in the woods, looking for snakes until I finally found a big black one in a tree. Anyways.. this all may seem awful, to you, but to me I had never felt less depressed in my entire life. I felt the complete opposite of it, as a matter of fact. Long story short, I was taken to the doctor and diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The manic type (I forget if that's type one or two).

I have gone up and down with this thing I have, and taken many medications for it, including aripiprazole, depakote, lithium, risperdal, lemotrogine, trazadone, zoloft, and a whole bunch of others whose names elude me at this time, and gone back forth from the manic to the depressed, but as I have done so, it has honestly come to perplex me why we have to dope up all the people who act differently simply because they don't conform to the social norms and mores that for some reason we "have" to follow. For example, take ADD (or ADHD). It is very interesting to me that people who think that we evolved from a hunter gatherer pre-**** sapien species (forgive my lack of expertise in prehistoric human history), would think that their descendants would have evolved and changed to be able to sit still on a chair while listening to another person talk for a long period of time and just sit and watch them for as long as an hour, or sometimes even longer, and call this normal. Why would it be considered normal behavior for our species, who apparently obtained intelligence from being hunter-gatherers, would now turn into a species that, for the majority, spend long periods of time sitting and/or doing repetitive tasks for a job while still remaining very calm and compliant, as if this is normal healthy behavior for any living creature. It's just downright odd to me, and I have yet to receive what I find satisfactory explanation for it. I also find it odd that people who read and believe horoscopes, or think that talking to water can make it into beautiful shapes because it "likes" the positive energy, or believe the earth is 6,000 years old, can be considered normal and psychologically healthy, but for some reason, I, who does somewhat odd things like pace for like an hour or so every once in a while, spends hours alone reading books that almost nobody reads for fun, and say idiosyncratic things that people may seem illogical, am supposed to be "mentally ill." To me, it's ridiculous.

For those of you who took the time to read my short novel of a comment, please let me know your thoughts on the matter of labels of what is normal, i.e. psychologically "healthy," or not. I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)
I did read your post, but I am not qualified to comment on whether or not you are psychologically healthy or not. I did read your other posts, some of which sounded like you were happier
I will keep it short as my mind does not retain anything I read for long anyway,

I'm with you on the labour thing, I've said before but probably not to you how I find that mankind has completely ****** up it's own species for the remainder of it's days... When I first stated working, very late in life at 24, it was a minimum wage manual labour job at a packaging company, the first week was a it getting used to everything, especially the having to get up at 6am part. The jobs I did varied and nothing out of the ordinary.
After those first few weeks however, a big project was about to start and to keep things as efficient as possible, everyone on that project got a fixed job to do.

I did that same job, and with that I mean the same repetitive task every 12 to 15 seconds for a minimum of 8 hours and sometimes up to 12 hours a day, for the next 6 months... I still can not fathom how much that ****** me up over that period, there came a point where I was home watching TV and my hands would go through the motions... my thumb would slightly a just a non existent gluestick so the labeling would face the right way.
At this point I should probably have put an end to it and request something else to do, but I'm not one to give up easily (no, I really am not), So I continued up to the point where I started dreaming I was doing that same task, and not just once or twice, every time I slept... Every time I had to recharge the battery I'd wake up feeling not refreshed, but like I just spend a night at the factory floor, and now I had to get my kit on and actually go do that for the entire day.

I wonder why it was me who cracked and not others, all but a few employees were woman, could that be it?, well one of the women actually had a nervous breakdown from it and had to be on sick leave for a while ... but most did fine.

My theory is that it was the mental state of the person, for everyone there this job was a "second wage" job, they had a partner at home bringing in a part, and they some extra. except this one girl, who was a it like me, outcast and had nothing but solitude to return to, I have to believe the every day dealing of a "normal" family help the others cope and deal, and for those select few who had nothing to fall back upon, no normalcy to return to at the end of the day, it was torture and nothing short of it.

I still find I feel like this at the office now from time to time, I get to use my brain more and work is more varied, but it still feels like a cage, we are not truly free to do what we want in life, we need to gather resources to survive, anyone who thinks slavery is dead should just look around any production floor or office and realize the opposite, society has become a machine, and every man woman and child is a cog with a tiny part to play, parts break down and the machine will be fixed, the cog gets discarded.

I'm losing my point with this post, as I said my mind does not retain anything for long, point being, mankind has done a very good job of making itself into a disposable resource, any pat that doesn't work the way it's expected to get's thrown in the bin.
MisterLonely said:
I will keep it short as my mind does not retain anything I read for long anyway,

I'm with you on the labour thing, I've said before but probably not to you how I find that mankind has completely ****** up it's own species for the remainder of it's days... When I first stated working, very late in life at 24, it was a minimum wage manual labour job at a packaging company, the first week was a it getting used to everything, especially the having to get up at 6am part. The jobs I did varied and nothing out of the ordinary.
After those first few weeks however, a big project was about to start and to keep things as efficient as possible, everyone on that project got a fixed job to do.

I did that same job, and with that I mean the same repetitive task every 12 to 15 seconds for a minimum of 8 hours and sometimes up to 12 hours a day, for the next 6 months... I still can not fathom how much that ****** me up over that period, there came a point where I was home watching TV and my hands would go through the motions... my thumb would slightly a just a non existent gluestick so the labeling would face the right way.
At this point I should probably have put an end to it and request something else to do, but I'm not one to give up easily (no, I really am not), So I continued up to the point where I started dreaming I was doing that same task, and not just once or twice, every time I slept... Every time I had to recharge the battery I'd wake up feeling not refreshed, but like I just spend a night at the factory floor, and now I had to get my kit on and actually go do that for the entire day.

I wonder why it was me who cracked and not others, all but a few employees were woman, could that be it?, well one of the women actually had a nervous breakdown from it and had to be on sick leave for a while ... but most did fine.

My theory is that it was the mental state of the person, for everyone there this job was a "second wage" job, they had a partner at home bringing in a part, and they some extra. except this one girl, who was a it like me, outcast and had nothing but solitude to return to, I have to believe the every day dealing of a "normal" family help the others cope and deal, and for those select few who had nothing to fall back upon, no normalcy to return to at the end of the day, it was torture and nothing short of it.

I still find I feel like this at the office now from time to time, I get to use my brain more and work is more varied, but it still feels like a cage, we are not truly free to do what we want in life, we need to gather resources to survive, anyone who thinks slavery is dead should just look around any production floor or office and realize the opposite, society has become a machine, and every man woman and child is a cog with a tiny part to play,  parts break down and the machine will be fixed, the cog gets discarded.

I'm losing my point with this post, as I said my mind does not retain anything for long, point being, mankind has done a very good job of making itself into a disposable resource, any pat that doesn't work the way it's expected to get's thrown in the bin.

That sounds soul crushing to be honest. I think this is probably part of the reason that I can never stay in one job for more than a year or so. There is always this urgency to GET OUT and find something better or just different. I'm a terrible employee in that way.  

I'm not really very smart about it either. I have not once had a job lined up to switch over to. I always just quit and do nothing until money gets low and THEN I start looking for something else.
wallflower79 said:
A lot of lighting hot tempers in this here thread. I am going to just give myself the liberty of adding my two or maybe twenty cents on the matter. I meet a lot of people who claim to have an undiagnosed case of Asperger's syndrome.  I think that may have been a major cause of the American Psychiatric Association doing away with that diagnostic label in their DSM-5, because so many people claimed to have it. Now everyone is just on the autism spectrum over here, if they have any degree of autism. My brother was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was about 7. He is actually open to talking to strangers and is very friendly. But there is more than that, and it can be very difficult with him. He talks to himself constantly all day long and often into the night, repeating the same things to himself over and over again and will often rock back and forth clapping his hands and, when he's really excited, jumping up and down. I used to have a room beside his, and it has driven me insane (more on that later). He would get obsessive phases where he would spend time finding out everything he could about whatever particular topic he was interested in at the time, which included bugs, dinosaurs, and actors and actresses, among others. Never really seemed too interested in trains. He doesn't seem to have these phases anymore, but then again, I don't live with him anymore. He takes no medications for it. I have met other autistic people that were also very similar in their habits, and it is definitely not something I would want to have.

I think that many I have met might think that I have Asperger's syndrome because of the way that I act, but that is simply untrue. I am usually antisocial, and usually hate crowds, and I do tend to get obsessive about constantly changing topics, reading everything I can on the matter, and have a lot of those stereotypical traits, but I dislike the labeling of people's minor idiosyncrasies and it is highly fascinating to me to see people seeming to want these labels. I don't dislike them for it, but it's very interesting for me to see that behavior from what one might call a psychologically healthy--i.e. a "normal" person. Honestly, I think that because of being with my younger brother and also being under the watch of so many of therapists, counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists, I find a lot of behavior of the psychologically health (normal) people really fascinating and I really want to know more how to emulate that and get that way too so I don't have to spend so much time in psych wards/mental health hospitals--i.e. the "looney bin" or however the hell you want to call it.

As I've said in other posts, I have often been under the influence of some very soul crushing and treatment resistant depression which I won't go into here, and I have read a ton of articles on the subject and of other mental health issues, as well as asking almost everyone I know for advice, and then, at the age of fifteen, I discovered how to break my way out of it--but at a pretty high cost. I stopped sleeping. For about a week, though it may have been a day or two shy of a full week--I am unsure due to the fact that I was really losing it by the end. I had what you may call a nervous breakdown, anxiety attack-- I never really found out what the doctors called it because I can't seem to remember the name of the mental hospital I was sent to so that I can request the records. You can go ahead and say I'm making it up. But I have no way to prove to you, and you can believe or disbelieve it as you like. But during this time, I was very active--I only lay down at night in the early hours of the morning and I would just stare at my clock the entire time. I paced for hours. Still do pretty often, as a matter of fact, which I am told is not normal, but screw that. I started reading my scriptures obsessively, highlighting and looking up every reference to Satan, and trying to write and figure out the numerical value of the words of the book of Revelations, which is some kind of practice of which the name is eludes me. I started walking my dog outside circles around my neighborhood for miles, walks with my dog that would go over an hour. Started wandering out in the woods, looking for snakes until I finally found a big black one in a tree. Anyways.. this all may seem awful, to you, but to me I had never felt less depressed in my entire life. I felt the complete opposite of it, as a matter of fact. Long story short, I was taken to the doctor and diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The manic type (I forget if that's type one or two).

I have gone up and down with this thing I have, and taken many medications for it, including aripiprazole, depakote, lithium, risperdal, lemotrogine, trazadone, zoloft, and a whole bunch of others whose names elude me at this time, and gone back forth from the manic to the depressed, but as I have done so, it has honestly come to perplex me why we have to dope up all the people who act differently simply because they don't conform to the social norms and mores that for some reason we "have" to follow. For example, take ADD (or ADHD). It is very interesting to me that people who think that we evolved from a hunter gatherer pre-**** sapien species (forgive my lack of expertise in prehistoric human history), would think that their descendants would have evolved and changed to be able to sit still on a chair while listening to another person talk for a long period of time and just sit and watch them for as long as an hour, or sometimes even longer, and call this normal. Why would it be considered normal behavior for our species, who apparently obtained intelligence from being hunter-gatherers, would now turn into a species that, for the majority, spend long periods of time sitting and/or doing repetitive tasks for a job while still remaining very calm and compliant, as if this is normal healthy behavior for any living creature. It's just downright odd to me, and I have yet to receive what I find satisfactory explanation for it. I also find it odd that people who read and believe horoscopes, or think that talking to water can make it into beautiful shapes because it "likes" the positive energy, or believe the earth is 6,000 years old, can be considered normal and psychologically healthy, but for some reason, I, who does somewhat odd things like pace for like an hour or so every once in a while, spends hours alone reading books that almost nobody reads for fun, and say idiosyncratic things that people may seem illogical, am supposed to be "mentally ill." To me, it's ridiculous.

For those of you who took the time to read my short novel of a comment, please let me know your thoughts on the matter of labels of what is normal, i.e. psychologically "healthy," or not. I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)

Normal is overrated ;-)

It's also non-existent. If one person would qualify for the normal title, would pretty much be only one since the beginning of time; Jesus. And I'm talking about textbook Jesus, because I'm pretty sure real Jesus was probably not normal either.

Those who claim the normal monicker are usually the furthest ones from it.

So I say burn everything and let the not-normal rule the Earth. Be proud of your differences and look for it. And let's all dance naked in front of the bonfires in these godless times :D
Richard_39 said:
Normal is overrated ;-)

It's also non-existent. If one person would qualify for the normal title, would pretty much be only one since the beginning of time; Jesus. And I'm talking about textbook Jesus, because I'm pretty sure real Jesus was probably not normal either.

Those who claim the normal monicker are usually the furthest ones from it.

So I say burn everything and let the not-normal rule the Earth. Be proud of your differences and look for it. And let's all dance naked in front of the bonfires in these godless times :D

Sounds like my childhood, lol

JK, guys, I did not dance naked in front of bonfires as a child
wallflower79 said:
Sounds like my childhood, lol

JK, guys, I did not dance naked in front of bonfires as a child

Well hey, ain't nothing like the present, right? :D
I think there has to be a base line for psychological health. It can't be based on is some one is happy or thered be a whole lot of psychopaths claiming there was nothing wrong with them because they are happy.
On the other hand, just because some one doesn't fit exactly into the "norm" doesn't necessarily mean they need to be medicated.
I really just made my original comment after reading about Aspergers, reading posts from people on an Aspie forum, in hopes that any one who feels they may have it or unsure of why they feel so different might want to look into it further, so they don't feel abnormal.
I wanted to ask; does anyone have more info on Aspergers?
Problem with me and Asperger is - 95% of Aspergers stuff does match ... being not socially smart, being clumsy, not knowing with people, not knowing body language, not knowing how they feel. Only problem with me and Asperger is; I'm very very very emotional person.
So ... on Wiki says that Asperger people "don't have emotions" ... so am I out or? Is it worth doing some tests with this fact?
Thing to repember is that Aspies are PEOPLE. Therefore, like any other people they are all different. The other thing to remember is the old canard of "Asperger's people don't have emotions" is a load of dingoes kidneys. Aspies feel the same full range of complex human emotions as anybody else. It's just that they can appear not to show them sometimes. Other times, they show them intensely - if you've ever seen an autistic person in full meltdown, you will know what I mean.
ShyNLonely said:
I wanted to ask; does anyone have more info on Aspergers?
Problem with me and Asperger is - 95% of Aspergers stuff does match ... being not socially smart, being clumsy, not knowing with people, not knowing body language, not knowing how they feel. Only problem with me and Asperger is; I'm very very very emotional person.
So ... on Wiki says that Asperger people "don't have emotions" ... so am I out or? Is it worth doing some tests with this fact?

Everyone has emotions, EVERYONE.  I don't care what you have or don't have.  If you are alive, you have emotions.  Maybe you don't show them, understand them or whatever, but everyone has them. 

Now, the issue with ASD and emotions is that most with ASD don't always understand emotions and intense emotions can them meltdown, as a result.  Love is a hard one for a lot of ASD people, in my experience, because they don't understand what love is.  It's not like anger which comes on hot and furious, if that makes sense.  Sadness can sometimes come on stronger with someone that has ASD, because it's hard to understand what is happening.  And sometimes, things like fear  don't trigger at all because they don't understand the situation they might be in.  Darting across the street without looking, not always recognizing when someone is very angry and they need to back off, a wild animal, being robbed. 
Like I said, not everyone with ASD is like this, these are just my experiences with the ASD community. 

As for if it's worth doing tests, that would depend on why you want a diagnosis.   It could give you more avenues to go down if you are struggling financially or even socially.  If you want it just to finally KNOW what issues you have, you probably should because it could help you understand yourself and finally know how to better work though them. 
But, if you just want to know to use it as an excuse or anything like that, no, don't bother. 
The bottom line is that even if you get a diagnosis, you are still the same person.  You will still have to figure out what helps you and what doesn't.  You will still need to work to change what you don't like about yourself (if it's possible to change, if not, learn how to accept it).  In the end, like I said before, it's a label.
Well, I have diagnosis in which I personally don't believe in. I got it just to have something written on paper. A lot of things just doesn't seem right in it. And I specially think that I'm not being threatet well since my current diagnosis isn't probably 100% true.
Aspergers is very very uncommon and rare diagnosis in my state, and there is only one place in my country where you can get it 100% confirmed. And you wait for year - year and half to get opportunity to go on test. My psychiatrist and my psychologist are just not familiare with aspergers diagnosis, and they can not recognize it ... same problem have 99% of other doctors in psychiatry.
I've been told that I am. Well, officially diagnosed as such now I guess. Won't go into all the details, since only fellow Australians would probably understand what the NDIS is, but all the psychiatrists and doctors I have seen over the years have said that I am not autistic, but when I was put on the NDIS early last year I had to go for a psychiatric assessment, and the psychiatrist there diagnosed me as being autistic (along with the depression and anxiety and the BPD and APD)

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