I think it helps to have the right interests, because then you naturally want to learn about those things and do those things. But it's hard if you don't. Then it's like forcing yourself to learn things you have no interest in learning, do things you have no interest in doing, and trying to be someone that you're not. The problem is not all interests are created equal. Some interests pay a lot more than others. And if you don't start out with money, you have to do whatever makes money whether you're interested in it or not - which makes you feel like you're in the passenger seat of your own life, and constantly mentally drained from never getting to learn and do anything you really want to, or never even getting to figure out who you are or what you want, because you have to do things you're not and do things you don't want all day, just to survive, just to keep doing it, and round and around you go...
Also we might not necessarily be good at the things that pay. So again, you have to force yourself to do something you're not even good at, just to live a normal life.
I also noticed a lot of "responsible" people, will shame others for not being like them, but at the same time, they won't really seem that happy with their lives either. Like they'll cover it up and try to escape by drinking or doing other drugs, or they'll only be able to talk about their favorite sports teams and athletes, musicians, movies, etc., living vicariously through the people that are doing what they wish they could be doing instead, or through fictional characters, but having very little to talk about in their own lives, besides boring mundane stuff.
I don't know. I mean, having no money sucks too, that's not much of an answer. But neither does it seem like much of an answer to force yourself to do and be something you're just not. It would be great if we all knew what we wanted to do and be and could just go ahead doing and being that thing. But it's not that straightforward and simple for everyone.