Princess Pink Love
Cucuboth said:And yet I have been told, even by therapists, to pretend to be someone else.
That is what I have never understood. Be yourself, but nobody seems to like that. Get told to be someone else, and then get accused of being fake and a liar. Go back to being yourself, and round and round we go ....
I can't imagine a therapist tell you to pretend to be someone else, unless you are talking about things like "fake it til you make it," which is not about being someone else.
I think the problem lies in what people think "be yourself" means. It does not mean be the negative person who sees everything wrong with everything, who thinks nothing is going to work out, who finds fault in everything. "Be yourself" means to be the best version of yourself. Some negativity is okay, but all negative all the time is just going to drive people away. That's where "fake it til you make it" comes in. It's not about being someone else, it's about pretending to be the person you want to be to help you overcome the hurdle of depression/anxiety/negativity you are currently in. It's about shoving down the bad thoughts and forcing yourself to instead focus on good. So if you normally think "well, nothing is going to come of going to this festival, so I just might as well not go at all," switch it up and say "you never know what can happen, I'm going to go anyway and I'm going to have a good time" and keep thinking that. Outwardly project that, even if you don't believe it because people pick up on negative attitudes and shy away from it. By "pretending" to be positive, it will actually help you to get there because it will change how you view things, if you let it.
Don't completely change who you are, but if it's about changing the depressed rut you are in or even just forcing yourself to do things and thinking it might work out, faking confidence, that type of thing, it's not not being yourself, it's trying to better yourself. No one is "the person who is negative all the time" That's a frame of mind based on your circumstances and how you let them impact you. You can change it. You should change it. No, it's not easy, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.