The word COMPUTER = 666 although I think sex sex sex might be more accurate.
language etymology: (cum-pute-her) as in puta harlot. The CPU UPC 666 does have the capacity to hypnotize and enslave us.
The internet was first used by the military before being released to the general public. The CIA, FBI, and all the other alphabet gangs keep records of all browsing activity and profiles so that the Devil can become all knowing like God. There is a computer the size of an entire city block called big brother that archives all known information. In addition the Cum-Puta-Her is a crucial aspect to all devices of advanced technology, factory productions, etc, thus allowing the Devil to become all powerful like God with his army of soulless drones. Third, the come-puta-here is developing so rapidly that Transhumanism will eventually be a reality as well as RFID technology, which is already here, so that the Devil can steal all souls and turn humans into robot slaves.
On the plus side, the com-put-her-ere enables us to chat all over the world, and for the truth to become known to all who seek it, thus showing the beginnings of our return to a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle, which will be crucial for everyone who survives the coming technocalypse. In the Bible it is written "He will make an image to the beast, that the image should both speak and cause all who don't worship it to be killed." Sounds like technology gotten out of hand to me. "Beast" in the Bible refers to Governments.
conclusion: technology is a powerful tool for good or for evil. Science is today what black magick was in the past, a means to manipulate the natural world to achieve ones desires. The atom bomb was the most devastating "spell" ever cast, far more so then anything witchcraft or satanism can produce. But in the right hands, nanites, knowledge, and genetics could bring about a cure for all diseases, replication of matter, and possibly even prolong life indefinantly bringing to us greater salvation then any religion has ever provided. It all depends on us, I think.