My impression is that "Chad" is like the jock/rich kid/preppy/dudebro kind of guy - totally not me at all.
And "Stacy" is the hot, popular, cheerleader, "mean girl" - totally not my kind of person, let alone my kind of woman.
The older I get, the more I realize that "Stacy" isn't worth it, if impressing, interesting, attracting her means you have to become "Chad". Nothing is worth changing yourself to someone you don't like, or someone you're not comfortable with being, or who thinks and acts in ways you don't really believe.
"Stacy" also isn't worth it if the only thing you like about her is her looks and sexuality, but you don't share common interests, beliefs, personality/temperament/nature, and don't really enjoy her company, don't enjoy her as a person, don't have anything to talk about or have any real reason to bring you together, don't enjoy talking to her and spending time with her, don't really care to hear her thoughts/don't truly find her interesting and want to learn more, don't really care about her emotionally.
I mean, a lot of "Chads" don't care about "Stacies" emotionally either, or any of that other stuff I listed, but they're both insufferable egotists that believe they are inherently "better" than everyone else, so as far as I'm concerned they can have each other. The vast majority of "Stacies", much like "Chads", aren't nice people, which makes them compatible with each other, but makes the "Stacies" incompatible with me. I'd never be able to have the attitude they expect in a man, because I haven't lived the lifestyle, I don't have the traits, and my mind just doesn't work that way. And I realized that, you know what? Being a nice person is actually pretty important to me. And that was one of the major realizations that made me not care as much about hot girls anymore.
I've tried talking to women that, the main feature I thought I liked about them was that they were "hot". I thought it was the thing to do. I thought it was moving up in the world, and refusing to accept my "place". But looking back, trying to make a connection with people I didn't belong with, wasn't even fun for me. The conversations weren't that great. Also, I don't think those particular women are that hot anymore, nor do I find them that interesting anymore either. Looking back, honestly I don't know what I saw in some of the women I used to be attracted to, or how I thought we would be good together. I guess I was just seeing what I wanted to see in them, telling myself a story about who they were, instead of seeing them for who they actually were, and what they were actually about. I don't even mean to insult them, and maybe they're great for someone else. But they were definitely never the right people for me. I guess I just didn't think I'd meet anyone else that was closer to the kind of person I was really looking for.
When I was a kid I used to think that "Chad" and "Stacy" were the "right" kind of people to be, and how "right" or "wrong" you were depended on how far away from being those people you were. I figured that they had the best genetics, and that's why things went their way. I always knew I was "wrong", but I couldn't help myself - I couldn't be "right" if I wanted to be, because of my body type, my brain and mind, my interests, background, and my nature. But I liked what I liked (fandoms), and I couldn't make myself stop, nor did I want to. So I figured there was nothing I could do about it but I was always down on myself because I couldn't be "right", couldn't be one of the "better" people.
But now I just think they are just ways to be, like any other way to be - not the "one true way", not "right" or "wrong". And I'm happier with that, at least. I just wish I'd known this all along, because it would have saved me a lot of anger and sadness and self-doubt, and would have made a lot of times happier, that were really still the good times in my life.