Considering quitting my job and not working...

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Well-known member
May 10, 2014
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So, I have had a job for 10 years. I HATED THAT JOB. Around year 5 I started to consider getting a new job. But, within two years... my boss was going to boss is an abusive ass. So I stayed. And then he extended his time, again, and again. I am 8 weeks from him leaving for good. I hope.

I had always thought that once he left I would love my job and maybe I will, but I am starting to consider a few things.

I get paid decently but, a TON of my salary goes to things that are just to support my job. Like 1/4th of my take home pay is spent on, travel to work / parking, dry cleaning, food, gifts for boss, coffee to keep me awake. My salary continues to stagnate. I get like 1% per year while inflation is like 4%. And my taxes are just insane. The more I make, the more my taxes are so there is kind of an incentive to make less.

My time ... ugh. I leave for work at 7 AM and get home at 7 PM. I get about 2 hours per day and about 16 hours on the weekend that are mine. And most of that time is spent preparing for work. What good is having money if you don't have time to use it? My life is slipping away. What good is that? I spend most of my off hours recovering from work.

Another reason I keep this job is for the pension. If I stay until retirement I will get a pension. But the thing is... so what? I mean, I don't want to fail to live for 30 years get the pension and then, have 10 years left. One thing my pension will give me is health care. But, the thing is... I feel like I am not taking as good a care of my health when I am working. If I stopped working chances are I could prevent a lot of the issues... but if I work, I won't be as on top of it. Plus, the aformentioned inflation. My pension is tied to my pay. So it is getting smaller every year that my pay doesn't increase but inflation does. Plus, at 65 I will get social security.

There seems to be something wrong with the workplace. I don't know what it is or why but all rules we have been taught to believe in aren't working anymore. Merit isn't rewarded. People don't want smart talented people. That isn't me being bitter, it is reality. People in my workplace who aren't smart and do a crap job keep getting promoted. While the best people don't. Everyone is remarking on it.. because when crap people get the jobs, we all suffer because we can't rely on them and we need to.

I have never worked in a place like this but, when I am out on leave or sick, all my work is preserved for me. Taking leave just gives me less time to do my work. So I tend not to want to take leave. There is like no respect for leave... you have the same work and if you are out, too bad.

I see a way to survive by moving to a place with a lower cost of living. There I may be able to live off savings / investments and not work at all. The thing is, that would probably destroy my pension / health insurance... and possibly some of my savings until I get on my feet. But I am increasingly starting to feel like I HAVE to do this. I am losing my life... I am a wage slave ... perhaps .. because I have just gotten used to things this way and I don't have time or energy to look into different things.

I have decided to give it two more years... see how things go and prepare to move ....

Has anyone done anything like this? Does anyone want to?

I feel like I could be crazy to do this but also, crazy NOT to do this.
I think everyone has had a job at one point or another where he/she was unhappy - I surely have. But, my first instinct was to search for another position with an employer who does value my work ethic and skill set. I have never felt the need to quit the workforce over my disdain for a particular employer's treatment of me. I just simply...moved on.

I am far too invested in maintaining a certain level of comfort many years down the road, so I'll keep showing up as long as they keep paying me.
MissGuided said:
I think everyone has had a job at one point or another where he/she was unhappy - I surely have. But, my first instinct was to search for another position with an employer who does value my work ethic and skill set. I have never felt the need to quit the workforce over my disdain for a particular employer's treatment of me. I just simply...moved on.

Your beautiful!

So I guess the answer is no then.
I graduated from University in 1995 with a degree in Psychology. I went to the job centre, picked up an application for employment, then whilst standing at the bus stop, ripped it up and threw it in the bin.

Employment is wage-slavery, like you've already stated. Unless you're on a very high salary, employment is merely a subsistence salary paid to you by the capitalist class in return for your labour. Employment is in fact exploitation by selfish, greedy, high-powered people, who look upon you as an over-head as opposed to a human being.

The workplace is treadmill, where people who have been successfully socially conditioned by the agencies of socialisation i.e. school, family, church, government et. al. go to do their employer's bidding. Employers do not want talented, bright, individuals, they want obedient workers; people with just enough brains to operate machinery, computers etc.

Employers want obedient, conformist, workers (wage-slaves) who are satisfied with pittance as payment for their labours and who are easily kept in line. The dissatisfaction you are experiencing is coming form too many years spent in line, allowing yourself to be an automaton, as opposed to a human being.

I haven't worked in many years, I survive on a small inheritance, and value not having to socially interact with people in the workplace who I generally despise. My inheritance shall run out soon, and that's when I shall have to swallow the bitter pill and return to employment in order to survive.

I'm not looking forward returning to the rat race/treadmill/cage of daily wage-slavery, but it's unavoidable. If I could figure out a way to survive without having to return to workplace employment, I'd definitely give it a shot.
Solitary man said:
I survive on a small inheritance, and value not having to socially interact with people in the workplace who I generally despise. My inheritance shall run out soon, and that's when I shall have to swallow the bitter pill and return to employment in order to survive. I'm not looking forward returning to the rat race/treadmill/cage of daily wage-slavery, but it's unavoidable. If I could figure out a way to survive without having to return to workplace employment, I'd definitely give it a shot.

Thanks for the response, I think right now I just need to break the wage slavery mindset and that is very hard to do.

It is too bad we didn't have this conversation while you still had the money but, my plan is to use "REITs" or other high yeld dividend investments to create a base monthly income (enough to cover my home). Never touching the principle. In addition I plan to move to an area with a much lower cost of living -- including real estate - to maximize the funds that I have left. If you do return to work perhaps you could save for a few years to create that principle.

If I do need to return to the workplace I would but I would look first for jobs that were temporary or like taking care of children -- offering me the most time. I also may work for myself. The office / full time world is getting worse and worse.

One of the things that people do not get about wage slavery is that wage slavers KNOW you are talented and want to leave. So they make it impossible for you. It is impossible to get time off where i work. So if someone calls you up for an interview tomorrow...well you cannot go. You have to put in your requests for leave way ahead of time. And then YOUR days off are determined by what other people are doing. Say you call out sick, a wage slaver will ask for a doctor's note and sometimes have sent out private investigators to check up on you. Finally if you want to be considered for any sort of a job you will have to give a reference. Do you really think a wage slaver will GIVE A REFERENCE? And many times I have explained the problem to someone who called me for an interview only to have them never call me back. They have 200+ people applying for the job. Give them ANY excuse not to interview you, they will take it.

No the only way out is to quit. But if you quit and have no income you will lose a lot of the money that you saved... thus destroying the only thing you got from wage slavery. So you are well and truly trapped. And that is how they get you.

I do plan on just looking into this and pursuing it. If it doesn't work out I will stay in my wage slavery.
Solitary man said:
Employers want obedient, conformist, workers (wage-slaves) who are satisfied with pittance as payment for their labours and who are easily kept in line.
This statement is a sweeping generalization. Although I understand that your experiences may have left with you some strong feelings, I would disagree that this behavior is typical.

I have a great job, at which I am very proficient and my employer encourages 'thinking outside the box'. Would I like to be paid more? Absolutely. Who wouldn't? However, I enjoy a multitude of benefits, am recognized for my contributions frequently and make a decent wage for my efforts.
MissGuided said:
Solitary man said:
Employers want obedient, conformist, workers (wage-slaves) who are satisfied with pittance as payment for their labours and who are easily kept in line.
This statement is a sweeping generalization. Although I understand that your experiences may have left with you some strong feelings, I would disagree that this behavior is typical.

I have a great job, at which I am very proficient and my employer encourages 'thinking outside the box'. Would I like to be paid more? Absolutely. Who wouldn't? However, I enjoy a multitude of benefits, am recognized for my contributions frequently and make a decent wage for my efforts.

You sound like a model employee (wage-slave). The only people who really benefit under capitalism, are the capitalists. You're earning enough to get by, and you're happy with that.
Solitary man said:
You sound like a model employee (wage-slave). The only people who really benefit under capitalism, are the capitalists. You're earning enough to get by, and you're happy with that.

Aww, what a cute post!

Yes, I do like my job and I'm proud to be a part of the company with which I am employed. I made a very nice living and have a fantastic support staff. I have had positions where I was not so enamored and I set forth to change that.

And, I really don't think being gainfully employed can be equated with slavery.
Tiina63 said:
OP-could you work part time?

No. Actually almost everyone I know wants that option and most of the time they seem reserved for people who have to work part time (people with kids or elderly parents) And BTW, those people complain that they get a full time job with part time hours.

It is possible to not have a wage slave job but I sure do have one. My job is a specialized one so you can't just "up" and get another one. There aren't that many and you need references and time off to do that.

It is only recently that I am seeing how a lot of jobs are this way.

It is interesting how the movie "the matrix" sort of can be used to see this. Most of the people who are wage slaves and don't know it are so unable to leave the situation that they will fight you when you suggest that there is any other way. They will fight to the death to get wage slave position and fight you if you call the truth. Many of my co workers would kill me I think to get my job. My workplace doesn't like me because they know I am single and have no one to keep me there.

And yes, I just lost a job because, I know this for a fact, the hiring person doesn't believe in hiring people without a spouse and children because he believes they are not stable.

In other words... he knows that as a single person, as soon as I can I am out of there. Because he knows that the workplace sucks and doesn't want to change it.
Tiina63 said:
OP-could you work part time?

that sounds like an smart way to go, but probably the slavers will not want that

Tiina63 said:
OP-could you work part time?

that sounds like an smart way to go, but probably the slavers will not want that
MissGuided said:
Solitary man said:
You sound like a model employee (wage-slave). The only people who really benefit under capitalism, are the capitalists. You're earning enough to get by, and you're happy with that.

Aww, what a cute post!

Yes, I do like my job and I'm proud to be a part of the company with which I am employed. I made a very nice living and have a fantastic support staff. I have had positions where I was not so enamored and I set forth to change that.

And, I really don't think being gainfully employed can be equated with slavery.

You seem like a humble individual, and not at all pretentious. Please, do share more about your wonderful career; you seem like an outstanding individual with a magnetic personality.
Solitary man said:
MissGuided said:
Solitary man said:
You sound like a model employee (wage-slave). The only people who really benefit under capitalism, are the capitalists. You're earning enough to get by, and you're happy with that.

Aww, what a cute post!

Yes, I do like my job and I'm proud to be a part of the company with which I am employed. I made a very nice living and have a fantastic support staff. I have had positions where I was not so enamored and I set forth to change that.

And, I really don't think being gainfully employed can be equated with slavery.

You seem like a humble individual, and not at all pretentious. Please, do share more about your wonderful career; you seem like an outstanding individual with a magnetic personality.

And you mock her for going to work every day and contributing to SOMETHING? You have no right to judge her.
You choose to live off of money that someone else GAVE you. You sure as hell shouldn't be casting stones at someone else while you dwell in the glass house you didn't even EARN. *snorts*
EveWasFramed said:
And you mock her for going to work every day and contributing to SOMETHING? You have no right to judge her.
You choose to live off of money that someone else GAVE you. You sure as hell shouldn't be casting stones at someone else while you dwell in the glass house you didn't even EARN. *snorts*

Ugh give me a break. He has every right to judge her... as do I.. as does she but whatever, I asked for people who would want to contribute to this discussion and Miss Guided didn't... he did.

I have never seen such an unfriendly and nasty board. You don't like the idea that we don't suffer like you do so you are going to interrupt this discussion with rude quips.
LonelySutton said:
EveWasFramed said:
And you mock her for going to work every day and contributing to SOMETHING? You have no right to judge her.
You choose to live off of money that someone else GAVE you. You sure as hell shouldn't be casting stones at someone else while you dwell in the glass house you didn't even EARN. *snorts*

Ugh give me a break. He has every right to judge her... as do I.. as does she but whatever, I asked for people who would want to contribute to this discussion and Miss Guided didn't... he did.

I have never seen such an unfriendly and nasty board. You don't like the idea that we don't suffer like you do so you are going to interrupt this discussion with rude quips.

Tad hypocritical, aren't you? I can judge him, just like he can judge her. Just like you judge me.
You think this board is nasty? You obviously don't visit too many.

Edit: Also, don't put words into my mouth - I never suggested that I gave a damn one way or the other who suffers and who doesn't. And my "quip" is no more "rude" than his or YOURS was. :)

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