So, I have had a job for 10 years. I HATED THAT JOB. Around year 5 I started to consider getting a new job. But, within two years... my boss was going to boss is an abusive ass. So I stayed. And then he extended his time, again, and again. I am 8 weeks from him leaving for good. I hope.
I had always thought that once he left I would love my job and maybe I will, but I am starting to consider a few things.
I get paid decently but, a TON of my salary goes to things that are just to support my job. Like 1/4th of my take home pay is spent on, travel to work / parking, dry cleaning, food, gifts for boss, coffee to keep me awake. My salary continues to stagnate. I get like 1% per year while inflation is like 4%. And my taxes are just insane. The more I make, the more my taxes are so there is kind of an incentive to make less.
My time ... ugh. I leave for work at 7 AM and get home at 7 PM. I get about 2 hours per day and about 16 hours on the weekend that are mine. And most of that time is spent preparing for work. What good is having money if you don't have time to use it? My life is slipping away. What good is that? I spend most of my off hours recovering from work.
Another reason I keep this job is for the pension. If I stay until retirement I will get a pension. But the thing is... so what? I mean, I don't want to fail to live for 30 years get the pension and then, have 10 years left. One thing my pension will give me is health care. But, the thing is... I feel like I am not taking as good a care of my health when I am working. If I stopped working chances are I could prevent a lot of the issues... but if I work, I won't be as on top of it. Plus, the aformentioned inflation. My pension is tied to my pay. So it is getting smaller every year that my pay doesn't increase but inflation does. Plus, at 65 I will get social security.
There seems to be something wrong with the workplace. I don't know what it is or why but all rules we have been taught to believe in aren't working anymore. Merit isn't rewarded. People don't want smart talented people. That isn't me being bitter, it is reality. People in my workplace who aren't smart and do a crap job keep getting promoted. While the best people don't. Everyone is remarking on it.. because when crap people get the jobs, we all suffer because we can't rely on them and we need to.
I have never worked in a place like this but, when I am out on leave or sick, all my work is preserved for me. Taking leave just gives me less time to do my work. So I tend not to want to take leave. There is like no respect for leave... you have the same work and if you are out, too bad.
I see a way to survive by moving to a place with a lower cost of living. There I may be able to live off savings / investments and not work at all. The thing is, that would probably destroy my pension / health insurance... and possibly some of my savings until I get on my feet. But I am increasingly starting to feel like I HAVE to do this. I am losing my life... I am a wage slave ... perhaps .. because I have just gotten used to things this way and I don't have time or energy to look into different things.
I have decided to give it two more years... see how things go and prepare to move ....
Has anyone done anything like this? Does anyone want to?
I feel like I could be crazy to do this but also, crazy NOT to do this.