Cool, Crazy, Stupid, And Insightful Gaming Observations

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
If any of you are hardcore "Gamers" like me, I'm certain that from time to time while you are playing games, notice things that are cool, crazy, funny, stupid, and insightful. I'd like to have a friend right beside me, watching me play who I can point these things out to, but I don't. That's why I posted this thread. Just in case any of you don't have a friend beside you to share these thoughts with. Post these thoughts here. I'll begin.

When you are on the last cavern in an rpg such as "FF VII" for example, you open a chest and receive a "Hi-Potion". What the **** good is a stupid potion of that caliber going to do for you this late in the game? You have over 9,000 HP, and they have the audacity to stick a useless item like that in a chest. It restores like 300 HP or something. Real ******* helpful.
Some random observations which I’ve found out about:

That Duke Nukem Forever makes a lot more sense if you consider Duke delirious and trying to reclaim his former glory while the rest of the world doesn’t want him;

John Marston from Red Dead Redemption spoke to a higher being (the man in the tall hat) who forecast his death at least three times during the course of the game;

Humans are the true enemies in Gears of War, we went to their planet, burrowed into their nests and built cities on their surface then kill them when they try to fight back;

The Unitology religion from the Dead Space series has A LOT of similarities to real life Scientology even down to similar art styles;

Homefront predicted the year of death of North Korean despot Kim Jong-Il. Whether the rest of the game comes true is another thing entirely;

A vast majority of older Japanese role-playing games are an analogy for puberty with the male lead overcoming his fears, forming relationships and becoming a man;

The Goombas from Super Mario games are chestnuts;
you guys pointed out some things that i definitely noticed. heres one that i noticed that always bothered me:

you get legion SO late in mass effect 2. if you want to be able to save the entire crew of the normandy you basically get him for all of 2 missions. on top of that, you get an upgrade for him during the mission where you end up getting him, BEFORE you actually get him. the weird thing is, people on the PC version modded the game so that they could have him earlier and there is already existing dialogue for him as if you were originally supposed to be able to get him earlier. i wish they didnt do it like that. its kind of a wasted opportunity to use and hear the dialogue and point of view of a very interesting character. i kind of want to replay the game and do as little as possible to get him, then let the crew all die but take him with me on as many missions as possible to see what he has to say about certain things. i know its crazy when you try to bring him on the migrant fleet for talis loyalty mission, i couldnt pass up doing that.
I've always been annoyed when I play a as mage and get a really cool high level spell. Then I find out that everything I fight at that level is resistant to that spell.

Like if I got an area affect thunderstorm spell and for most of the game things are vulnerable to electricity. Then suddenly they make the things resistant to electricity so the spell becomes useless for the cost of the mana. I want to cast a high level spell and see something cool happen. Not spend the entire game casting a early game fireball spell the entire time.
blackdot said:
I've always been annoyed when I play a as mage and get a really cool high level spell. Then I find out that everything I fight at that level is resistant to that spell.

Like if I got an area affect thunderstorm spell and for most of the game things are vulnerable to electricity. Then suddenly they make the things resistant to electricity so the spell becomes useless for the cost of the mana. I want to cast a high level spell and see something cool happen. Not spend the entire game casting a early game fireball spell the entire time.
I'm with you on that one blackdot. It's annoying as Hell. Especially if they absorb it and gain HP off it.
-The world needs more games when you can get a sense of very high speed (like F-Zero X).

-It would be nice if Nintendo did more games focusing on an audience instead of just trying to please everyone.

-For some games, developers should give tools that enable the public to create their own levels. This multiplies replay value (which makes it less profitable for videogame complaines, so that can be a reason why they not do this...).
Good observations Lost Drifter

And Edge, yeah, I never did get to take Legion to the Migrant Fleet. I REALLY need to do that.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning had problems with scale. The camera was too near to your character and was tilted down, so you couldn't look up and appreciate the world they'd built. It made the world feel claustrophobic and underwhelming. Also, on PCs you aren't sitting on your couch playing so you need a wider field of view anyway.
Whoever programmed the "Mega Man" series needs a swift kick to the ******' junk! I'm so sick and tired of disappearing platforms. I understand they follow a pattern, but they're still a bitch! They should include some Xanax with every copy.
Some of the prisoners in Batman Arkham City make references to the tv show Lost when they are chatting amoungst themselves.
I used to play an insane amount of "NBA Jam" for the Genesis with my "Friends". When I got clean, they magically disappeared. Anyway, baseline threes would sink every time! lol
Sci-Fi said:
Some of the prisoners in Batman Arkham City make references to the tv show Lost when they are chatting amoungst themselves.

Haha, that's cool.

I think the Joker references the show at one point too, saying he was disappointed with the ending.
I remember playing "FF III"(NAV) where you are on the "Floating Continent" where you have to rush to get to the end of it. You have to wait at the very end a couple of seconds or you will miss getting "Shadow" the ninja character. Whoever thinks to stop and wait for him? lol
I remember back in the "Stone Age" when I used to play doubles on "Super Mario Brothers"(nes) I would always pick Mario, so that when my friend with Luigi, would go to jump over a pit, I would pause the game then un-pause it causing the momentum of his jump to disappear and watch him fall directly down into the pit!:D
^lol you brought back my memories of playing that very same game on Pumper Nic (a sort of McDonalds). Waiting a lot for the other kids to die so I could play for 2 minutes (I was a n00b back then, what else would you expect from a kindergarden kid?).
LoneKiller said:
Have you ever played an rpg and completely lose track of the story? I do, a lot.

This is why the later Dragon Quest and (I think) some Pokemon games put in a recap feature via an on screen diary or character dialogue whenever a save file after 24 hours is loaded.

Where did Bowser Jr. and the rest of the Koopa kids come from? Are we to assume that Bowser has a mate that has given birth to these offspring? And if so, what does she think of Bowser’s plans to kidnap Princess Peach all the time?
Lost Drifter said:
LoneKiller said:
Have you ever played an rpg and completely lose track of the story? I do, a lot.

This is why the later Dragon Quest and (I think) some Pokemon games put in a recap feature via an on screen diary or character dialogue whenever a save file after 24 hours is loaded.

Where did Bowser Jr. and the rest of the Koopa kids come from? Are we to assume that Bowser has a mate that has given birth to these offspring? And if so, what does she think of Bowser’s plans to kidnap Princess Peach all the time?
Lost Drifter said:
Where did Bowser Jr. and the rest of the Koopa kids come from? Are we to assume that Bowser has a mate that has given birth to these offspring? And if so, what does she think of Bowser’s plans to kidnap Princess Peach all the time?

I bet they had an idea a while back for a wench of a wife for Bowser, a monstrosity of a character, a laughable attempt. She's most likely lying on the cutting room floor. Probably never saw the light of day, apart from the one dude who created her, and his superior laughing in his face when he saw the rough cut. Good thing too. Imagine Bowser with a wife! How terrible would that be?!

I can see it now... Bowsella, with a big pink hat bossing Bowser around. Bowser being a big wimp, playing second fiddlle. Calling Bowser Jr. for dinner just as he's about finish Mario off. Jr. then protesting "But mom!", before grabbing him by the ear and dragging him off.

Oh man, could you imagine!

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