Cool, Crazy, Stupid, And Insightful Gaming Observations

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LoneKiller said:
He's the dude that beheaded the guy that dressed like Osama bin Laden. The executioner guy.

This one?
Yeah. That's the prick who chopped Leon's friend's head off. Don't anyone take this the wrong way. But as much of a prick Osama is. I love his hat. lol
A whole 50 Gil inside this treasure sphere!? WOW! I can't tell you how much that helps when I already have a little north of 10,000! Whatever programmer it was that designed the treasure allocation should be arrested.
Bones said:
Yes, I am ruthless in games ... no matter where i start, i end up chaotic neutral, chaotic evil, or neutral evil ... i do have one regret though ... one time, i spent a long time modding a game and the central character in it was my daughter ... she was around three at the time ... we have been playing the game together on the network ... there was this one part of the game where you had to make a choice to be on the good side or the dark side of the game near the end ... so, after killing the monster, my daughter teleported in the game and had a long dialog for being good instead of evil ... supposedly, i had a fail safe that when she got to a certain number of hit points, she would teleport back out of the game ... she started with like 500 hit points and no one else could get above around 200 hit points or so because it was created for lower level character because me and my daughter was playing coop on the network ... so, i asked my daughter because our computers were close to one another if she thought i would kill her in the game ... she said ... no daddy, you would never hurt me because you love me ... so, what do you think i did ... hmmm ... i had to be true to my nature and whacked her with my great sword ... she died ... my daughter started crying and she cried for two weeks ... when she was twelve, i asked her if she has forgiven me and she said no ... even though she is sixteen and almost seventeen, she is still upset with me over that ... it traumatized her for some reason ... but here is the thing though ... i must have tested that script 50 times because she had to teleport in the game after beating the monster, the script had to void all actions for the dialog ... the script had to give a choice ... if coop, your factions changed if one stayed good and the other did not ... the script worked for her teleporting out and going to another place so that the good and evil people would separate and come back later to fight each other ... i must have rolled at least three or four 20s in a row with critical confirmations and never done that since ... it is the only time that i have felt truly miserable being evil in a game. :(

Please do not ask me what i would if i had a chance to do it over again ...

LoneKiller said:
Bones said:
If a game allows it, I kill them for getting in my way even if it means I can no longer buy or sell goods.

LoneKiller said:
I play a lot of classic rpg's, and what really sticks in my craw is when the townspeople get in my way when I'm trying to move around the town. Especially when they stand in front of a house's door.
Damn! You're ruthless!
Bones holds no quarter against anyone in the way.

Take that potion and stick it up your ass!

I just love how the "Final Fantasy" titles use monsters. The biggest and scariest ones tend to be the weaker ones! lol
LoneKiller said:
Man I hate waiting for my controller to charge.

Worse is when you are in the middle of a pivotal point on a PS3 game and the controller dies. If I want to keep playing, I end up sitting two feet in front of a 42 inch screen slowly going blind. :(
JasonM said:
LoneKiller said:
Man I hate waiting for my controller to charge.

Worse is when you are in the middle of a pivotal point on a PS3 game and the controller dies. If I want to keep playing, I end up sitting two feet in front of a 42 inch screen slowly going blind. :(
Yep! lol
LoneKiller said:
JasonM said:
LoneKiller said:
Man I hate waiting for my controller to charge.

Worse is when you are in the middle of a pivotal point on a PS3 game and the controller dies. If I want to keep playing, I end up sitting two feet in front of a 42 inch screen slowly going blind. :(
Yep! lol

How about when your in the middle of a boss fight in an instance with a full party counting on your heals, and your mouse and/or keyboard battery dies. I'm not even joking, this has happened to me 3 times. -.-
Lilianna said:
LoneKiller said:
JasonM said:
LoneKiller said:
Man I hate waiting for my controller to charge.

Worse is when you are in the middle of a pivotal point on a PS3 game and the controller dies. If I want to keep playing, I end up sitting two feet in front of a 42 inch screen slowly going blind. :(
Yep! lol

How about when your in the middle of a boss fight in an instance with a full party counting on your heals, and your mouse and/or keyboard battery dies. I'm not even joking, this has happened to me 3 times. -.-
Oh man. I would just snap. No two ways about it.

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