howtobealone said:
I wonder how much of happiness is genetic predisposition and how much of it is circumstances. Not to sound too negative, but I couldn't imagine having the lives of at least 75% of the people in the world (presuming I still had my negative mindset), and yet many of these people claim to be happy. I think on paper a lot of people would love to have my life, but I'd probably trade places with an average person if he claimed to be happy. I could picture a lot of people being happy if they had my looks, intelligence, life circumstances, even my physical maladies. But I've always been miserable with the life I was given. I hope one day I can enjoy this life of mine, after all, what's to say I can't adopt the mindset of happier people whose lives aren't as appealing as mine on paper?
Hmm it does fascinate one when we see an individual who seem to "Have it all" but appears unhappy while a person who "Has nothing" seems to be happier than the former, eh?
One of the things that can lead to this, I believe, is the idea/ concept of "Expectation". One study done up by a researcher (Can't remember his name, ARGH!) explained pretty clearly that one of the main causes to happiness being low in lives of first world individuals are due to the increased expectations to a "Happy life" or even just a "Life of Content/ Satisfaction".
If we think about it, that makes a lot of sense doesn't it?
Why do we feel unhappy? We do, because certain needs in our lives are unmet.
What about those who seem to have it all? Why is it that they feel "Empty"?
One of the reasons could be due to a high expectation level. If it is unrealistic, it could be dangerous as it can lead one to strive towards a goal that is impossible to achieve and thus, will inevitably cause the individual to forever be unhappy and unfulfilled.
Traditionally, based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Old model):
1. Physiological - Food, water, etc
2. Safety - Shelter, job security, etc
3. Love and Belonging - Relationships, sense of belonging
4. Self-Esteem
5. Self-Actualization - Striving for more in life
An individual will be able to function optimally if they are able to hit all 5 requirements. Should you have an unmet need at level 2, you will not be able to move onto level 3 until you satisfy level 2.
Naturally, there are specific questions that can challenge the theory but for the sake of our current topic, I will not go there as it might add confusion into the mix lol!
I think this is an interesting theory to look at for a little study and analysis for your case, no?
Perhaps we can learn something from your current unfulfilled needs. Who knows- You might be able to learn something new about yourself too as you look into things with a new perspective / knowledge!
Assuming you've never seen nor heard of this theory before, of course XD
Hope you are doing good btw