Covid-19 Undesired side effect is isolating lonely people even more...

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user 139760

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2017
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Something I've been pondering these last few days, as I sit at home currently alone, on temporary unemployment and waiting for either a job application to pan out or unemployment money to fonally kick in, while reading the news and making the mistake of walking into a wallmart and almost being trampled by old ladies stocking up on toilet paper like its Zombieland.

I worry this whole isolation deal is counter productive in the face of a virus whose progression so far indicates itll be as part of the future landscape as the common flu is, with only slightly more elevated a death rate in the usual more vulnerable portion of individuals, but it seems its only driving people away from each other and more into isolation than together.

Am I the only one feeling this....and fearing this a LOT more than any viruses themselves?
I feel the same.
Its the newness of this thats scaring people.
Soon it will loose its 15 second of fame and become the new norm.

Heya Richard.
Hoping you are doing ok.
Rooting for you. <3
MissBehave said:
I feel the same.
Its the newness of this thats scaring people.
Soon it will loose its 15 second of fame and become the new norm.

Heya Richard.
Hoping you are doing ok.
Rooting for you. <3

Thanks for that. Been better. Then again, been worse, but I'll pull through. Cos I'm the strongest man on Earth.
At least, it's what I try to tell the guy in the mirror every morning lol.

I'm sure 6 months from now it'll be relatively forgotten, if the general news media don't post 5000 articles about it every day.
There was a big event here, dunno how to translate it well into in english, back around 96 or so, called the Sleet Storm or Ice storm in Quebec. The things I saw that winter, people coming together in the face of much worse circumstances, made me love humanity. Things I been seeing these last few days make me hate it. And weve only our collective selves to blame, be quite honest. We made ourselves this way. I hope our children learn to not be us someday.
TropicalStarfish said:
Maybe the Earth is just fighting back against humanity..

Nah, it's Trump's fault.  :club:

But seriously, I think some people will go stir crazy trying to quarantine themselves like they are supposed to, but I think a lot more people are  going to disregard this and have parties and everything.  A lot of people just don't care anymore, they are selfish and entitled.

As for lonely people isolating, I think this will give them a reason to "give up," so to speak.  I think there will be a lot more internet activity and potentially bring them all to this forum or other forums like this so they can talk to people.
I think it will isolate a lot of people, while others are going out in partying. I'm trying to keep myself occupied this time around and trying to get into new hobbies. I'll always be on here a lot more often and will communicate with people. But I can understand how you feel.
What worries me the most is that there are people who are not quarantining themselves like they should be. I know its going to be rough to have to stay at home for 2 weeks but better safe than infecting everyone else. We had our first positive case reported yesterday and that person had come in contact with other people who are all in self isolation now. The lack of screening at airports is very concerning too. I don't want to have to take time off of work because other people aren't being respectful of others, but I have breathing problems as it is and my mother is 77 who has breathing issues too. I just wish those who have traveled would listen to the medical professionals and self isolate themselves, don't be a ass and go around with the possibility of infecting other people.
Richard_39 said:
Am I the only one feeling this....and fearing this a LOT more than any viruses themselves?

I don't fear the mass hysteria as long as I am not exposed to it. I will worry about that if it turns into a zombie plague. lol

As my self-isolation continues, I am getting no texts, no one messaging me on social media, no one checking in on me, and so my loneliness has risen. I know I will be okay since I am healthy and I am so far not in any risk groups. But that doesn't make me less lonely. My job is on hiatus at the moment, so that means my main source of socialization has been cut off from me.

So, I am alone, in my home, making due with what I have, not going outside, not speaking to people, and I am just starting to feel the first tinge of isolation hit me. And the lack of a support system to care about how I am doing.

I'm just crossing my fingers that something good happens. One thing good was that yesterday, China had its first full day without a new coronavirus case, and some experts say that it is slowing down there. So, that's approximately three months since they had their first reported case. Maybe that is good news. I don't know.
Case said:
Richard_39 said:
Am I the only one feeling this....and fearing this a LOT more than any viruses themselves?

I don't fear the mass hysteria as long as I am not exposed to it. I will worry about that if it turns into a zombie plague. lol

As my self-isolation continues, I am getting no texts, no one messaging me on social media, no one checking in on me, and so my loneliness has risen. I know I will be okay since I am healthy and I am so far not in any risk groups. But that doesn't make me less lonely. My job is on hiatus at the moment, so that means my main source of socialization has been cut off from me.

So, I am alone, in my home, making due with what I have, not going outside, not speaking to people, and I am just starting to feel the first tinge of isolation hit me. And the lack of a support system to care about how I am doing.

I'm just crossing my fingers that something good happens. One thing good was that yesterday, China had its first full day without a new coronavirus case, and some experts say that it is slowing down there. So, that's approximately three months since they had their first reported case. Maybe that is good news. I don't know.

This is much the norm for me.  I just piddle with things.  Keep busy, that's the thing.

I've got projects in the works and have had to go out for materials.  If you (anyone) have to go out just stand back from anyone near, and be careful not to touch anything that you don't have to.  Stay home if at all possible.

Missbehave said this will become the norm.  Yes, it will stick around, but progress will be made.  Polio popped back up not that long ago.  As bad as that disease is no one bought toilet paper.  It's just the scare of the uncertain.

The interesting thing is, with all the countries locking down their populations, pollution is dropping quickly.  I understand that canals in Italy are clear to the bottom for the first time in a century.  They can see fish! I hope the world can take a clue from this and learn to protect the only planet we'll ever live on.
My life hasn't changed that much except for not having classes

The only thing is getting me down is the fact that if I dont get any text from somebody this month I can call myself a total friendess loser
HorseLatitudes said:
My life hasn't changed that much except for not having classes

The only thing is getting me down is the fact that if I dont get any text from somebody this month I can call myself a total friendess loser

*Beep Beep*
Heyo friendorino ✨🤗✨

*hug* 🤗🤗🤗
Richard_39 said:
Something I've been pondering these last few days, as I sit at home currently alone, on temporary unemployment and waiting for either a job application to pan out or unemployment money to fonally kick in, while reading the news and making the mistake of walking into a wallmart and almost being trampled by old ladies stocking up on toilet paper like its Zombieland.

I worry this whole isolation deal is counter productive in the face of a virus whose progression so far indicates itll be as part of the future landscape as the common flu is, with only slightly more elevated a death rate in the usual more vulnerable portion of individuals, but it seems its only driving people away from each other and more into isolation than together.

Am I the only one feeling this....and fearing this a LOT more than any viruses themselves?

Funny thing is, social distancing and isolation hasn't changed my lifestyle in the least.  Except of course, I am banned from the place I work and have to be on call during normal work hours starting Monday.
I hate seeing all the posts on places like LinkedIn listing off things to do while you are stuck at home. It's all things like play games with your family.
They seem to leave off things to do when you are by yourself 24x7. I go to work because it's my social life.
I had a message on Facebook from a friend saying that she and her husband were enjoying having more time together now because of the virus and I replied saying that
I really miss not seeing anyone and she signed off. Made me feel like crap.
Tiina63 said:
I had a message on Facebook from a friend saying that she and her husband were enjoying having more time together now because of the virus and I replied saying that
I really miss not seeing anyone and she signed off. Made me feel like crap.

Sorry, but I just laughed out loud. Ha! ha! "I have someone special in my life. Oh crap! You don't. Time to ghost you!" 

That was really nice of her. She seems like a great person.

The only friends you can rely on are the ones you make up in your own head. Well, until you become senile. Then even those friends will ghost your ass. Ha! Ha!
Finished said:
Tiina63 said:
I had a message on Facebook from a friend saying that she and her husband were enjoying having more time together now because of the virus and I replied saying that
I really miss not seeing anyone and she signed off. Made me feel like crap.

Sorry, but I just laughed out loud. Ha! ha! "I have someone special in my life. Oh crap! You don't. Time to ghost you!" 

That was really nice of her. She seems like a great person.

The only friends you can rely on are the ones you make up in your own head. Well, until you become senile. Then even those friends will ghost your ass. Ha! Ha!

Well, not necessarily. If you're senile and your new friends ghost you, there's always new friends that end up popping in. 

Isn't that right, mr. Toaster Oven? You bet it is! 
I live very near where the Peak District starts (3 miles) and the rule ‘don’t go out’ is making people want to go out more than they would normally have done, I think.

It’s pretty beautiful and I can understand people from the city wanting to drive out to the middle of nowhere to walk but ... it ends up that everyone does, and it’s busier than on Bank Holiday weekends and everyone in the area knows never to go out on a Bank Holiday!

Myself? I sadly have mobility problems now ... my back tends to go into spasm after walking a few paces some days, so I used to love just being about to drive through Chatsworth and back through Bakewell ... I can’t do that now, so I feel very isolated.

Tis poop!
Hi Saffy,

We live not too far away from one another (Telford). Do you mean that your back causes problems driving or that we're not allowed to drive anywhere? If it's the latter, I'd say you should go for a drive as there are lots of people on the road and unlikely you will be stopped and asked what you're doing. Those parked at beauty spots will be! A drive to the shops via a 'scenic route' once or twice a week could be a good tonic for you and is hardly going to cause mayhem out there. You're doing your bit, as am I, but it shouldn't come at the expense of our sanity!

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