Ha! ha!

It is funny how upset some people are getting about differences of opinions about Covid. There are always atleast two sides to every issue. The "experts" have proven to be wrong many times. So, when they come out and say something it doesn't really mean anything to me. It's just a guess. I look to the past for similar things, research as much as I think I need to, and make an informed decision for myself. I do NOT just accept what some person tells me to do. I do not know their motives and who is paying them for what they are saying and their motives. I've also worked with plenty of experts in my field and they screwed up on a regular basis. An expert is just someone with years of experience in their field that seems competent.
I especially laughed recently.

Read my threads on masks. I remember saying that the stupid cloth masks, especially the loose ones, only help a little bit if at all. I remember saying if masks are worn they should be N95 or better. I have an equivelent N99 I have when welding chemically treated steel. But, I'm not going to wear that while I'm out shopping. It's really uncomfortable and hard to breath in. That mask actually stops tiny particles. I was argued against because the "experts" were saying the cloth masks work great at the time. They said that because that's all that was available. But, they didn't say wear the cloth masks because that's all that's available. They said they stop the virus.
Well, I recently noticed that the TV news keeps putting up some doctor with credits behind his name as an expert. He is saying that cloth masks don't really do anything and we should all be wearing N95 masks. Maybe he is correct. Maybe he is just an idiot that wants a moment of fame. The media doesn't care they use him any way.
The government does not give one **** about you or me or anybody else that's not rich or famous or in the media. They do however, care about the masses. That's how they get elected and highered into top positions. It's a numbers game to them. If they know that the vaccine kills 4% of the population. But, saves 15% of the population they will tell the world that the vaccine causes only mild effects otherwise nobody would get the vaccine. They have to lie. They will say or do anything for the masses. I'm not a mass. I'm an individual that can think and reason for myself. I'm sure I have gotten Covid atleast once. But, since I'm actually healthy, eat healthy, and exercise, my body did as it was designed to do. So, I had only minor symptoms.
Now, if I had heart issues, lung issues, weight issues, or other various issues then I would probably get the vaccination. But, I don't. So, for me, it's not worth the risk or trouble to get the vaccine. Having said that, there has been, and continues to be a bashing campaign via the government, the media, and with some in here, against unvaccinated people. They say the unvaccinated ones are responsible for spreading the virus. Well, it turns out that everybody can spread the virus vaccinated or not. Really it took this long to notice that. That is withholding evidence. They had to have known that fairly early on. But, they are still bashing the unvaccinated. Things like this don't make sense. This is why the various conspiracies come about. Many actually make sense.
They really like to say that the ones dying now are the unvaccinated. No, it's not quite that simple. It's people with compromised immuine systems and not vaccinated. There may be plenty of vaccinated that are dying too. But, I haven't really looked into that. It's all about our own immunie systems. That's what matters.
They also have said for quite awhile that the unvaccinated are the reason behind the mutations. Again, that's not true. Mutations occur when an immunine compromised person, vaccinated or not, gets the virus and struggles to tackle it. It has a chance to grow, replicate, and mutate. Truth be told, nature has a way of preserving itself. In nature the weak people would get the virus and die. The healthy people would ony get minor symptoms. Then the virus would just be carried around harmlessly until it didn't matter any more. But, with our mass intervention we are giving fuel to the virus and mutations so it's going to be a long term issue which weakens the overall herd. Although it may appear humane it's not smart.
The real truth is that the vaccinated are more responsible for spreading Covid because they believed they couldn't spread it, as told by the experts, so they got into large groups, flown on airplanes, etc, etc, etc. The unvaccinated, at least myself, realize that I could spread the virus so I stayed at a distance from others.
If controlling the spread is so urgent then we should be shutting down everything again. Obviously the masks aren't controlling the spread. What I and a few others on here have said, from the beginning, is that issolation is the only true way to stop spreading a virus. That's what they did in the old days before vaccinations. Many people would get the virus, be seperated, possible die, and then the rest didn't have to deal with it.
But, our society is so smart now that we think that we can control anything and everything. Can we? On a scale from 1 to 10 how good of a job have we done with Covid? We pretty much messed up the world's economy. The US is in so much debt it's currency should blow up. We have to keep injecting $trillions into our economy that we don't have just to keep the facade going. Also the number of infected people seems quite high.
The reality is that this Covid thing has been handled like a real cluster F... It has been a guessing game from the beginning. But, it has been sold as a factual and appropriate reaction. The politicians and people in power have used it to facilitate their own agendas. So, do you really want to believe what they and their experts tell you to do? I sure the hell don't.