Creepy, classic computer games

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Whenever October rolls around I always try to break out an old horror game to play. Not everyone has an Xbox 360 or a Playstation 3 at their disposal, and not everyone has a state of the art computer to play the latest titles. The following are a few older games that have impressed me with their stories and gameplay. Pretty much anyone with a computer built in the last 5 or 6 years can run them. Due to their age, they may require a patch or compatibility setting to be ran under XP or Vista. I have verified that they do work under XP.



The first System Shock was a hybrid shooter/rpg that pitted you against a renegade artificial intelligence named "Shodan". SS2 takes place 42 years after the original, starting off aboard the starship Von Braun.

You awake from cryosleep only to discover that you have no memory, the entire crew has been massacred and that every deck is crawling with monsters spawned from an alien consciousness calling itself "The Many". You're forced to make your way through the decks, picking up weapons, ammo and other items along the way in an attempt find a way to destroy the Many and it's creations.

The graphics may be a bit dated, but considering it's age (released 1999) it's still one of my favorites and continues to draw me in every time I install it. I consider it to be more horror than science fiction, since emphasis is placed on terror and survival.



Set during the 1920's, your character Patrick Galloway, an expert on the occult is summoned to the estate of his friend, Jeremiah Covenant on the coast of Ireland. The plot is fairly complicated, but boils down to Jeremiah's entire family having been killed as a result of a strange curse set in motion when Jeremiah and his siblings were children. Galloway decides to honor his dying friend's wishes by attempting to stop the curse. Throughout the game you are confronted with the reanimated corpses of Jeremiah's fallen brothers and sisters, along with various other nasty things I would never want to see in real life.

Released in 2001, this game never received the attention I thought it deserved. Despite it's age, there are some genuinely disturbing levels in the game which make it a perfect choice for Halloween.

THEY HUNGER 1, 2 & 3


If you own a copy of the original Half-Life, you can play the "They Hunger" series. The plot is somewhat thin, but the first episode involves your character driving to a small rural town to work on his next book. Over the radio, you begin to hear news reports of a "strange atmospheric phenomena". You quickly learn that this phenomena has reanimated all of the recently (and not so recently) dead, in classic "Night of the Living Dead" fashion. After which, the car you are driving is hit by a freak lightning bolt, veers into a nearby lake and you are forced to find a means of escape, armed only with a flashlight and your wits.

The graphics are pretty dated, but the series is extremely enjoyable, especially considering it was a fan-made modification authored by one guy (Neil Manke). It's also free and can be downloaded here:

They Hunger Series
You'll still need a copy of Half-Life to play it.

Aside from "They Hunger", SS2 and Undying are generally no longer on store shelves. I suspect however that they can be found online, either though EBay or other websites that offer surplus or used games for sale. I think they're worth the effort to track down.
Ooooh, so that's how System Shock looks like. Looks better than i had imagined from such an old game.

They hunger was cool.
From 1990
Hugo's House of Horrors

Wow, I thought I might be going back a bit too far by listing something from 1999 but you folks surprised me by dipping into the 8-bit era. Ithought, I loved American McGee's Alice. I never finished it either, not because it scared me but because it simply became difficult and frustrating towards the end.

You want spooky old-ass games? you got em!



There have been several "Alone in the Dark" games released over the years, but the original was released in 1992. I picked this thing up off the shelf the day after release. It originally came out for DOS and installed from 4 floppies...floppies dammit!



The only really scary thing about this game are probably the graphics, or rather the lack of them. It was released in 1982 for the Atari 2600. I still have my cartridge. You know you want it. :)
Minus said:
Satyr said:


I remember playing around with that one.

It was pretty advanced for 1992. Probably one of the first games to make good use of actual 3D models. I mean GOOD use of them...I realize there were a few earlier attempts.
Satyr said:
It was pretty advanced for 1992. Probably one of the first games to make good use of actual 3D models. I mean GOOD use of them...I realize there were a few earlier attempts.

It seemed to have a whole different look to it for the time.
Ithought said:
American Magee's Alice
I couldn't finish this game because it was too scary.
My fear was it might turn me to other way in Psycho field especially mad kid’s laughing.

Don't piss her off Please!!

that actually looks scary >//w//<;;
I want to try it.
Great write-up, OP, I will definitely be downloading those games asap, they look great. I think Duke Nukem 3D is pretty creepy as well, and Doom of course.
I downloaded System Shock and was eager to play it after discovering that is was created by the authors of Bioshock but after a significant amount of effort was never able to get it to work.. XP

it is good to know that maybe i will be able to try System Shock 2.. i will defininately get busy hunting it down.. cheers :)

Undying was a fantastic game.. i took a break from gaming for a number of years and was slow to get into pc games.. but my brother played through it all as i watched.. never got bored.. then later i played it on my own.. sweet sweet game.. been thinking about having another play through again.. clive barker is a genious.. his books are also a great read... he wrote Hellbound Heart upon which Hellraiser (the movie) was made.. one of my all time fav horrors
I can't say that I'm a gamer anymore, but when I was a kid I thought that Shadowgate was the bomb, and I think it bears mention here.

PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
it is good to know that maybe i will be able to try System Shock 2.. i will defininately get busy hunting it down.. cheers :)

If you manage to track it down, here's a link on how to get it to work under XP.

SS2 fix

Scroll down to "Incompatible Windows Version". :)

This was a rather creepy, classic snes game. If you manage to find it, then i can only recommend it. The music fits the setting perfectly, the graphics are really good for its age and the storyline's very appealing.

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