Jedi Guardian
don't know. If it's only comedy that might not be so bad. I just don't want to hear about what's wrong with everything all the time.
TropicalStarfish said:Getting stabbed... Total deal breaker...
TheRealCallie said:LOL, I am a vegetarian, BUT, I know how to cook meat and do so for my kids. I don't like to, but I will for them (and I did for my ex too).
painter said:Things like racism, homophobia, abusive, cheating etc... well they're the standard for every relatively sane person, aren't they? Although yes, many of us put up with them sometimes, but usually when we're in too deep...
TheRealCallie said:Wait wait wait...
Before I start, I want to add a disclaimer. I am not in any way trying to say that you aren't entitled to your opinion or trying to change your mind. It's your life and you have every right to say who you will and will not date. I am also not saying I'm offended in any way. I'm simply trying to understand this. I would likely be asking this even if I wasn't a vegetarian.
So, what you're saying is that a vegetarian might nag you to stop eating meat. Okay, if this were to happen, I would completely understand your take on this. However, it's the second part that I have issues with.
If a vegetarian did NOT nag you to stop eating me, she's not faithful in her beliefs? How do you come to this conclusion? I'm not saying every vegetarian/vegan is like me, but I don't care what other people do. You have the right to eat meat, just the same as I have the right to NOT eat meat. Now, I would likely have issues if you wanted to kill an animal in front of me and then expect me to cook it, but other than situations like that, I have no problems with other people eating meat. That doesn't mean I'm not committed to being a vegetarian. I haven't had meat or any type of meat products in almost 13 years and I have never once reconsidered my beliefs in the matter.
Yes, I cook meat, but in my opinion, the choice of not eating meat should be made by the individual, not made FOR them by someone else. As I have kids and I don't feel they are old enough to fully weigh the pros and cons of the matter, they continue to eat meat for the nutrients it provides them and because they like it.
I guess what I'm getting out is how does a person respecting YOUR decision about what you eat boil down to you not respecting them for not getting on your ass about what THEY believe?
jaguarundi said:^ The above makes a significant omission. It assumes that being a vegetarian would be the highest and only principle a person has.
But people generally have far more than one value - a whole hierarchy of them in fact. For some people, toleration, sustaining a relationship, and really loving someone might well come higher up the list for some people than what their partner puts into their mouth.
Once you take that idea on, the rest falls away like so much chaff in the wind.
JustSomeGal said:I used to say I wouldn't tolerate physical abuse..Went through a whirlwind period with an ex. Used to say I wouldn't tolerate cheating. But let that one slide, too. They are definite deal breakers now.
jaguarundi said:hence you are behaving like a patronising arse, which this argument implies.
You are young, so perhaps you simply have not learned what love, real toleration and mutual respect can mean. Try it. You might be surprised.