AmytheTemperamental said:"should I reach out first, or should I let them come to me"
"Am I being too pushy, or am I not pushing enough"
"Am I helping, or am I just making them more miserable"
"Am I getting enough done, or am I taking too long"
I am, I'm not. I am, I'm not. Just shut the hell up mind :club:
My conclusion. My brain is stupid, and I am worrying about something that other people probably don't even give a second thought to.I love how this works.
Do both. If they don't resonate to who you are, move on. They certainly will with you.
You can never be too pushy, you are only staying true to yourself.
You always be honest when being asked direct questions, its one thing to withhold something that wasn't inquired but something else entirely to lie about something you were directly asked about. Whether or not it help, your honest input will definitely give them something to think about.
You take as long as it take to see task through and true!
You are who you are, no one else can tell you who you are!
Conclusion, You brain your processor that helps you do the things you want to do, Your heart is where is where everything originates... Your loves, your passions, your desires, your hopes and dreams. Your heart not just that pump the preserves your blood and life force, but the housing of your true essence. While you you may not know everything you will be guided by intuition and your heart will likely lead you in the right place, even if you misread things from time to time. Its still an experience you will never forget!
You are not stupid, you are unique and let know one else tell you otherwise!