Deconstructive Criticism

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You know, last mom's boyfriend kept saying **** about me. And I could hear what he was saying because he was saying it to my mom 20 feet away from me.

It all sounded so stupid, what he was saying. Here I am in college, he's a guest in the house and he's complaining about me forgetting to turn off the space heater and lights in the living room. (heck the Kitchen and family room are less than 20 feet apart and half the time I thought he and my mom wanted to use the living room). He was also complaining that I dont let the dog out often enough o_O

Are you kidding me? If those are my crimes, i'll take them lol.

He was bitching about how all I do is be on the computer and watch Tv. Well DUH YEAH i'm on BREAK from college. And I cant get a job because then my college wouldnt get paid for.

I admit it drove me to tears at the end, when he and my mom went to bed. I cried a little, frustrated. His words used to hurt me more....

Once they even drove me to get drunk after he told me I was a bitch with no friends. I went to my room, went halfway t hrough a suicide attempt...but then decided just to go to bed instead drunk and woke up with a hangover. It's the only time I've ever been drunk.

But throughout the whole thing (last night) i was saying to myself that I didnt deserve his complaints, thinking that I could conjur up much worse things for me to be doing. I could be a drug addict. I could be addicted to cigaretts. I could be an alcoholic, promiscuous...I could NOT be in college. I could be in jail. I could be a thief. I could have a baby at a very young age.

There are loads of things worse. And He complains nightly about me, making sure i'm within earshot.

In a sick sort of way I sort of liked to hear him bash me last night because it caused me to say to myself

"This is ridiculous. I'm not that bad of a person."

If only I were this immune to my own self-criticisms. Sometimes it's just ridiculous how people judge you. Judge judge judge judge.

*sigh* And where does the bad self esteem go? What place does it deserve? Is it useful? Should it even have a place in one's life? Is debasement only useful for Christian monks who tell themselves they are unworthy of God's forgiveness?

Esteem seems so intangible and difficult to define. There's high self esteem, low self esteem and then narcissists who can do no wrong vs people suffering from depression that internalize ALL blame.

All I know is that I refuse to let other people tell me I'm a bad person. That's ridiculous. I'm not. And they can shove it in the wrong end if they think otherwize.

**** other people and their little measuring rulers. Who do they think they are? *growls* Dont people realize that there will always be those better and worse than you? Is it truely worth it to raise yourself up on the backs of others? Is this truely what self-esteem is about?

I dont know myself. I guess I judge others too. It's impossible to escape. The judging process.

So I guess in conclusion we should all just let the sneering jabbing unconstructive criticism roll off our backs and only accept the constructive criticism from those that are seeking to genuinely help us instead of tearing us down.

End my story/rant/musing thread lol
It sounds to me as though your mom's boyfriend needs to get smacked in the teeth. He's not, by chance, anywhere in Montana, is he? *cracks knuckles*
yeah, learning to ignore s.o.b.'s seems to be a part of the game alright..

it sounds like your mom's boyfriend has his pants on way too tight.

so you don't turn off the heater, don't walk the dog enough and sit around too much.. you're right, these aren't major problems, they sound ordinary enough.. if he is whining to your mom everyday then it seems there is something more insidious about his complaints.. hard to know though..

my mom has been dating for a couple of years and my brother and i meet a lot of the 'candidates' and some of them have made comments about her treatment of us.. some of them have disagreed with how 'nice' she is to us.. i guess some of them believed in some version of 'tough love' or something.. but her response has always been the same, basically she tells them to bugger off, we are her children and we come first. she's a killer :p

so i was wondering.. what does you mom do or say when this stranger (essentially) and guest to boot starts smarting his mouth off about HER DAUGHTER?

Seems all very true to me. I admire for being able to shrug it off like that.

I think if you didn't judge anybody you would get the wrong friends.. it's necessary. Sometimes you're wrong, sometimes you're right. And if you're wrong you'll find out somewhere along the way. It's about self protection.

What's definitely not about self protection though, is what your mom's friend is doing. That's just bashing on you, for some reason I don't know. It's not judging, he has a problem.
Reminds me of the time when I used to have bloody knuckles
Sanal said:
Reminds me of the time when I used to have bloody knuckles

Bloody knuckles? from what?

unless youre referring to the game bloody knuckles...
SophiaGrace said:
Sanal said:
Reminds me of the time when I used to have bloody knuckles

Bloody knuckles? from what?

unless youre referring to the game bloody knuckles...

From punching people obviously. Blood isnt mine though :p

Edit: Geez Sophia. I was kinda kidding as indirectly prompting you to punch him. Well ain't gonna work that way but it isnt like you've got many options. Someone should punch him.. really..

SophiaGrace: What a little cocksucking *******. Does your mom agree with his comments about you? Does she stick up for you? When I read your post, I kept thinking--maybe the guy should spend a little less time talking about his girlfriend's daughter. Seems a little strange for him to focus on you like that, ya know? BE CAREFUL AROUND THAT *******.

I've seen it time and time again. Abusive men like this test the waters to see how far they can go with their women, and then they exploit it. It seems like this guy is looking to see how much abuse your mom (and you) will take from him...and if your mom (and you) don't stick up for yourselves, then he's GOING to take advantage of that. And make no mistake about it--he is abusive if his insulting and degrading comments about you are a common occurrence.

If someone says something about you enough times, you start to believe it. Just be careful around him and try to avoid him as much as possible. I would also recommend having a talk with your mom about boundaries and respect in her household. I hope everything works out for you on this...I hate to hear of crap like that and not be able to do anything about it. -_-

The cheek of that man! A guest in your house and he's got the nerve to talk like he owns the place. He should be lucky you guys aren't kicking him out on his butt for being so hoity toity. I'm so sorry to hear he's said such horrible things to you, Sophia *hugs*. Don't ever let him drive you to do something to hurt yourself - he's not worth it. Your life is worth so much more than that.

I'd really wanna say you should sock him on the head with the nearest flower pot but in reality, you shouldn't retaliate with physical force. He's a man and is much stronger that you - don't give him that excuse to start laying at hand on you. I have a stinking feeling he's goading you to see how much you can take before you explode, take a swipe at him and then he sees it as justification to hit back. *sigh*. Steve's right, you should try to avoid him as much as possible.

Just remember - this man's presence in your life is only temporary. You're gonna finish college, graduate, start your own life. There is a whole life ahead of you and you won't have to put up with this Highness forever, so take heart and be strong ok?
What Steve says here is VERY IMPORTANT. Listen to Steve.

Badjedidude said:
I've seen it time and time again. Abusive men like this test the waters to see how far they can go with their women, and then they exploit it. It seems like this guy is looking to see how much abuse your mom (and you) will take from him...and if your mom (and you) don't stick up for yourselves, then he's GOING to take advantage of that. And make no mistake about it--he is abusive if his insulting and degrading comments about you are a common occurrence.


I hope your mom sticks up for you, but if she doesn't, please stick up for yourself. And a great big YOU GO GIRL for not buying his ********. Some people can only build themselves up by tearing others down.
Badjedidude said:

SophiaGrace: What a little cocksucking *******. Does your mom agree with his comments about you? Does she stick up for you? When I read your post, I kept thinking--maybe the guy should spend a little less time talking about his girlfriend's daughter. Seems a little strange for him to focus on you like that, ya know? BE CAREFUL AROUND THAT *******.

I've seen it time and time again. Abusive men like this test the waters to see how far they can go with their women, and then they exploit it. It seems like this guy is looking to see how much abuse your mom (and you) will take from him...and if your mom (and you) don't stick up for yourselves, then he's GOING to take advantage of that. And make no mistake about it--he is abusive if his insulting and degrading comments about you are a common occurrence.

If someone says something about you enough times, you start to believe it. Just be careful around him and try to avoid him as much as possible. I would also recommend having a talk with your mom about boundaries and respect in her household. I hope everything works out for you on this...I hate to hear of crap like that and not be able to do anything about it. -_-


Soph, i only saw this thread now - and i agree - talk to your mom, and be careful - the ******* is poisoning the well :mad:

seriously, he IS abusive, and don't let this go too far - if your mom is not fully aware of your feelings - she should be.
you are a GREAT person, and the little prick is only trying to play some dirty game by saying all that.

please be careful :(
It sounds like he's trying to get your mother to hate you. One of mum's old boyfriends did the same, and it worked. It ended with her waking me up one day and telling me to get out of her house.
There's no such thing as constructive criticism..That'as just sick neuratic behaviors, manipulation and control issues

I attend support groups and work the 12 steps's about recovery
the 4 step is...take a fearless moral inventory of yourself.
There's a common catch phrase in there...."TAKE YOUR OWN GOD DAMN INVENTORY".lol

There's another phrase that I really like..." THANK YOU FOR CARING...**** YOU 4 SHARING" :p's like that becuase there's a lot of type A personalities in there.lmao

Wheather it's the 12 steps or not...There's just different ways of saying. It's really no one's ******* bussiness of how I live, belive, think, or feel.
The only person that's going to live my life is me. If I want help...I'll ask for help from whomever I chose to ask for help.
What constitute my reality, experince, truth or awareness dose not ring true for anyone else....Visa versa.

Even if i did live my life in a very self destructive manner..Being a recovering addict...I'm fucken rebellous by nature.
"Ya..can't beat it into me"...And if you tell me to do something...I'll fucken do the exact opposite even if it'll kill me
becuase I'm sick and tire of people telling me how to live and whatever fucken lesson they want me to learn, which
more often than not is a fucken double standard....

Whatever lesson or corrections I need to process in my life...even if I make the same mistake over and over again.
It dosn't matter if you get it...what matters is if I get it. I learn and grow through making mistake...(experince)
I'll make the changes for the core of my being. I did it for me...not to get ya off of my fucken back or get you to stop bitching
at me. The changes i make in my life..(when I get it) is lasting becuase no one beat it into me.

You can't fucken beat it into me...anymore. I was abused as a child, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritaully.

I'm a visual learner...SHOW ME the money ******* is cheap. :p
Beside...opinions are like ass-holes...everybody has one...
My Mom's boyfriend just screwed up all the books on my bookshelf :(

I came in my room and they were all messed up.

He hates me. :( He knows how much I love my books. He did it when my mom wasn't looking.

Ok well I'm not sure what to do. EIther I keep quiet and dont give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset or I attempt to tell my mom w hat happened, and run the risk of her not believing me because there was a carpet guy that moved everything off the floor in my room while I was gone.

And everything IS gone off the floor in my room. But my bookcase...I have three of them and one of them is totally screwed up. I tried to look at it and see if it was like....the carpet cleaner. But 4 whole shelves are screwed up so it couldnt be that the carpet cleaner knocked off a few books. And I know Todd knows how much I love my books. So...

I dont know what to do. I know he did it and I know he did it at a time where my mom likely wont believe me if I try to talk to her about it.

He wants to see me upset, this much I know.

I just really dont know at the moment what to do:). He is known for being very passive-agressive towards me.
He puts you down because he thinks you're an easy target. That's what bullies do. I promise you, if he knew how I was, he wouldn't talk about me. I seriously wish I was there to choke him out, because I would in a heartbeat, and wouldn't even care. He goes for abusing you because he's insecure about himself. And why your mom puts up with it, I don't know. If it were my daughter being talked to like that, the boyfriend would have my hand print across his mouth for months. I want to say that he's probably insecure and jealous of the attention you get from your mom. Like any daughter should from her mom. A mother and daughter bond should be one close enough that no one could ever break.

If he wants to bully someone, he needs to attempt on someone who will stand up to him.
I think Nilla's right about this.

Definitely don't let him see that you're upset about it. But you should also take some preventative steps, IMHO. Lock your doors....or get a guard dog...or SOMETHING!! :D heh You don't want it to happen again...and it will, unless you change your situation a bit. *HUGS*

Well, sometimes, freaking out on someone, from being pushed so far, works. You shouldn't have to hide your feelings, and you should tell him that. As for your mom, if he knows you love your books, so should she. And she should know that you wouldn't purposely mess your books up. So tell her what he did. If that doesn't work, raise all hell against him. It might get him to leave you alone. I'd really hate to say this, but if he goes too far, call the cops on him. He's not allowed to treat people that way. It's harassment, especially since you don't bother with him. Maybe your mom will see how much of a smart ass schmuck he is when the cops talk to him.

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