Do any of you have mental illness ?

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I was wondering which of you suffer from a mental illness?

I have schizophrenia which quite literally affects my ability to socialize and enjoy it (social withdrawal & anhedonia as symptoms).

It has been very difficult adjusting to this illness. I used to really enjoy talking and socializing with people, and now I find that it makes me feel nervous and isn't really enjoyable anymore.

Needless to say, I am lonely now but don't have the inclination to make friends because I can't get past the fact that talking often makes me feel nervous and sometimes even irritable.

Does anyone else relate to this?
we probably all do but right now were obviously all 2 terrified 2 admit it Lmao dunno anyway hope things get better 4 u here. y not reg u know then we can put a nick 2 a post
I've never been diagnosed with anything but some family members believe I may have Asperger's. I have never really been able to connect with people. I only understand people's behavour to the extent I can determine their motives.
I don't make friends.
Outwardly I appear to be doing fine, I have a decent job and I'm married. I do well in my work because when I have to communicate with people it's formal and goal oriented. In my marriage I'm treated more like a servant than an equal and we barely talk.
I may not be able to relate to your specific challenges but I think I understand some of your frustration.
I read these posts here with people who are in a new city or just got out of a relationship or have some other external temporary thing imposed upon them. I don't mean to make light of their troubles but they will see the dawn. I will always be in a new city.
U know whats funny I feel like I am my illness. I mean its always me that drags me down lol, and it is always me that I have to fight everyday:( I wish there was a Jake medication lol.
schizoid personality disorder.

read it on wiki and it seems to fit my current state (don't do it if you're depressed). but i always wonder if i can eventually get rid of it. often i feel broken and hopeless; and sometimes i feel like anything can happen.

i just came from the laundromat where i spent an hour talking with an old lady. we talked about astrology, hand reading, hypnotism, shamanism, drawing arts (i totally dig old ladies' stuff !)
I work at a state hospital for people with mental disorders so every now and then I start to somewhat self diagnose my self with things thinking I have disorders. ( a lot of people up here do that though)

I do really belive have some kind of social anxitey disorder though.
Husky, I love old people, too. Many of them are really wise. And they have so much more knowledge of the world than we younger folks do, usually. They can see history through a different lens.

I think EVERY lonely person has experienced some degree of depression and anxiety, as society ostracizes lonely people aka 'DIFFERENT' people. Also, many of us have anger problems since we were abused or mistreated as kids.
I have clinical depression but there is a good chance I have Asperger's yet I don't wish to be clinically diagnosed for insurance reasons.
Whoaisme said:
I have clinical depression but there is a good chance I have Asperger's yet I don't wish to be clinically diagnosed for insurance reasons.

Whoa, are you able to clarify what clinical depression is for me? What makes it different from regular depression?
Krossknife said:
U know whats funny I feel like I am my illness. I mean its always me that drags me down lol, and it is always me that I have to fight everyday:( I wish there was a Jake medication lol.

Off topic, but your name really fits your online personality. :)

Sorry, back on topic: My ex's mental illness of extreme personality disorders, his refusal to accept it, to continue to get help for it (due to his refusal to accept it), and his parents enabling behaviors, caused my marriage to end about eight years ago.
diamond-dancer said:
Whoaisme said:
I have clinical depression but there is a good chance I have Asperger's yet I don't wish to be clinically diagnosed for insurance reasons.

Whoa, are you able to clarify what clinical depression is for me? What makes it different from regular depression?

Hey because it makes me feel smart when I can answer questions in my field I will tell you =)

Clinical depression is pretty much any depression which lasts more then 2 weeks. It is usally much more sevre then just regular depression though. It also has to meet so many of the requirments on a list.(sorry don't remeber that part too well) It's often refered to as major depression as well.

Asperger's is kind of like a form of autism. Usally the person has a normal IQ and seems normal execpt has very little social skills and has a hard time relating or feeling what others feel. Also they might have some autism like traits with certain movements or attrations to objects in somewhat of a OCD manner but not to be confused with OCD. For example they might spin something a lot or just mess around with something shiny a lot.
Formal criteria for clinical depression:

According to DSM-IV, the diagnostic manual from American Psychiatric Association, criteria used by mental health professionals, you have Major Depressive Disorder if:

You have had an episode of depression lasting at least two weeks with at least five of the following symptoms:
(1) You are depressed, sad, blue, tearful.
(2) You have lost interest or pleasure in things you previously liked to do.
(3) Your appetite is much less or much greater than usual and you have lost or gained weight.
(4) You have a lot of trouble sleeping or sleep too much.
(5) You are so agitated, restless, or slowed down that others have begun to notice.
(6) You are tired and have no energy.
(7) You feel worthless or excessively guilty about things you have done or not done.
(8) You have trouble concentrating, thinking clearly, or making decisions.
(9) You feel you would be better off dead or have thoughts about killing yourself.

These symptoms are severe enough to upset your daily routine, or to seriously impair your work, or to interfere with your relationships.

The depression does not have a specific cause like alcohol, drugs, medication side effect, or physical illness.

Your depression is not just a normal reaction to the death of a loved one.
Guest said:
Formal criteria for clinical depression:

According to DSM-IV, the diagnostic manual from American Psychiatric Association, criteria used by mental health professionals, you have Major Depressive Disorder if:

You have had an episode of depression lasting at least two weeks with at least five of the following symptoms:
(1) You are depressed, sad, blue, tearful.
(2) You have lost interest or pleasure in things you previously liked to do.
(3) Your appetite is much less or much greater than usual and you have lost or gained weight.
(4) You have a lot of trouble sleeping or sleep too much.
(5) You are so agitated, restless, or slowed down that others have begun to notice.
(6) You are tired and have no energy.
(7) You feel worthless or excessively guilty about things you have done or not done.
(8) You have trouble concentrating, thinking clearly, or making decisions.
(9) You feel you would be better off dead or have thoughts about killing yourself.

These symptoms are severe enough to upset your daily routine, or to seriously impair your work, or to interfere with your relationships.

The depression does not have a specific cause like alcohol, drugs, medication side effect, or physical illness.

Your depression is not just a normal reaction to the death of a loved one.

ah thanks thats the list I mentioned that I could not think of.
Thanks guys/girls...

That's a pretty open-ended guide... makes one wonder about cut-off points and the like!

Josh said:
Guest said:
Formal criteria for clinical depression:

According to DSM-IV, the diagnostic manual from American Psychiatric Association, criteria used by mental health professionals, you have Major Depressive Disorder if:

You have had an episode of depression lasting at least two weeks with at least five of the following symptoms:
(1) You are depressed, sad, blue, tearful.
(2) You have lost interest or pleasure in things you previously liked to do.
(3) Your appetite is much less or much greater than usual and you have lost or gained weight.
(4) You have a lot of trouble sleeping or sleep too much.
(5) You are so agitated, restless, or slowed down that others have begun to notice.
(6) You are tired and have no energy.
(7) You feel worthless or excessively guilty about things you have done or not done.
(8) You have trouble concentrating, thinking clearly, or making decisions.
(9) You feel you would be better off dead or have thoughts about killing yourself.

These symptoms are severe enough to upset your daily routine, or to seriously impair your work, or to interfere with your relationships.

The depression does not have a specific cause like alcohol, drugs, medication side effect, or physical illness.

Your depression is not just a normal reaction to the death of a loved one.

ah thanks thats the list I mentioned that I could not think of.
I forgot to mention with that DSM-IV criteria thing, i think it's usually considered clinical depression if you have at least 5 of the components on the list. That's what it said on a different website about the DSM-IV criteria for depression.
according to the above...i definitely have clinical depression
If you're clinically depressed, contact a doctor or psychiatrist and ask to get put on some medication like Wellbutrin (less likely to give sexual side effects than SSRI's). The medicines really can help in many cases. There's no need to go on suffering.

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