Kristina, I've spent 2 hours reading your other posts and thinking up a worthy response. It's not easy figuring out what you're struggling with, given your few words in each thread. I'd like to offer some kind of answer or encouragement though from a Christian perspective.
It's good of you to at least recognize that we have a soul, which is comprised of our mind and conscience - something separate from our physical bodies. Evolution can't explain this, but a supernatural creator can. We were made for a purpose: to know and love God, and to learn how to love others. Nothing else in this world will replace that purpose or fill our souls adequately.
I think its inevitable that our souls will cry out for help during difficult times, but we're not expected to live a life of constant emptiness or despair. We're to be filled with joy and peace, and that comes from having a right relationship with God. Rather than preach on the subject, let me offer this:
A touching song for you to contemplate,
and an encouraging song to watch as needed.