The war on drugs is very sad and pains me to think about.
Some facts to ponder...
More people died in the "drug war" in Mexico last year alone than all the US soldier deaths in the middle east for the entire duration of the occupation. (this might also include enemy casualities as well, but I forget if that's confirmable.)
20+ people have been killed in America so far this year. The majority of these people were just trying to run away from the cops or got confused during a no knock raid. (that number doesn't count the hundreds of unreported gang related deaths that pile up every year in poverty stricken urban areas... as well as some suburbs as well)
More people overdose on alcohol every year than all other illegal drug overdoses combined, and the upsetting part is many of those over doses such as heroin over dose have preventable counter-measures such as the opiate antogonist marketed as naloxone, which is also a scheduled substance and illegal to possess. Many people fear reporting over doses because of the penalties they will pay for being caught using illegal drugs and many people lack access to life saving drugs like naloxone due to their scheduled status. People die... that just shouldn't be dying. These life saving remedies have been around for a long time as well.
And the obvious fact that banning any form of trade in a free market society creates a black market. Alcohol used to be illegal too, but at the time it was a much more socially acceptable vice.
I don't support full legalization because people need to be educated and have guidelines and limits on there usage. And I don't support decriminalization, although it helps keep non-violent offenders out of the prison system, it does not adress the world wide problem high powered violence driven drug cartels and wars and crime that come with an unregulated black market trade.
I do hope for some form of regulation in the future. The war on drugs is about as effective as the idea of no sex before marriage. And I suspect it will begin to crumble and be replaced with support pillars composed of education and enlightened legislation. Sure there are a few people who seriously attempt to commit to not having sex before marriage, but for the rest of us, education, condoms, birth control, and talking helps a whole lot more than turning a blind eye. The war on drugs is flashing red and blue lights, invading privacy rights, enforcing and fueling feuds and fights, detaining, imprisoning, knocking down doors, shooting people, killing people, breeding war lords, hemorrhaging currency into foreign markets, police corruption, and top it all off... When the war on drugs makes progress and puts a big dealer behind bars for many years, he/she's welcomed into a prison system where, guess what, you can buy illegal drugs.