do you feel your age?

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Jan 6, 2011
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hey guys...noob here lol.

guess i'll go first ofcourseeee: well i am 22 going on 23 in a couple of days and i don't feel that age AT ALL. i literally still feel like..maybe's so weird. like i'm stuck in this mindframe.

i have evaluated my life and i believe i just havent had any inner growth. i have had nothing stimulating (it's only so much college classes can do ya know? lol) i have no real friends. i keep my thoughts to myself and only have 1 person to "chat" with about them (but i think she is getting tired of it...i don't blame her actually). i need to take control but i'm scared and paranoid.

it's weird to see people my age like...talking about marriage, babies, and goals or settling down and i can't even fathom thinking about that.

what bout you guys?
Yeah, I know what you mean, im 26 and still feel about 16 most of the time, I'm still pretty much an irresponsible teenager, except I manage to pay the rent and bills somehow. It's like at that stage of my life, I kinda just got left behind. I never really bothered with school, and I've had **** job after **** job, still get wasted every weekend, avoid as much responsibility as I can. Most people from my highschool have got careers, married, kids, house, cars, blah blah blah (I get updates from the one person I kept in contact with). I never really wanted any of that stuff anyway, so i don't know what to do. I'm sure I'm expected to "grow up" sooner or later, but being an immature mischief causing little **** is so much more fun! Marriage/kids/career/house, it's been done billions of times before, I'd rather do something different, even if it is the lonely path, I've deemed my life too short for compromise, so screw it, I'll do whatever I want.

Physically, some parts of my body are twenty years older than me (knees, ankles, shoulders...), years of bmx, drunken stupidity, hard labour at work and other "extreme" activities have taken there toll, but who wants to die without scars and stories?
ohsoalone said:
Yeah, I know what you mean, im 26 and still feel about 16 most of the time, I'm still pretty much an irresponsible teenager, except I manage to pay the rent and bills somehow. It's like at that stage of my life, I kinda just got left behind. I never really bothered with school, and I've had **** job after **** job, still get wasted every weekend, avoid as much responsibility as I can. Most people from my highschool have got careers, married, kids, house, cars, blah blah blah (I get updates from the one person I kept in contact with). I never really wanted any of that stuff anyway, so i don't know what to do. I'm sure I'm expected to "grow up" sooner or later, but being an immature mischief causing little **** is so much more fun! Marriage/kids/career/house, it's been done billions of times before, I'd rather do something different, even if it is the lonely path, I've deemed my life too short for compromise, so screw it, I'll do whatever I want.

Physically, some parts of my body are twenty years older than me (knees, ankles, shoulders...), years of bmx, drunken stupidity, hard labour at work and other "extreme" activities have taken there toll, but who wants to die without scars and stories?

i want scars and stories...*tears swell up my eyes* lmaooo. no really i do.

i don't mean 16 with mischief for myself...just like..the virgin girl next door who doesnt do anything but stays in her own imagination and world. i'm just lame honestly when i look on my life...that's why i would like cool awesome stories lol.
I'm 50 in the mirror
and about 20 in my head when I'm feeling happy
and about 100 when I let things get me down.

The one bit of advice I give to young people (when they will listen)
is to work at something you enjoy.
Happiness trumps money any day of the week.
(you can have both, just don't make yourself miserable in the quest for money)
in the movie fight club he makes a comment about how hes a 30 year old boy. thats kind of how i feel. i just turned 29 and i am a kid at heart.
I don't feel my age at all, except for those days that remind you that you're not as young as you feel. I DO NOT act my age either, no where near it. :D
joining the *feeling younger* club
23 and feel like i haven't done much in my ciel i'm feeling quite the same, i think
i'll give myself a solid 20. it's also quite the average of that ppl say i look like. there are still some teenage kids (well, not kids but definitely younger than me) which try to hit on me sometimes lol XD i find it very funny :p
I'm 53 on the calendar, but my body feels 80 sometimes. (Get ready you younger people. It will hit you. :p) I'm young at heart, though.
I am a 53 year old woman, and most of the time, I absolutely don't feel my age.

I have done many things in my life--I accomplished some things, and I have done things I regret. I have not had any children, and my family consists of 8 people, including myself.

Now that I haven't been in a relationship for almost 7 years, I feel how I did before I got married--young and free. I love that I don't have to answer to anyone, except God.

Other times, however, I feel much older. This is when I am lonely, bored, or thinking that it might be good to have a boyfriend. I often wonder if I would be so lonely if I had had children and then possibly grandchildren.

But, I can't dwell on any of that, because it will just get me feeling more lonely and depressed.
Some days I feel 45. I certainly relate better to the 28-30+ crowd than I do my own age group, usually.

But at heart I wish I was still 10 or so, or even younger. Playing with legos, watching he-man, playing army and camping in my back yard with the rest of the nerd herd. Always looking forward to the next weekend so I could stay up all night and play video games, or read until dawn.
I've never quite "felt my age." People tend to tell me I'm somewhat of an old soul and far too serious for my age (I've heard this since middle school!). Despite what others say though, I think I'm more a kid at heart; I'm nearing 30 and I still enjoy "kid" things like playing with dolls and watching cartoons and playing games... ^_^
i don't think that you're supposed to "feel" your age. you feel however you want to feel and that's it. i've seen kids that behaved like men, and old people that were as young and alive as teenagers. it's like you said. it's all just a mindframe. dont' worry about it.
I feel ancient most of the times. Not wise beyond my years, I miss being a kid, sometimes, although youngster years had their fair share of hardships. I sure as hell wouldn't want to go thru my parents' separation and years of school bullying. bills, troublesome neighbours, no constant fear of failure and general sense of 'Bugger all' about future prospects...*Sigh* And frankly, I miss my buddies. Tabletop games, LAN-parties, school and whatnot.

Generally try and keep my inner childe at check, but I can't fail to admit that most of the time, I'd just rather enjoy a game, a movie, music and whatnot rather than be an adult- being an adult sucks. I feel in adequate as a worker, since nobody will employ me, I feel stupid and awkward in presence of women my age due to my complete lack of self-esteem and any experience in the field of wooing and lastly, I feel just tired and grumpy...I can't recall the last time I honestly felt at home in my home, and every day seems to have it's own bloody worries, piling atop each other like minute weights upon my achievements, a figurable house of cards, and sometimes, it seems, a mere gust can bring the whole damn thing down, forcing me to start from scratch.

Used to be that folks said I seemed older for my age, but nowadays, I don't get any feedback. Mostly 'cos there's hardly anybody left in my life. And I got to admit again, sometimes I just feel like playing hooky and leave my worries for another day.
Hmm... I feel like an old lady sometimes. Even my elderly neighbor goes partying while I'm either at home or out cycling.
Most of my friends tell me that I'm often way too serious yet on some days, really zany and childlike. I care about my grades a lot so I'm always doing my personal best in school. Yet, I start water fights, wrestle around on the grass with my guy friends and climb the school gates to skip ''christian studies'' class.

On the other hand, I do play video games and read comics.... Eh, not every teenager does that. I think that most teenagers are really into partying, sex and playing silly, simple mind games with one another.

No, i do feel like im 18 or something sometimes because i feel the people of the same age has gone through more heartbreaks and issues that they have come out of wiser and stronger..
plus, it seems they have just simply lived life more than me.
Hi I'm 22 but I feel like a little kid. I've been watching my friends get engaged, take care of their baby, have a good career path, etc. Me on the other hand, still clueless. I don't have a set of goals and still very confused about a lot of things. I really don't know what I want to do with my life. I feel like I'm being left behind... way behind.

I am 27 but most of the time feel way... way older. Impressive, what job you do and education you have changes your outlook of like and how do you feel about it and yourself...


I'm about to turn 20 and I feel like a 12 year old..two of my friends are engaged and getting married this summer. Both of them are younger than me! I've found it hard to act excited for them because I just want to grab them and tell them that they're too young and they don't know what they're doing yet...but deep down I know thats because I still feel way too young and have no idea what I'm doing.
I also think I may be jealous. I've been dating my boyfriend for almost 4 years but its sometimes long distance and we broke up for about 6 months last year. I guess we were headed in the direction of getting married but when we broke up my trust was shattered and I feel like we're starting all over again and are nowhere near marriage. Both of my friends have been dating their fiances for less than 2 years so its hard to compare them to me.
Guess when the time is right for me to "grow up" I'll know :)
lolz,,,i am 29 going on 19,,,i feel so childish in my mind,,,like that little enthusiastic girl,,who sees a new world which is so fascinating,,everything is so new ..

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