Do you think you look weird?

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Sep 22, 2010
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When you look in the mirror, do you think you look weird?

I sure do. I think I'm the weirdest person I've ever seen. Especially when I look at my face from the side.

This is an interesting conversation that I have had before and I would like to have it here.
I have a rather small head :(

so it makes it hard to buy sunglasses and hats that fit,

I have never been able to find a fedora that fits me


but everyone has a weird feature or soemthing
Yes. I have kind of a strange chin, not-so-great teeth and the top of my head is shaped funny, it's higher in the back than the front.

Luckily I finally, after 13 years, found a haircut that looks ok and is managable, yet still long on the top...and I will finally be getting braces as soon as my new insurance benefits kick in.
Sometimes, yes. My head is large - hats rarely fit, and someone joked that I have a 6- or 7-head ... instead of a forehead. :/

It's weird though- sometimes I look in the mirror and think that I am pretty, and other times all I see is ugly. It really depends on my mood. We all have an unattractive angle or two, I don't care who you are. lol
I'm actually OK with my looks. I personally think I'm handsome.

But I'm fairly certain that plenty of others think I look weird, or at least slightly below average.

EvFan, DQ, Tang, Callie...

I believe all women are born beautiful and aware of this fact until popular culture teaches you that you are ugly. It's a shame.
I have a good body from working out all the time, but I will openly admit that my face is average at best and ugly as **** on alot of days. The best I can do is keep a good haircut and fend off the acne.

Huge ears like a clown, big nose like a Turkish scimitar, face loooooooong and narrow, and beady eyes that got me phony sexual harassment accusations before I had muscles and good body language. And I lose out to guys with nice strong jawlines 100% of the time, even if I am more jacked than them. Luckily I think I am noticing changes and my jawline seems to be getting stronger.
Yes, when I look in the mirror with my face sideways it looks like I have a flat face.
I DON'T THINK ANYONE LOOKS "WEIRD"--everyone has features they would like to change--maybe even all of their looks, if they feel ugly.

I don't feel I look weird. I just don't like certain features of my face and body and would like to change them...but I accept how I look...I am not a model! And, at my age, I am certainly no Barbie Doll!
I don't think I look weird, but I see the aging in most reflections. It is clear and it is something I'm trying to get myself to accept sooner rather than later. Looking in a mirror under the right conditions (lighting, shave, etc.) can be a bit encouraging. On the other hand, getting a reflection from a LCD or maybe a window ALWAYS reveals the lines of aging of this 29 year old.

Naw. I keep all the weirdness under my skin, lest it manifest itself in some horrid manner, like growing extra eyes or extra sets of teeth, y'know, the Lovecraftian look. :p Plain is what I look like.

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