Does anyone here feel like a loser?

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Well, I've hardly gotten my foot in the door when it comes to really experiencing the world, but, yeah, there have already been plenty of times when I felt like a loser. Sometimes it drags me down more than others, but, despite everything, there's enough sporadic success to keep me going.

I've taken a liking to Tom Petty's "Even the losers." Oddly appropriate.

"Baby, even the losers, get lucky sometimes.
Baby, even the losers, keep a little bit of pride, they get lucky sometimes."
Lone Apothecary said:
"Baby, even the losers, get lucky sometimes.
Baby, even the losers, keep a little bit of pride, they get lucky sometimes."

Sounds like my love life, except I never get lucky. :p
I understand what you are going through. I tend to feel the same way most of the time. I've come to see people are very flawed creatures with large deficiencies in things such as character and integrity. I don't know what the future holds for me and I try not to ponder that. Right now I am locked into a pattern of necessity. I get up each morning because I have to. I shower, get dressed, go to work and pay my bills because I have to. I am a parent. It's amazing how life ceases to be about 'you' when you are responsible for raising another human being. At times I resent my child for being my reason to go on. Other times I want to thank her for it. Life is hard. Society is very ****** up right now. Things are going to get worse. Many of us that should have friends and families and futures simply will not because of how dominated by evil and sickness our reality has become. Simple truth. Still saddens me deeply though. I don't have hope of finding "the one" because I don't believe "the one" exists. We are animals. We eat, ****, sleep, and **** (if we are lucky). That's it. The rest is self-delusion.
bodafuko said:
I understand what you are going through. I tend to feel the same way most of the time. I've come to see people are very flawed creatures with large deficiencies in things such as character and integrity. I don't know what the future holds for me and I try not to ponder that. Right now I am locked into a pattern of necessity. I get up each morning because I have to. I shower, get dressed, go to work and pay my bills because I have to. I am a parent. It's amazing how life ceases to be about 'you' when you are responsible for raising another human being. At times I resent my child for being my reason to go on. Other times I want to thank her for it. Life is hard. Society is very ****** up right now. Things are going to get worse. Many of us that should have friends and families and futures simply will not because of how dominated by evil and sickness our reality has become. Simple truth. Still saddens me deeply though. I don't have hope of finding "the one" because I don't believe "the one" exists. We are animals. We eat, ****, sleep, and **** (if we are lucky). That's it. The rest is self-delusion.

Yes, indeed. The world has become a very ****** up place. And for someone like me, who is very sociological by nature, and has a tendency to always want to follow world events and keep my finger on the pulse of society, it just blows my mind to see it all going down the toilet. Sure, there is alot of beauty in the world. We have given rise to art, music, mathematics, astronomy, technology, and much much creativity. There are many random acts of kindness all the time.

But I read the news. I see a society scared of its own shadow, many nations giving up their liberties for the ILLUSION of security. I've seen cultures become so paranoid that they assume you are a killer or child molester just because you smile at them. I cannot even begin to tell you how many articles I have read where people were scared to help someone else, like a man helping a lost child, because the man was afraid that he would be perceived as trying to abduct the child. Or someone is afraid to help an accident victim for fear of being sued. Well, what the **** is that? Is this where we've come to? I don't see much of this type of behavior in the country I live in now, thank God. But it still has severe poverty and high unemployment. Evey nation has its own form of plague. And the saddest part of it all is it doesn't have to be this way. If we stepped out of this opaque society filled with lies and deceit, and grew up as a species and started living as a cooperative society, then many of these social ills would disappear overnight. We wouldn't have hopped up Prozac heads shooting kids in school, we would have excellent employment worldwide, we would be implementing safer cleaner energy sources instead of this bank-owned petroleum society, we would be eliminating all the corruption out of banking, corporations and government. We would know freedom at an entirely different level.

But no, man is a predator by nature. Feeding on the weak. Keeping each other pinned down. Look at some recent examples of human stupidity. American goveernment wanting to make a TRILLION DOLLAR COIN. Well, what the **** is that? Just another illusion of fiat currency? They honestly think this is some kind of solution. Or this huge video game and rap music burning ceremony in Connecticut. Like blaming music and video games for violence is the answer. Doesn't anyone take personal responsibility anymore? Jesus, some 6 year old kid just got suspended for making a gun with his forefinger and thumb and going "phew phew" at another kid. Whatever happened to kids playing cowboys and Indians on the playground? This zero tolerance pandemic and caste system philosophy is consuming our souls. And then it reflects in culture. If you don't look good, or if you are poor, or if you don't drive a car, or if you have a **** job, then the culture perceives you as a loser. Many have adapted this Machiavellian attitude of "might equals right" or "the end justifies the means" and our society is collapsing before our very eyes because if it.

The whole thing is a ******* mess. God help this sorry ass society. Because if we are to survive any longer without total economic and societal collapse, we certainly need to get out house in order.
ThisSideOfTheRainbow said:
bodafuko said:
I understand what you are going through. I tend to feel the same way most of the time. I've come to see people are very flawed creatures with large deficiencies in things such as character and integrity. I don't know what the future holds for me and I try not to ponder that. Right now I am locked into a pattern of necessity. I get up each morning because I have to. I shower, get dressed, go to work and pay my bills because I have to. I am a parent. It's amazing how life ceases to be about 'you' when you are responsible for raising another human being. At times I resent my child for being my reason to go on. Other times I want to thank her for it. Life is hard. Society is very ****** up right now. Things are going to get worse. Many of us that should have friends and families and futures simply will not because of how dominated by evil and sickness our reality has become. Simple truth. Still saddens me deeply though. I don't have hope of finding "the one" because I don't believe "the one" exists. We are animals. We eat, ****, sleep, and **** (if we are lucky). That's it. The rest is self-delusion.

Yes, indeed. The world has become a very ****** up place. And for someone like me, who is very sociological by nature, and has a tendency to always want to follow world events and keep my finger on the pulse of society, it just blows my mind to see it all going down the toilet. Sure, there is alot of beauty in the world. We have given rise to art, music, mathematics, astronomy, technology, and much much creativity. There are many random acts of kindness all the time.

But I read the news. I see a society scared of its own shadow, many nations giving up their liberties for the ILLUSION of security. I've seen cultures become so paranoid that they assume you are a killer or child molester just because you smile at them. I cannot even begin to tell you how many articles I have read where people were scared to help someone else, like a man helping a lost child, because the man was afraid that he would be perceived as trying to abduct the child. Or someone is afraid to help an accident victim for fear of being sued. Well, what the **** is that? Is this where we've come to? I don't see much of this type of behavior in the country I live in now, thank God. But it still has severe poverty and high unemployment. Evey nation has its own form of plague. And the saddest part of it all is it doesn't have to be this way. If we stepped out of this opaque society filled with lies and deceit, and grew up as a species and started living as a cooperative society, then many of these social ills would disappear overnight. We wouldn't have hopped up Prozac heads shooting kids in school, we would have excellent employment worldwide, we would be implementing safer cleaner energy sources instead of this bank-owned petroleum society, we would be eliminating all the corruption out of banking, corporations and government. We would know freedom at an entirely different level.

But no, man is a predator by nature. Feeding on the weak. Keeping each other pinned down. Look at some recent examples of human stupidity. American goveernment wanting to make a TRILLION DOLLAR COIN. Well, what the **** is that? Just another illusion of fiat currency? They honestly think this is some kind of solution. Or this huge video game and rap music burning ceremony in Connecticut. Like blaming music and video games for violence is the answer. Doesn't anyone take personal responsibility anymore? Jesus, some 6 year old kid just got suspended for making a gun with his forefinger and thumb and going "phew phew" at another kid. Whatever happened to kids playing cowboys and Indians on the playground? This zero tolerance pandemic and caste system philosophy is consuming our souls. And then it reflects in culture. If you don't look good, or if you are poor, or if you don't drive a car, or if you have a **** job, then the culture perceives you as a loser. Many have adapted this Machiavellian attitude of "might equals right" or "the end justifies the means" and our society is collapsing before our very eyes because if it.

The whole thing is a ******* mess. God help this sorry ass society. Because if we are to survive any longer without total economic and societal collapse, we certainly need to get out house in order.

I could not agree more. The sad truth that becomes so obvious when one looks at current events and the current state of things in general, is that people are followers. By and large, the vast majority of humans do one thing best: follow (and imitate). So all of the recent trends lean toward a lack of compassion, a lack of empathy, a lack of decency toward our fellow man (and woman). Wow, great trend! The most disturbing part? Everyone seems to be on board. Society is going down the toilet and the masses are cheering. Things are going to get worse. Much worse. Only then will "the masses" (those GOOD people that are only guilty of FOLLOWING) look around and say "My God, what have we done?" The answer: You've destroyed our society, You Stupid *****, Thanks A Lot!

I look now at America 2013 and I see a land that deserves what it gets. We have fallen so far in terms of morality (and I don't mean religion, I just mean BASIC HUMAN DECENCY TOWARD YOUR FELLOW MAN) that we deserve to collapse. Our society is rotting from within. The necrosis is now becoming apparent to even the most aloof of observers as well.

Women, as a whole (generalization warning) used to like a good, hard-working, moral, truth-worthy, and family-minded man. For the most part, not anymore. Those men have been relegated to antiquity. We are now a society that throws men away and tells them they have no value. No value as fathers, sons, or husbands.

Men, as a whole (generalization warning) used to like compassionate, nurturing, maternal, and faithful women. Not anymore. Now, all women have to be supersluts to be attractive.

Everything is backward.
there's enough sporadic success to keep me going.
That's me in a nutshell.

You can defintely trigger my "I'm such a loser" button. Remind me why I didn't stick to one career. Why i quit a course that could have changed my career path. Why I didn't make the most of opportunities. Why I didn't have kids. Why i don't have any netowrk of friends in this city. Why i still let people half my age bully me. Why I'm the least popular person in my family and probably at work.
But Ive already achieved in life what many people haven't. Unique experiences. Still need to work on my courage and discipline in order to be a more kind and generous human being
I definitely feel like a loser when it comes to relationships (35 and never had a girlfriend) and a lack of friends and a decent social life.
I am making a concerted effort to try and improve these aspects of my life but it's easier said than done.

In other aspects of my life I consider myself lucky as I have a loving mother, have always had a job, money and a roof over my head.
LonelyInAtl said:
Lone Apothecary said:
"Baby, even the losers, get lucky sometimes.
Baby, even the losers, keep a little bit of pride, they get lucky sometimes."

Sounds like my love life, except I never get lucky. :p

I can definitely relate to that.

"Women, as a whole (generalization warning) used to like a good, hard-working, moral, truth-worthy, and family-minded man. For the most part, not anymore. Those men have been relegated to antiquity. We are now a society that throws men away and tells them they have no value. No value as fathers, sons, or husbands.

Men, as a whole (generalization warning) used to like compassionate, nurturing, maternal, and faithful women. Not anymore. Now, all women have to be supersluts to be attractive."


This is very true. All you've got to do is look at some of the music videos to see the negative portrayal of women. Most people don't want to talk about this, and the media won't touch it with a ten-foot pole, but it's very true.
@ThisSideOfTheRainbow & bodafuko: Well put. I agree with most of what you both said, and many of your respective points were worded wonderfully, I must say.
Just wonder if these negative opinions reflect the state of the country you live in now. eg. America...slugglish economy, mass shootings, etcetera.

Australia feels relatively positive to live the moment....
isthatso said:
Just wonder if these negative opinions reflect the state of the country you live in now. eg. America...slugglish economy, mass shootings, etcetera.

Australia feels relatively positive to live the moment....

This is a very good point! I think that has a great deal to do with it.

I'm sometimes ashamed at what's happened to American culture. I can handle the economic situation, but the culture is what upsets me most of all.

We used to value intelligence (even in cartoons they had Bugs Bunny conducting Tchaikovsky) , and now we glorify ignorance (reality TV, need I say more?)

Then there's the fact that so many Americans have turned into fat, lazy, disgusting, self-centered slobs.

I know that many of you are from the UK, so please believe me when I say that we're not all like that, and we're embarrassed by those who are.
OnlyMe said:
I definitely feel like a loser when it comes to relationships (35 and never had a girlfriend) and a lack of friends and a decent social life.
I am making a concerted effort to try and improve these aspects of my life but it's easier said than done.

In other aspects of my life I consider myself lucky as I have a loving mother, have always had a job, money and a roof over my head.

I guess if you have a job, enough food and a decent place to live then there's only so much indulgent wallowing to be done before it starts to look ugly.

Iceman1978 said:
We used to value intelligence (even in cartoons they had Bugs Bunny conducting Tchaikovsky) , and now we glorify ignorance (reality TV, need I say more?)

Ever seen the "Excused" dating show? We get that here in New Zealand. That's the epitome right there.
Iceman1978 said:
I'm sometimes ashamed at what's happened to American culture. I can handle the economic situation, but the culture is what upsets me most of all.

Then there's the fact that so many Americans have turned into fat, lazy, disgusting, self-centered slobs.

Yep. I love my country, but the people are worthless now.
rdor said:
I guess if you have a job, enough food and a decent place to live then there's only so much indulgent wallowing to be done before it starts to look ugly.

Many people can certainly take these things for granted and I have definitely been guilty of this in the past.

I'm certainly trying to have a more positive outlook on things in 2013. :)
OnlyMe said:
Many people can certainly take these things for granted and I have definitely been guilty of this in the past.

I'm certainly trying to have a more positive outlook on things in 2013. :)
Same with me! I feel bad for not appreciating what I do have and always wanting more.
bodafuko said:
Iceman1978 said:
I'm sometimes ashamed at what's happened to American culture. I can handle the economic situation, but the culture is what upsets me most of all.

Then there's the fact that so many Americans have turned into fat, lazy, disgusting, self-centered slobs.

Yep. I love my country, but the people are worthless now.

As do I. The reason I get so offended at what's going on, at the degeneration of our culture is because I love my country and I know that we're better than this.

Iceman1978 said:
We used to value intelligence (even in cartoons they had Bugs Bunny conducting Tchaikovsky) , and now we glorify ignorance (reality TV, need I say more?)

Ever seen the "Excused" dating show? We get that here in New Zealand. That's the epitome right there.

I haven't seen that one. I guess I'll look it up on YouTube.

Yeah..just watched five minutes of it on YouTube, and that was all I could take. Shows like that trigger a lot of negative feelings in me. When I see programs like that, I imagine how I would be laughed at, ridiculed, and rejected if I were to ever appear on a dating show of any kind.
Hmm... Do I feel like a loser? I', gonna go with yes, yes I feel like a loser, the scum of society, born to not fit into this time...

I don't have a job, never had one either for that matter.
Can't get a job due to my social anxiety, for some reason being socially competent is the one trait that matters the most in every workplace.
Still live at home leeching of my parents... I just live and take without being able to give anything back to the society which lets me live.
Don't really have any wish to take my own life, I'm leaning more towards getting myself thrown into jail where I atleast won't be a leech on my parents good fortune... Not that I could ever bring myself to do that either though...

So yea, I feel like a loser too, one day I might be able to change that but not today.
Skid Row 89 said:
Same with me! I feel bad for not appreciating what I do have and always wanting more.

I think part of the reason that I am guilty of this is because it's the things that I have never had but have always wanted (girlfriend / relationship) that play on your mind more than the everyday things that you already have.

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