Empathy Quotient Test

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0 - 32 = low (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20)
33 - 52 = average (most women score about 47 and most men score about 42)
53 - 63 is above average
64 - 80 is very high
80 is maximum

Gotta be careful answering those questions, some are worded tricky. I went over it 3 times before I submitted and caught a few I misread.
Apparently I am empathetically deficient... I got a 19

"most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20"
It's both amusing and slightly disturbing that I got lower than the average person with Asperger Syndrome or Autism. Then again, I know I'm not a very empathetic person. It annoys me to have to try to figure out what a person is feeling when they could just as easily tell me. Emotions are not a game. I am not going to play Figure Out What Emotion I'm Feeling, and I'm most certainly not going to play Pretend I Can Empathize With Your Issues That I Do NOT Understand At All. On the flip side, once I know what emotions a person is feeling, I can be sympathetic if necessary.
Uh.... I got 19.. :S

Wow,I thought I picked rather... pro empathy answers on that quiz.

Great, now I'm even more aware of how little I relate to normies. lol.
62... one part of me wishes i scored higher. The other part realizes it's probably more of a curse than anything much of the time to be very empathetic.

It can be very taxing to be so aware of other peoples emotions and situations. I would bet that people who scored high may often have a hard time saying "no" to people... I do anyway.
Better than having less empathy than a bag of rocks like I do yesm, lol.
yesm said:
I would bet that people who scored high may often have a hard time saying "no" to people... I do anyway.

No. That's just a matter of being bad at saying "no." I'm not particularly empathetic, but I'm also not good at saying "no."

Empathy and saying "no" are two different things.

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