Empathy Quotient Test

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fortasse said:
yesm said:
I would bet that people who scored high may often have a hard time saying "no" to people... I do anyway.

No. That's just a matter of being bad at saying "no." I'm not particularly empathetic, but I'm also not good at saying "no."

Empathy and saying "no" are two different things.

I think you're talking about assertiveness. Aren't you?
SophiaGrace said:
fortasse said:
yesm said:
I would bet that people who scored high may often have a hard time saying "no" to people... I do anyway.

No. That's just a matter of being bad at saying "no." I'm not particularly empathetic, but I'm also not good at saying "no."

Empathy and saying "no" are two different things.

I think you're talking about assertiveness. Aren't you?
I suppose that could be what I'm talking about. I don't really know lol
I scored 31 which was surprising. Guess I am getting better. I used to be too aware and too concerned about what other people think and feel.
Tests like this remind me of why I am on a lonely forum: the questions make no sense to me. I think I am highly empathetic, in that it really bothers me if anyone, anywhere is unhappy; I can't let it go like other people can. But this is also an indication of autism spectrum, so I should score both high and low simultaneously. The individual questions make no sense to me either, except as a test of "do you think the same way as other people" and I already know the answer to that.

1. "I can easily tell if someone else wants to enter a conversation."
How would I know? I don't have many conversations where a third person is nearby, nor do I observe many conversations third hand. When I do, I strongly believe that my answer is yes, but that could easily be self delusion.

2. "I prefer animals to humans."
I am more obsessed with animals than anyone I know - I have strong empathy for spiders, mice, etc., and totally feel what they are feeling (as far as I can tell, and they seem to like me). But how can I prefer them to humans? Humans are animals too.

3. I try to keep up with the current trends and fashions.
I am interested in everything that matters to other people - I study people as an outsider. I have no interest in being fashionable but I try to keep up with it. So I can answer both yes and no.

4. I find it difficult to explain to others things that I understand easily, when they don't understand it first time.
Yes, but only because I either discuss very simple things (easy to pick up first time) or very complex things (that nobody else gets). It says nothing about my communication skills or lack thereof.

5. I dream most nights.
Impossible to answer, as I may dream and forget. I know I dream a lot of nights, but the rest? Your guess is as good as mine.

6. I really enjoy caring for other people.
People in general, abstract? Definitely. People I love? Definitely. In between? There aren't enough hours in the day so that only leads to frustration, not enjoyment. Once again, strongly yes and strongly no.

7. I try to solve my own problems rather than discussing them with others.
I try to discuss but nobody speaks the same language. Again, strongly yes and strongly no.

8. I find it hard to know what to do in a social situation.
It depends what you mean by hard. I take longer making a decision, but make better decisions. I have seen plenty of socially skilled people who make poor decisions quickly. Any decision is easy if you don't care about the result.

9. I am at my best first thing in the morning.
In what way? I have more energy, but less time. Swings and roundabouts.

10. People often tell me that I went too far in driving my point home in a discussion.
People never say this, but only because I think everyone is mad so I'm careful what I say. That means I have empathy? Riiiiiiight....

11. It doesn't bother me too much if I am late meeting a friend.
How much is "too much"?

12. Friendships and relationships are just too difficult, so I tend not to bother with them.
I find them extremely difficult, so tend not to bother with most. But I make huge efforts for one or two. Again, both yes and no.

That's probably enough answers. Questionnaires only ever tell me one thing: "You are not like other people."

Then I win :cool:

Although lonely_visionary is right. Though I try to answer the questions to the best of my ability, it's not as simple as I do some things and don't do others...I don't think I'm as empathetic as most, but most certainly not enough to be put in the same class as patients with autism or aspergers. In this case, I enjoy my low score...because no, I don't think like everyone else.

By the way, what the **** do big roller coasters have to do with empathy? I'm just scared of things that move high, fast, and jerky!
58.. kind of saw that coming. I'm hypersensitive as hell, but as soon as I saw the questions I knew my "score" would be lowered due to me being a coward - something of which I'm not sure how much it has to do with empathy to be honest...

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