I have this love hate relationship with FB!! During the 2 years that I have been a member, I have added friends, deleted them, de-activated my account, activated it again..! All depending on what is going on in my life!
I currently want to delete it into the world of technology altogether, then I think to myself 'What if I miss it?' Dumb really, I mean I had a life 'before' friggin' FB and now it consumes my life and I find that I 'want' to read my friend's status and see their photos to see what they are up to however menial! Dunno why, often it depresses me becoz I wish to be doing some of the things that they do!
To me, FB has a way of making me feel 'inadequate' and 'inferior' of my friends. I am not a jealous person or anything but I feel like they are all happier, doing better than me, that their lives are 'perfect...' Of course, I know this is not true because everyone has their own personal problems to deal with but it's jus how I feel...
Ok, haha! I really should stop ranting! I just wish it has less of a hold on me but then I guess it is only a 'delete' button away!