Fauci finally said something honest. It was really painful for him to do it too!

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Mar 21, 2020
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In my mind
Fauci said that everybody is going to get Covid and be infected by it.

Yeah, no ****! I said that two years ago. So, why are all the mask mandates and closures still going on?

He also said, "We are hoping when we get through this Omicron wave that we will have enough people vaccinated and/or having been infected and recovered well that there will be a degree of immunity in the community such as that you don't have a situation where it is dominating your life. We hope we get there soon."


Again, Yeah, no ****! I also said that two years ago. Herd immunity is what is needed. BTW, he finally admitted that natural immunity works. Gee, you mean healthy human bodies with millions of years dealing with viruses can handle this one too? Wow! Who would have guessed that? I did two years ago.

Good thing we crashed out economy and needlessly blew trillions of dollars we don't have with nothing to show for it except record inflation. Oh, but that's just temporary. Sure, sure it is. Lets spend more money to combat the over spending problem. That'll fix it. ;)

I know, lets just keep blaming the unvaccinated for all of this mess. No wait, it's the cloth masks. No wait, gee, what else can we use now. I know lets blame global warming for the spread of the virus not all the continued air travel. That's scientific lets use that.

Oh but wait, isn't air travel a major contributor to global warming. Yeah, but lets not talk about that. Instead lets focus on all the small insignificant items like cow burps and add taxes and penalties for extremely minor global warming gassess.

Then we can spend many more $trillions on electric vehicles by helping out our buddies and say we are saving the planet. But, what about all the power needed to charge the batteries and the extremely hazardous and dangerous batteries themselves. Shouldn't we make safer less polluting batteries first? Naaaa. We'll just ignore that issue too. Then later we can spend $trillions to clean up that mess too. Well, we'll just dump that crap next to the nuclear waste in the caves in New Mexico. Why clean up today when you can let someone else clean up later and spend more money. Woohoo!

We'll show a picture of a rainbow and say that electric vehicles are powered by rainbow dust. Everybody should buy off on that. Cool! If not, we'll just give people tax credits to buy the electric vehicles cheaper then they can buy non-electric vehicles. It's not our money so who cares? Besides we'll get even more kickbacks. Woohoo!
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You have a lot of hatred brainwashed into you. People are getting rich manipulating your emotions. Dr Faucci does not deserve the disrespect and hatred being thrust upon him by the people getting rich peddling anti-reality ********. You are taking the word of people who are not qualified to scrape old gum off the bottom of park benches over people who have honorably devoted their lives to science and public service.
^ Ha! ha!

I watched Dr Faucci speak. Did you personally watch him say what he said? Did you watch his body language? He HATED admitting that everybody would get Covid and everybody would get infected by it. It wasn't very long ago that he preached just the opposite to the world. Then the polliticians used what he said to make bad decisions based on his bad OPINIONS.

It was not based on scientific evidence. Scientific evidence was to completely issolate everybody until the virus could no longer spread, about two weeks. That's what they did in the past because that's what worked. I based my viewpoints by looking into the past and how other viruses and pandemics behaved. This wasn't the first time humans have dealth with a virus. It is the first time we WAY OVER reacted in a retarded manor thinking we could control it like we think we can control everything. We can't.

Who is getting rich? Just follow the government spending trail. That's where the real money is. But are you referring to the media, they just show whatever will get them higher ratings. They could care a less how accurate the news is or not. So, who are you referring to that's getting rich? Show us.

People in powerful positions don't get there without doing favors for others. They have to pay those favors back. They are on the "hook." That's just how things work in the real world. I assure you Dr Faucci was directed what to say and how to say it early on. He probably wanted to say that everybody should totally isolate so the virus would be stopped dead in its tracks, and it would have been. But, the politicians knew people would hate them for doing it and not vote for them again. So, we did a half assed shutdown. What was the science in that? Show me the backup data for that? How does letting some groups freely interact normally to spread the virus while forcing other groups to close up and stay in their homes for the most part?

Just saying, "You have a lot of hatred brainwashed into you." without showing any evidence means nothing. I don't have hatred in me about Covid. I am upset that the government has been on a spending spree that will definitely cause me financial harm and pain in my later years, as well as millions of others. They are spending vast amounts that aren't even Covid related.

"You are taking the word of people who are not qualified to scrape old gum off the bottom of park benches over people who have honorably devoted their lives to science and public service." How many years have you worked for the government? How do you know that they honorably devoted their lives to public service? You are just following along with the media mantra. I have found that most government workers are there to make a living just like any other working person. It's not about the honor of serving the public. It's about the paycheck, the benefits, and the retirement. For the higher ranking positions it's about the power.

What experience, knowledge, and research have you done to come up with your opinions? I just keep seeing name calling and rude remarks without any scientic evidence or links to provide any kind of real evidence. It seems like you are the one with the hatred. ;)
Fauci said that everybody is going to get Covid and be infected by it.

Yeah, no ****! I said that two years ago. So, why are all the mask mandates and closures still going on?

He also said, "We are hoping when we get through this Omicron wave that we will have enough people vaccinated and/or having been infected and recovered well that there will be a degree of immunity in the community such as that you don't have a situation where it is dominating your life. We hope we get there soon."


Again, Yeah, no ****! I also said that two years ago. Herd immunity is what is needed. BTW, he finally admitted that natural immunity works. Gee, you mean healthy human bodies with millions of years dealing with viruses can handle this one too? Wow! Who would have guessed that? I did two years ago.

Good thing we crashed out economy and needlessly blew trillions of dollars we don't have with nothing to show for it except record inflation. Oh, but that's just temporary. Sure, sure it is. Lets spend more money to combat the over spending problem. That'll fix it. ;)

I know, lets just keep blaming the unvaccinated for all of this mess. No wait, it's the cloth masks. No wait, gee, what else can we use now. I know lets blame global warming for the spread of the virus not all the continued air travel. That's scientific lets use that.

Oh but wait, isn't air travel a major contributor to global warming. Yeah, but lets not talk about that. Instead lets focus on all the small insignificant items like cow burps and add taxes and penalties for extremely minor global warming gassess.

Then we can spend many more $trillions on electric vehicles by helping out our buddies and say we are saving the planet. But, what about all the power needed to charge the batteries and the extremely hazardous and dangerous batteries themselves. Shouldn't we make safer less polluting batteries first? Naaaa. We'll just ignore that issue too. Then later we can spend $trillions to clean up that mess too. Well, we'll just dump that crap next to the nuclear waste in the caves in New Mexico. Why clean up today when you can let someone else clean up later and spend more money. Woohoo!

We'll show a picture of a rainbow and say that electric vehicles are powered by rainbow dust. Everybody should buy off on that. Cool! If not, we'll just give people tax credits to buy the electric vehicles cheaper then they can buy non-electric vehicles. It's not our money so who cares? Besides we'll get even more kickbacks. Woohoo!
Everything being done never was about stopping the virus. The media have always muddled the issues by it's over-reporting, but the curfews and masks and measures have always been about trying to NOT overload an already overloaded healthcare system, because people are going to die. Started here in Quebec right now, major surgeries are getting pushed back. Guy who needs a lung transplant might have to wait 2-3 months. Of course, he'll be dead long before then. Multiply that problem by the number of population, it gives you an idea of the problems the no vaccine, no mask no nothing are making; spreading the virus faster, clogging the hospitals, etc.
Personally, I feel people should consider themselves lucky to have such permissive governments; if I was in charge of this whole ball of wax, I'd have declared martial law and force vaccinated everyone already. I wouldve sent the army to capture those who resisted and have them deported to about 1200 miles off the coadt of the pacific, saying "have a nice swim". ******* waste of money and ressources on people not worth the time.

I dont mean that to specifically offend anyone who believes in those things, that's fine by me, I don't really care. What I do care about is the mounting cost of this whole mess, because governments won't get their dicks out and screw someone. Very uncharacteristic of them.
Everything being done never was about stopping the virus. The media have always muddled the issues by it's over-reporting, but the curfews and masks and measures have always been about trying to NOT overload an already overloaded healthcare system, because people are going to die. Started here in Quebec right now, major surgeries are getting pushed back. Guy who needs a lung transplant might have to wait 2-3 months. Of course, he'll be dead long before then. Multiply that problem by the number of population, it gives you an idea of the problems the no vaccine, no mask no nothing are making; spreading the virus faster, clogging the hospitals, etc.
Personally, I feel people should consider themselves lucky to have such permissive governments; if I was in charge of this whole ball of wax, I'd have declared martial law and force vaccinated everyone already. I wouldve sent the army to capture those who resisted and have them deported to about 1200 miles off the coadt of the pacific, saying "have a nice swim". ******* waste of money and ressources on people not worth the time.

I dont mean that to specifically offend anyone who believes in those things, that's fine by me, I don't really care. What I do care about is the mounting cost of this whole mess, because governments won't get their dicks out and screw someone. Very uncharacteristic of them.
Do you guys even watch videos of Fauci and the US president speaking? I get my information from them, the CDC website, and various qualified scientist, phyicians, and other medical personel discussing viruses, human immune system, and Covid specifically. Do you really think Fauci, who is clearly joined at the hip with our leaders can give a purely independent view? If so, then what about all the other experts who disagree with him. Are you saying those others with plenty of experience and credentials are out to get Fauci or something? Why would they say something different and show proof of their results and research? They would loose all credibility if they made it all up.

I avoid the nut wagon sites that I keep being accused of using. Where are you guys getting your information because your facts are simply wrong. Instead hate, ignorance, and name calling oozes from your responses. But, that has been the game plan by the current US administration. They are putting fear and anger into people instead of information, science, and evidence. So, the media repeats that because it's easy and it gets ratings. Then people, who are lazy or don't have time to look into what is being said, just goes along with whatever they hear from the media.

Biden has repeatedly said, "I'm going to shut down the virus." Biden told the US how he was going to stop it in 2020 and then again in 2021. At least in the US it's always, politically been about stopping the virus, as in see how powerful we are. Put me in charge and I'll take care of it. Then it looked like it was about to stop spreading so victory was again talked about. China celebrated the defeat of the Virus a year or so ago.

The masks and isolation was only to keep from overloading the healthcare system at the very beginning until the vaccine was created, which would stop the spread of the virus. But, that wasn't going to work. At the beginning of this thread, I pointed out that Fauci FINALLY admitted to that because at this point it's pretty damn obvious.

If everybody isolates the virus stops dead in it's track in about two weeks. Instead we are all dragging it on and on and on. The vaccine for this virus does NOT stop it from spreading. That's the thing to remember. The vaccine ONLY helps to keep the vulenerable from getting very ill and possibly dying. Did you follow any of the links provided in the past to see if there were facts backup? Apparently not. It's easier just to ignore the evidence and say the unvaccinated suck because that's what you have been told.

Well, people are being forced to stay home and not work when they are perfectly fine just because of a positive test, which is further crippling the economies of the world. Remember the Corona Virus isn't shutting anything down, we are.

That's the point of my first sentence on this thread. Fauci NOW saying that everybody is going to get Corona Virus and be infected by it. EVERYBODY. EVERYBODY can spread it vaccinated or not and EVERYBODY is going to get infected by it VACCINATED or not. The vaccination only helps the body recognize the virus. That's it. It's not some magic cure. It doesn't boost our immune systems. It just helps identify the virus. Our own immune systems are what is fighting off the virus. There are several different ways that the body recognizes forum entities. Did you bother looking into that so you could understand how the virus actually works? I'm talking about just a cute little picture of a angry looking cell being gobled up by Pacman either? I'm talking about getting on University sites and reading research papers and other real medical sites. Or, do you not want to understand how and why things work in your body and just leave it all up to the people in charge because it's so much easier to do?
Do you guys even watch videos of Fauci and the US president speaking? I get my information from them, the CDC website, and various qualified scientist, phyicians, and other medical personel discussing viruses, human immune system, and Covid specifically. Do you really think Fauci, who is clearly joined at the hip with our leaders can give a purely independent view? If so, then what about all the other experts who disagree with him. Are you saying those others with plenty of experience and credentials are out to get Fauci or something? Why would they say something different and show proof of their results and research? They would loose all credibility if they made it all up.

I avoid the nut wagon sites that I keep being accused of using. Where are you guys getting your information because your facts are simply wrong. Instead hate, ignorance, and name calling oozes from your responses. But, that has been the game plan by the current US administration. They are putting fear and anger into people instead of information, science, and evidence. So, the media repeats that because it's easy and it gets ratings. Then people, who are lazy or don't have time to look into what is being said, just goes along with whatever they hear from the media.

Biden has repeatedly said, "I'm going to shut down the virus." Biden told the US how he was going to stop it in 2020 and then again in 2021. At least in the US it's always, politically been about stopping the virus, as in see how powerful we are. Put me in charge and I'll take care of it. Then it looked like it was about to stop spreading so victory was again talked about. China celebrated the defeat of the Virus a year or so ago.

The masks and isolation was only to keep from overloading the healthcare system at the very beginning until the vaccine was created, which would stop the spread of the virus. But, that wasn't going to work. At the beginning of this thread, I pointed out that Fauci FINALLY admitted to that because at this point it's pretty damn obvious.

If everybody isolates the virus stops dead in it's track in about two weeks. Instead we are all dragging it on and on and on. The vaccine for this virus does NOT stop it from spreading. That's the thing to remember. The vaccine ONLY helps to keep the vulenerable from getting very ill and possibly dying. Did you follow any of the links provided in the past to see if there were facts backup? Apparently not. It's easier just to ignore the evidence and say the unvaccinated suck because that's what you have been told.

Well, people are being forced to stay home and not work when they are perfectly fine just because of a positive test, which is further crippling the economies of the world. Remember the Corona Virus isn't shutting anything down, we are.

That's the point of my first sentence on this thread. Fauci NOW saying that everybody is going to get Corona Virus and be infected by it. EVERYBODY. EVERYBODY can spread it vaccinated or not and EVERYBODY is going to get infected by it VACCINATED or not. The vaccination only helps the body recognize the virus. That's it. It's not some magic cure. It doesn't boost our immune systems. It just helps identify the virus. Our own immune systems are what is fighting off the virus. There are several different ways that the body recognizes forum entities. Did you bother looking into that so you could understand how the virus actually works? I'm talking about just a cute little picture of a angry looking cell being gobled up by Pacman either? I'm talking about getting on University sites and reading research papers and other real medical sites. Or, do you not want to understand how and why things work in your body and just leave it all up to the people in charge because it's so much easier to do?

Why are you attacking me? You didnt really understand what I was trying to say, did you?
Im one fingered on an ipad, I'm not going to address that wall of text. Needless to say, you make hasty judgments. I'm not going to start a lenghty debate on the finer points of the pandemic.
I'm also not going to attempt to educate the unclean masses.
I addressed what you brought up and asked questions. I am starting to realize that you two have not done any real research or understand how our immune systems work. The points I've made aren't trival. Look at where we are at. Look at what we've gone through. And, Fauci the person who's been held up as our savor has said there's no point in fighting it any more it's going to infect all of us. Oh, but, get the vaccine. How was that an attack against you?

What you said was much more of an attack, "if I was in charge of this whole ball of wax, I'd have declared martial law and force vaccinated everyone already. I wouldve sent the army to capture those who resisted and have them deported to about 1200 miles off the coadt of the pacific, saying "have a nice swim". ******* waste of money and ressources on people not worth the time."

You are saying you would kill people that didn't get vaccinated if you were in charge. I've mentioned many times that I'm not vaccinated so in essence you feel that I should be killed. However, unlike you, I'm not holding that against you.

To be perfectly honest I have no ill feelings towards anybody. I do have ill feelings about the vast government spending as if we can buy our way out of everything without causing other bigger problems. I don't think people truely understand how much $1 trillion actually is. With my postings about Covid, masks, and Fauci, I was just hoping to get people to question what they've heard, maybe agree or disagree with me, from the media and go do some digging on their own. The Intenet contains a vast amount of fantastic knowledge. It's not all just nut job websites. Alas I don't think that's what has been happening though. Oh well.
Fauci said that everybody is going to get Covid and be infected by it.

Yeah, no ****! I said that two years ago. So, why are all the mask mandates and closures still going on?

He also said, "We are hoping when we get through this Omicron wave that we will have enough people vaccinated and/or having been infected and recovered well that there will be a degree of immunity in the community such as that you don't have a situation where it is dominating your life. We hope we get there soon."


Again, Yeah, no ****! I also said that two years ago. Herd immunity is what is needed. BTW, he finally admitted that natural immunity works. Gee, you mean healthy human bodies with millions of years dealing with viruses can handle this one too? Wow! Who would have guessed that? I did two years ago.

Good thing we crashed out economy and needlessly blew trillions of dollars we don't have with nothing to show for it except record inflation. Oh, but that's just temporary. Sure, sure it is. Lets spend more money to combat the over spending problem. That'll fix it. ;)

I know, lets just keep blaming the unvaccinated for all of this mess. No wait, it's the cloth masks. No wait, gee, what else can we use now. I know lets blame global warming for the spread of the virus not all the continued air travel. That's scientific lets use that.

Oh but wait, isn't air travel a major contributor to global warming. Yeah, but lets not talk about that. Instead lets focus on all the small insignificant items like cow burps and add taxes and penalties for extremely minor global warming gassess.

Then we can spend many more $trillions on electric vehicles by helping out our buddies and say we are saving the planet. But, what about all the power needed to charge the batteries and the extremely hazardous and dangerous batteries themselves. Shouldn't we make safer less polluting batteries first? Naaaa. We'll just ignore that issue too. Then later we can spend $trillions to clean up that mess too. Well, we'll just dump that crap next to the nuclear waste in the caves in New Mexico. Why clean up today when you can let someone else clean up later and spend more money. Woohoo!

We'll show a picture of a rainbow and say that electric vehicles are powered by rainbow dust. Everybody should buy off on that. Cool! If not, we'll just give people tax credits to buy the electric vehicles cheaper then they can buy non-electric vehicles. It's not our money so who cares? Besides we'll get even more kickbacks. Woohoo!
Groundhog Day with a covid topic? I find it amazing that you knew 2 years ago when covid just got started better than experts. Maybe you should replace Faucci and solve worlds pandemic? As many times as this topic came up, you always divert to your drum beat, refusing to either learn from others or accept information as truthful explanation of evolving nature of this mess we are in. You are a smart guy, but boy as many times as benefits of masking was explained, unless it’s 100%, it’s just not good enough for you. I can’t count how many times I heard “help reduce the spread” and yet masks don’t work is the mantra of all who don’t want to wear them. “They first told us not to wear them” I see repeated over and over in social media by Mask haters. Yeah, they did before they knew it was airborne and spread without symptoms. So, instead of accepting, mask haters find it so suspicious to have to take it to the level of crazy that many of us just can’t fathom. Mask wearers are getting covid, it’s useless, not gonna. Muzzle! Freedom! Let us breathe, lol. You are again talking herd immunity through infection, no ***** given for the ones who can’t fight the virus. Regardless how contagious and fast it spreads, it’s not fast enough for herd. Considering covid infection is a chance, not certainty, you’d literally have to resort to international forced infection to get there. Imagine that! Vaxx is fast and considering immunity does not last, we need be there at the same time, not only here, but the world. Lockdowns would work, but unless you are under the rock, you must know people are rebelling and it’s just not possible to do.
I only replied because I need to divert my mind from my personal ****, not because I have any illusions about you finally accepting points made.
^ Ha! ha! Obviously you haven't been reading what I actually wrote and checked out the links I've included.

There is a thread discussing masks and their effectiveness with links. I originally said that cloth masks don't do anything. Well, I was shown via someone else providing links to studies that they do in fact help some. So, I change my mind. However, some isn't good enough otherwise we wouldn't be where we are now would we?

You just continue to place me into the extreme non-masking / non-vac group. There is a wide range from one side to the other. It's not an all or nothing thing. There are different reasons for people's decisions. If it's based on politicial reasons then IMO that's stupid. But, many other good reasons exist.

REAL lock downs would have worked yet the experts didn't do that. I said it should be done two years ago. So, if I was in charge at that time two years ago the spread of the virus would have been stopped. Now, because of all the half-assed start and stopping of partial/sort of/not really shutdowns Covid is EVERYWHERE and people refuse to do any more shutdowns. Others are angry and rebelling because it's obvious the restrictions have made little difference.

Did you ever read the story about the boy who cried Wolf? Repeated false reporting and false actions makes people ignore further warnings and instructions. Our leaders clearly haven't taken that story to heart.

What points have been made contrary to all the ones I have made with evidence, links, or something other then a cute image saying get vaccinated and where a mask or it's all the non-vaccer fault for everything?
You clearly said “why are mask mandates and closures still going on” so which part don’t you understand? Because masks help. Because too many are sick. Because hospitals are on the brink. I don’t understand your willingness for total capitulation. Yes, virus is wining but that doesn’t mean stop all measures and surrender. Are you capable of grasping what that would look like? Do you even see how people are total ******* and saboteurs, or you just prefer bashing the governments? Faucci: small gatherings for holidays. People: war on Christmas! Jail Faucci! Record travel. **** people. **** their selfish me me me… **** deplorable king’s 5k on two occasions in Florida. **** all who attended.

Are you for real about crying wolf? When did ALL people listen? Did you not see how even before vaccines people thought it’s a hoax per dear leader’s proclamation? I STILL SEE ITS A FLU! I still see noses out! Are you mad to think these people would comply with anything? Vaccinations stalled even before efficacy dropped. And now, why take it when it’s not 100% lol. How convenient. I ask you, would you rather have 5 day covid at home, or 3 weeks, months in the hospital?

I would like to see whole world shutting down in unison, when you can’t get “covid is a hoax crowd” in your own village to shut their ignorant freedumb trap and ******* do the right thing.
Do you guys even watch videos of Fauci and the US president speaking? I get my information from them, the CDC website, and various qualified scientist, phyicians, and other medical personel discussing viruses, human immune system, and Covid specifically. Do you really think Fauci, who is clearly joined at the hip with our leaders can give a purely independent view? If so, then what about all the other experts who disagree with him. Are you saying those others with plenty of experience and credentials are out to get Fauci or something? Why would they say something different and show proof of their results and research? They would loose all credibility if they made it all up.

I avoid the nut wagon sites that I keep being accused of using. Where are you guys getting your information because your facts are simply wrong. Instead hate, ignorance, and name calling oozes from your responses. But, that has been the game plan by the current US administration. They are putting fear and anger into people instead of information, science, and evidence. So, the media repeats that because it's easy and it gets ratings. Then people, who are lazy or don't have time to look into what is being said, just goes along with whatever they hear from the media.

Biden has repeatedly said, "I'm going to shut down the virus." Biden told the US how he was going to stop it in 2020 and then again in 2021. At least in the US it's always, politically been about stopping the virus, as in see how powerful we are. Put me in charge and I'll take care of it. Then it looked like it was about to stop spreading so victory was again talked about. China celebrated the defeat of the Virus a year or so ago.

The masks and isolation was only to keep from overloading the healthcare system at the very beginning until the vaccine was created, which would stop the spread of the virus. But, that wasn't going to work. At the beginning of this thread, I pointed out that Fauci FINALLY admitted to that because at this point it's pretty damn obvious.

If everybody isolates the virus stops dead in it's track in about two weeks. Instead we are all dragging it on and on and on. The vaccine for this virus does NOT stop it from spreading. That's the thing to remember. The vaccine ONLY helps to keep the vulenerable from getting very ill and possibly dying. Did you follow any of the links provided in the past to see if there were facts backup? Apparently not. It's easier just to ignore the evidence and say the unvaccinated suck because that's what you have been told.

Well, people are being forced to stay home and not work when they are perfectly fine just because of a positive test, which is further crippling the economies of the world. Remember the Corona Virus isn't shutting anything down, we are.

That's the point of my first sentence on this thread. Fauci NOW saying that everybody is going to get Corona Virus and be infected by it. EVERYBODY. EVERYBODY can spread it vaccinated or not and EVERYBODY is going to get infected by it VACCINATED or not. The vaccination only helps the body recognize the virus. That's it. It's not some magic cure. It doesn't boost our immune systems. It just helps identify the virus. Our own immune systems are what is fighting off the virus. There are several different ways that the body recognizes forum entities. Did you bother looking into that so you could understand how the virus actually works? I'm talking about just a cute little picture of a angry looking cell being gobled up by Pacman either? I'm talking about getting on University sites and reading research papers and other real medical sites. Or, do you not want to understand how and why things work in your body and just leave it all up to the people in charge because it's so much easier to do?
Unlike you, Biden did not know twist and turns of mutations. What he said, he will put effort in crushing it. The fact that it did not work, not his fault, he ain’t Nostradamus like you, who knew everything instantly.
Do you feel chapped because of “pandemic of unvaccinated”. Regardless of efficacy drop and breakthroughs, if unvaccinated are majority hospitalized, I say it fits.
The question is why did you start new covid thread? To gloat? You feel validated in you own little world seeing the admission? Dr did exactly what he supposed to do, say what was true then and now. To you that means he was wrong all along lol. He would be wrong if he repeated things that are no longer true. He would be wrong if he does not change when facts change. I don’t see why would anyone see this as a negative, but people are ******* and they do. It’s soooo confusing oh hell, they keep changing it lol
Do you guys even watch videos of Fauci and the US president speaking? I get my information from them, the CDC website, and various qualified scientist, phyicians, and other medical personel discussing viruses, human immune system, and Covid specifically. Do you really think Fauci, who is clearly joined at the hip with our leaders can give a purely independent view? If so, then what about all the other experts who disagree with him. Are you saying those others with plenty of experience and credentials are out to get Fauci or something? Why would they say something different and show proof of their results and research? They would loose all credibility if they made it all up.

I avoid the nut wagon sites that I keep being accused of using. Where are you guys getting your information because your facts are simply wrong. Instead hate, ignorance, and name calling oozes from your responses. But, that has been the game plan by the current US administration. They are putting fear and anger into people instead of information, science, and evidence. So, the media repeats that because it's easy and it gets ratings. Then people, who are lazy or don't have time to look into what is being said, just goes along with whatever they hear from the media.

Biden has repeatedly said, "I'm going to shut down the virus." Biden told the US how he was going to stop it in 2020 and then again in 2021. At least in the US it's always, politically been about stopping the virus, as in see how powerful we are. Put me in charge and I'll take care of it. Then it looked like it was about to stop spreading so victory was again talked about. China celebrated the defeat of the Virus a year or so ago.

The masks and isolation was only to keep from overloading the healthcare system at the very beginning until the vaccine was created, which would stop the spread of the virus. But, that wasn't going to work. At the beginning of this thread, I pointed out that Fauci FINALLY admitted to that because at this point it's pretty damn obvious.

If everybody isolates the virus stops dead in it's track in about two weeks. Instead we are all dragging it on and on and on. The vaccine for this virus does NOT stop it from spreading. That's the thing to remember. The vaccine ONLY helps to keep the vulenerable from getting very ill and possibly dying. Did you follow any of the links provided in the past to see if there were facts backup? Apparently not. It's easier just to ignore the evidence and say the unvaccinated suck because that's what you have been told.

Well, people are being forced to stay home and not work when they are perfectly fine just because of a positive test, which is further crippling the economies of the world. Remember the Corona Virus isn't shutting anything down, we are.

That's the point of my first sentence on this thread. Fauci NOW saying that everybody is going to get Corona Virus and be infected by it. EVERYBODY. EVERYBODY can spread it vaccinated or not and EVERYBODY is going to get infected by it VACCINATED or not. The vaccination only helps the body recognize the virus. That's it. It's not some magic cure. It doesn't boost our immune systems. It just helps identify the virus. Our own immune systems are what is fighting off the virus. There are several different ways that the body recognizes forum entities. Did you bother looking into that so you could understand how the virus actually works? I'm talking about just a cute little picture of a angry looking cell being gobled up by Pacman either? I'm talking about getting on University sites and reading research papers and other real medical sites. Or, do you not want to understand how and why things work in your body and just leave it all up to the people in charge because it's so much easier to do?
I don’t mean to speak for Richard, but from seeing his posts I read this as satire of a person who has no more patience. Same here, except I am not as funny.
^ Ha! ha! Obviously you haven't been reading what I actually wrote and checked out the links I've included.

There is a thread discussing masks and their effectiveness with links. I originally said that cloth masks don't do anything. Well, I was shown via someone else providing links to studies that they do in fact help some. So, I change my mind. However, some isn't good enough otherwise we wouldn't be where we are now would we?

You just continue to place me into the extreme non-masking / non-vac group. There is a wide range from one side to the other. It's not an all or nothing thing. There are different reasons for people's decisions. If it's based on politicial reasons then IMO that's stupid. But, many other good reasons exist.

REAL lock downs would have worked yet the experts didn't do that. I said it should be done two years ago. So, if I was in charge at that time two years ago the spread of the virus would have been stopped. Now, because of all the half-assed start and stopping of partial/sort of/not really shutdowns Covid is EVERYWHERE and people refuse to do any more shutdowns. Others are angry and rebelling because it's obvious the restrictions have made little difference.

Did you ever read the story about the boy who cried Wolf? Repeated false reporting and false actions makes people ignore further warnings and instructions. Our leaders clearly haven't taken that story to heart.

What points have been made contrary to all the ones I have made with evidence, links, or something other then a cute image saying get vaccinated and where a mask or it's all the non-vaccer fault for everything?
Deplorable king aka former President is holding a rally in Arizona. Let’s see if he can help your state with heard immunity. Edited to say lucky for Arizona rally is outdoors.
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Fauci said that everybody is going to get Covid and be infected by it.

Yeah, no ****! I said that two years ago. So, why are all the mask mandates and closures still going on?

Because sudden surges in case numbers leads to overwhelmed health services and needless death. But then any sensible person would understand that.

"It doesn't boost our immune systems."

That's exactly what a vaccine does (in relation to a specific virus).
Hold thy fiery tongues as weapons, oh culture warriors of red and blue and independent allegiances, and return to thy corners of the gladitorial ring. Shake hands before the bell rings again but from 6 feet of distance. Sing a song of brotherly, sisterly, love.

What will be will be. But I advise thee, to prick thyself with the covid vaccine as a safety measure for thine own welfare. If ye go maskless in maskeless places, protect your vulnerable meemaws and babas from casual contact.

Luck has come to us with the devious Omicron, as virulent as the tweets of the Orange King but less destructive to the state of the nation. The herd will be immune and we can go back to our empty lives in the grand struggle to keep a roof over our wee heads.
Hold thy fiery tongues as weapons, oh culture warriors of red and blue and independent allegiances, and return to thy corners of the gladitorial ring. Shake hands before the bell rings again but from 6 feet of distance. Sing a song of brotherly, sisterly, love.

What will be will be. But I advise thee, to prick thyself with the covid vaccine as a safety measure for thine own welfare. If ye go maskless in maskeless places, protect your vulnerable meemaws and babas from casual contact.

Luck has come to us with the devious Omicron, as virulent as the tweets of the Orange King but less destructive to the state of the nation. The herd will be immune and we can go back to our empty lives in the grand struggle to keep a roof over our wee heads.
Because sudden surges in case numbers leads to overwhelmed health services and needless death. But then any sensible person would understand that.

"It doesn't boost our immune systems."

That's exactly what a vaccine does (in relation to a specific virus).
MyMyself is a lost cause. But, I'm surprised at you for cherry picking what I've said and taking it out of context in order to try to bash me with it.

Yes, orignally masks were used to slow the spread in order to not overwhelm health services AND to give time in order to create a vaccine to stop the virus in its tracks as I explained on other threads several times. But, masks and shutdowns have continued to be used when case loads are / were down, depending on location, far beyond what is neccesary since everybody is going to get Covid and be infected by it as Fauci has said.

Also, what I said was, "The vaccination only helps the body recognize the virus. That's it. It's not some magic cure. It doesn't boost our immune systems. It just helps identify the virus. Our own immune systems are what is fighting off the virus."

Now, boosting our immune system is something that we have to do on our own like eating healthy, exercising, loosing weight, not drinking alcohol, and not taking drugs except when absolutely neccesary.

This has been a common mis-understanding during this entire pandemic because that's what the media keeps blasting. People think if they get the vaccine then they are good to go. No your not. You're still not good to go after your second, third, fourth, or tenth vaccine. The vaccines OR if you are exposed to the live virus only helps to identify the virus as I keep saying and is discussed on legitimate websites. Your own body's immune system is what fights it off. So if you have a weak immune system but it easily identifies the virus you can still get sick and die.

Below is a link to a page that has been created to inform the general public in extremely simple terms, how our immune system works and how vaccines work. Keep in mind this page was created to further convince people to get the vaccine. This is not the full story by any means and MUCH information is missing. I would have preferred to include links to the actual way things work but there's no way you guys would even try to read it or understand it. The link is directly to the CDC website since you guys don't seem to read or trust anything I have to say or any links that I have posted:

Atleast read this one webpage so you can know for yourself:

BTW, Name calling is a very unattractive. ;)
MyMyself is a lost cause. But, I'm surprised at you for cherry picking what I've said and taking it out of context in order to try to bash me with it.

Yes, orignally masks were used to slow the spread in order to not overwhelm health services AND to give time in order to create a vaccine to stop the virus in its tracks as I explained on other threads several times. But, masks and shutdowns have continued to be used when case loads are / were down, depending on location, far beyond what is neccesary since everybody is going to get Covid and be infected by it as Fauci has said.

Also, what I said was, "The vaccination only helps the body recognize the virus. That's it. It's not some magic cure. It doesn't boost our immune systems. It just helps identify the virus. Our own immune systems are what is fighting off the virus."

Now, boosting our immune system is something that we have to do on our own like eating healthy, exercising, loosing weight, not drinking alcohol, and not taking drugs except when absolutely neccesary.

This has been a common mis-understanding during this entire pandemic because that's what the media keeps blasting. People think if they get the vaccine then they are good to go. No your not. You're still not good to go after your second, third, fourth, or tenth vaccine. The vaccines OR if you are exposed to the live virus only helps to identify the virus as I keep saying and is discussed on legitimate websites. Your own body's immune system is what fights it off. So if you have a weak immune system but it easily identifies the virus you can still get sick and die.

Below is a link to a page that has been created to inform the general public in extremely simple terms, how our immune system works and how vaccines work. Keep in mind this page was created to further convince people to get the vaccine. This is not the full story by any means and MUCH information is missing. I would have preferred to include links to the actual way things work but there's no way you guys would even try to read it or understand it. The link is directly to the CDC website since you guys don't seem to read or trust anything I have to say or any links that I have posted:

Atleast read this one webpage so you can know for yourself:

BTW, Name calling is a very unattractive. ;)
The only lost cause is you. Flu comes and goes, but Covid will be here forever because of dogmatic, inflexible and stubborn of people like you. Why are you bothered when people who wear masks? Don’t know what laws exist where you are, but hey free Florida dictator actually banned all requirements, so maskholes can rejoice. Hell, SCOTUS is on your side, so quit bitching, no boo-boo for you. Mr I -am-gonna-outTrump -Tump won’t follow the law of the land for health workers vaccine mandate. What a ******* lawless Moron, next president dick-tator wannabe. I hope this omicron provides immunity needed to turn pandemic into endemic problem. If not, I will be here reading your post how Fauchi was wrong. You are so dense not to understand that they simply DONT KNOW how a NOVEL virus will behave and are giving you best advice at the present time based on data.
I don't follow anything like that anymore don't watch tv don't read news but i had a feeling it's going to be like the annual flu. I just had my first and last booster. I tolerated it better than 1st and 2nd vac. I don't take meds for Sx. I had chills and shook like crazy when i went to bed. I also had a bad nightmare. I don't get flu or flu vaccine every year and i don't want to keep getting covid vac and boosters indefinitely. Just like flu vac some get it some don't. Some get sick some don't. I had a very bad case when i was 21 because i was close with my flu sick gf. I never had flu since then. She must've given me the super mega flu virus lol. It was very similar to covid except with covid i was suffocating from persistent cough. Flu only gave me fever and body ache 7-10 days. I never took meds. Now i have a neighbor covid positive. He's active, walks around without a mask, like he's not even sick. He may or may not be vaccineated. I don't mind wearing a mask indefinitely. I just need a reason to wear a mask. lol
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