Hi all,
So glad I found this site and just want to introduce myself. And nice to not have to pretend that life is a bed of roses, as right now its not. "lonely" which is what I googled and found my way here. And "lonely" has been what life has felt like particularly in the past four months. Bloody lonely.
Five months ago I finished a relationship with a man who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, but came to realise I had been in love with a con, and a very good one at that. I might of been able to get through that ok on its own, but a month later my Grandfather past away. A real gentleman, and gentle soul as well. He hadn't been well for abit and we were expecting it, but what I wasn't expecting was I found my darling cat (yes a pet) who had hung round with me for fourteen years and drag around different homes with me was very sick the day Grandad died, and had to be put down the day of his funeral. All of that in the space of a month, and that was too many endings to be cope with at once.
Its four months down the track and its been a hard slog but I am doing ok, but Im lonely, and sometimes it beats me. Like today. Sometimes I feel so isolated and lonely as the world is revolving around me. Controlling my thoughts is a fulltime battle so as not to sink into depression. They say its good to talk about stuff, but I found that people, after hearing what had happened initally, didn't want to listen to me talk about it, as it was too much bad to be hearing. I found an outlet for it by getting a good counsellor to listen and guide me through what I was going through, but it left alot of lonely days and nights. Just me myself I.
Anyway, finding this site gave me comfort that I wasn't the only one feeling lonely, so that in itself is a positive. Im having odd moments of positives now and then, so I do have hope to shift out of this stage in my life. )
So glad I found this site and just want to introduce myself. And nice to not have to pretend that life is a bed of roses, as right now its not. "lonely" which is what I googled and found my way here. And "lonely" has been what life has felt like particularly in the past four months. Bloody lonely.
Five months ago I finished a relationship with a man who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, but came to realise I had been in love with a con, and a very good one at that. I might of been able to get through that ok on its own, but a month later my Grandfather past away. A real gentleman, and gentle soul as well. He hadn't been well for abit and we were expecting it, but what I wasn't expecting was I found my darling cat (yes a pet) who had hung round with me for fourteen years and drag around different homes with me was very sick the day Grandad died, and had to be put down the day of his funeral. All of that in the space of a month, and that was too many endings to be cope with at once.
Its four months down the track and its been a hard slog but I am doing ok, but Im lonely, and sometimes it beats me. Like today. Sometimes I feel so isolated and lonely as the world is revolving around me. Controlling my thoughts is a fulltime battle so as not to sink into depression. They say its good to talk about stuff, but I found that people, after hearing what had happened initally, didn't want to listen to me talk about it, as it was too much bad to be hearing. I found an outlet for it by getting a good counsellor to listen and guide me through what I was going through, but it left alot of lonely days and nights. Just me myself I.
Anyway, finding this site gave me comfort that I wasn't the only one feeling lonely, so that in itself is a positive. Im having odd moments of positives now and then, so I do have hope to shift out of this stage in my life. )