Feeling useless tonight

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Mar 1, 2024
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Winter Park, Florida
Money troubles have come up again. As I'm disabled from working a full time job and the right part time situation hasn't come around, I'm essentially a financial charity case. Today, I learned my monthly food stamps haven't been filled this month. I have no idea why and I can't contact anyone until Monday to find out. I also have a maxxed out credit card. I have family to help (as long as they're alive) but it's moments like this when I realize how financially useless I am. Life's meaning gets jumbled in my head in moments like this. I trust God implicitly with his plan for me but times like this make me wonder if I only exist to suffer. My anxiety and worry skyrocket and I can't do a damn thing about it until they invent some kind of genetic cure. Good luck on that one.
I don't know what it's like to be so financial strapped. I'm not rich by any means, but I've never been worried about money, meaning I just don't let myself worry about it. I've always had enough to do what I need to do, somehow. I've lived paycheck to paycheck may times, but somehow the money was always there when I needed it. I wish it was like that for you. I try not to waste money and try to live within my means. I guess I've always been careful with my money and been able to earn what I needed. I guess it's why I live cheaply, but I enjoy, for the most part, what I do day to day. I hope things improve for you.
You are only as stuck as you let yourself be. Have you checked into jobs that you can do at home?
I don't know what it's like to be so financial strapped. I'm not rich by any means, but I've never been worried about money, meaning I just don't let myself worry about it. I've always had enough to do what I need to do, somehow. I've lived paycheck to paycheck may times, but somehow the money was always there when I needed it. I wish it was like that for you. I try not to waste money and try to live within my means. I guess I've always been careful with my money and been able to earn what I needed. I guess it's why I live cheaply, but I enjoy, for the most part, what I do day to day. I hope things improve for you.
The money is there when I need it, too. Just what I need. I need to trust it will stay that way in the future.
I'm working on some things.
Callie has been doing that type of thing for quite a while now. If you
need any pointers, she should be able to give you some direction as
long as you do the footwork.
Callie has been doing that type of thing for quite a while now. If you
need any pointers, she should be able to give you some direction as
long as you do the footwork.
I'm working on some things.

Yep, I've been working at home for 13 years for various companies. I can point you to a website that only list vetted, legit jobs if you would like.
Money troubles have come up again. As I'm disabled from working a full time job and the right part time situation hasn't come around, I'm essentially a financial charity case. Today, I learned my monthly food stamps haven't been filled this month. I have no idea why and I can't contact anyone until Monday to find out. I also have a maxxed out credit card. I have family to help (as long as they're alive) but it's moments like this when I realize how financially useless I am. Life's meaning gets jumbled in my head in moments like this. I trust God implicitly with his plan for me but times like this make me wonder if I only exist to suffer. My anxiety and worry skyrocket and I can't do a **** thing about it until they invent some kind of genetic cure. Good luck on that one.

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
~Matthew 5:45

God The Father loves all of us, which can be hard to believe during hard times, but we must understand that as humans we have limited understanding. This limit is why we have so many questions. Crying our eyes out and asking 'why?'. God is so beyond us in every aspect that we as humans cannot even come close to comprehending Him and His way of operating. We all share in suffering one way or another. Some more than others, but God knows what He's doing and when it's all said and done, it's about love and trust in Him. How you live your life on earth and the choices you make have an impact on your afterlife. Focus on the life after this one, because that's what it's all about. Keep pressing on as best as you can. Don't let your current financial problems lead you to believe that you only exist to suffer. Also, DO NOT underestimate the influence that Satan has over us. He can and does invade our thoughts in any way he can to lead us further and further away from God. Satan hates our guts and is far more intelligent and evil than any of us. He's no joke.

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