For the ladies. Try to make me understand why

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Nov 12, 2020
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Upstate NY
I did everything is supposed to do in a marriage. Communicate, Provide, Protect etc. Needless to say I still filed for divorce last November. I tried twice before to try to save our marriage by talking to her and telling her how I feel. Needless to say, she didn't listen. I didn't cheat on her. Why does she feel entitled to spousal and child support. my daughter doesn't want to live with her because she doesn't feel loved as much as her brothers. my daughter has tried many times to talk to her about but she doesn't listen. living in new york doesn't help the person who makes more money in the marriage. i guess what i'm trying understand is how morally can she accept it? This is going to be her second divorce. She is already seeing someone. As for me, im taking time out to make myself even a better person. thanks for taking the time to read this post.
I did everything is supposed to do in a marriage. Communicate, Provide, Protect etc. Needless to say I still filed for divorce last November. I tried twice before to try to save our marriage by talking to her and telling her how I feel. Needless to say, she didn't listen. I didn't cheat on her. Why does she feel entitled to spousal and child support. my daughter doesn't want to live with her because she doesn't feel loved as much as her brothers. my daughter has tried many times to talk to her about but she doesn't listen. living in new york doesn't help the person who makes more money in the marriage. i guess what i'm trying understand is how morally can she accept it? This is going to be her second divorce. She is already seeing someone. As for me, im taking time out to make myself even a better person. thanks for taking the time to read this post.

Well she's still taking care of the brothers, right? I guess? So that's why she needs the child support.
There is no rationalizing the human psyche. It obvious one or both of you needed something more. It might be she needs that fresh relationship. It can be an addiction. Remember the twitter in your heart when you where both new to each other? It's a drug.

It sucks that the women almost always get the kids, and then the man is expected to support two households. It's hard enough to hold one together.

If you are not divorced, and she is involved with someone new, that could work in your favor. If their relationship is sexual there could be a morality clause that you could exploit and either get the kids or reduce the child support. It might not help, but if your daughter wants to stay with you it could be the edge you need to get her from her mother. It's not uncommon for a judge to ask the children what they want.
Why can't your daughter live with you? How old is she? At a certain age, the courts will a lot of the time let the child decide.
Why can't your daughter live with you? How old is she? At a certain age, the courts will a lot of the time let the child decide.
15, the court appointed lawyer for her asked round about questions, in which she decided that my daughter want to be with both parents but spend more time with me. I just don't have the resources to fight it.
I only have one question for you:
Do you want to get married again and have children?
I did everything is supposed to do in a marriage. Communicate, Provide, Protect etc. Needless to say I still filed for divorce last November. I tried twice before to try to save our marriage by talking to her and telling her how I feel. Needless to say, she didn't listen. I didn't cheat on her. Why does she feel entitled to spousal and child support. my daughter doesn't want to live with her because she doesn't feel loved as much as her brothers. my daughter has tried many times to talk to her about but she doesn't listen. living in new york doesn't help the person who makes more money in the marriage. i guess what i'm trying understand is how morally can she accept it? This is going to be her second divorce. She is already seeing someone. As for me, im taking time out to make myself even a better person. thanks for taking the time to read this post.
She obv doesn't care about your marriage and just want to be over it... And you can't do anything about it. I don't know about the kids and child support, how old is your daughter? Are the other kids from a previous marriage?
If your daughter is old enough they could take into account what she wants.
I'm sorry anyway, some women are just mean. If you didn't do anything wrong and she's the one who wants the divorce and has another relationship, this could work on your favor.

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