forum shyness

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:) I'm such a weirdo, I walk off and go sit by myself and play guitar. When I've got my guitar sitting alone at school doesn't bug me at all.
Qui said:
:) I'm such a weirdo, I walk off and go sit by myself and play guitar. When I've got my guitar sitting alone at school doesn't bug me at all.

That's not weird at all. That's, well that's just you. Which I would say is a pretty cool and individual you.

When there is nothing to say I would probably just say something totally random that gets everyone thinking am a fruit cake lol Like Did you know that Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second?
sabishiinaa said:
Anyone weird like me and feel shy, even on a forum?--like someone won't like what I write, judge me because of my age, my tastes, my words, my pathetic attempts at profoundness? I substitute the word school with class, teacher with professor, just so I sound a bit older--it's absolutely idiotic. I read almost everything but I don't reply often because I'm shy--I don't know how to say anything right.

Logic tells me no one cares about me enough to even judge: people are too worried about themselves to go out of their way to condemn me, but it always feels like there are eyes watching every move I make, waiting for me to make a slight blunder.

In person, I can almost cover up my shyness, but it simply turns into aloofness, and it's as if people think that I think I'm too good for them, but I'm not worthy of much of anything.

It's ridiculous. Even on the anonymous internet, I can't be myself; I'm so self-conscious. If I were brave I could be myself, but then I wouldn't really know who to be.

I think your logic is right, partly. People generally think about how they come across, how they are feeling and how things relate to them - that seems to be pretty common. But it's not because they don't care about you, you know, don't fall into that trap of thinking it's because of you - as easy as that is to do! Maybe you have low self-esteem?

I know what you mean about appearing aloof. I worry over the same thing. For my part, i think the cure is simply effort - waking up the friendly, caring and sociable aspects of my personality. And effort has plentiful rewards - but it's all too easy to slip back into to a self-contained insular mode - a state that most people are in i think.

Hang in there, and be good to yourself. If can just borrow from NeverMore's signature for a moment:

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

----Gautama Siddharta,the founder of Buddhism----
Matt said:
Well, sometimes I want to make a post, but I can't think of anything worthwhile to say, and thus don't post at all...

I am kind of laughing at myself right now. Looking through the forum i notice a number of places where i could make at least a modest little comment but of course my registration hadn't been confirmed so i had to pass on that. Then i notice that maybe i actually can post and instantly my mind goes blank.
Im shy but i dont let anyone notice it but in a forum im not. Btw nobody is weird (just people that follow us in games all the time) Everybody is just... unic orrrr exotic orrrr exentric? (hope its a word... i tried to translate ^.^)
I feel the same way..I always feel like whatever I say is going to be made fun of. I'm a member of a lot of forums but I'm always just the observer because I'm always afraid to say the wrong thing. I'm trying to overcome it though.
penny143 said:
I feel the same way..I always feel like whatever I say is going to be made fun of.

Yes that or that it will be misunderstood and hurt someones feeling.
The thing is with me, I often just can't (or am too lazy to) think of anything worth adding to a conversation (this goes for both real life and on forums). I don't think one could call that shy, though perhaps socially retarded.

Also, when I do speak up, I too fear that my words will come back to haunt me in one way or another.
I often feel like everyone gives such good advice on here and they sound so wise,but then i come out with something stupid which probably makes the other person feel even worse lol,so i do tend to hold back.
GeminiGurliex said:
I often feel like everyone gives such good advice on here and they sound so wise,but then i come out with something stupid which probably makes the other person feel even worse lol,so i do tend to hold back.

Everyone has that feeling even I feel that ways sometimes and remember everything you say or contribute means something.
Antihero said:
The thing is with me, I often just can't (or am too lazy to) think of anything worth adding to a conversation (this goes for both real life and on forums).

For me that is usually the case. I don't think it is laziness because effort doesn't seem to help. It is just some blankness. Nothing there that seems to even vaguely apply.
GeminiGurliex said:
I often feel like everyone gives such good advice on here and they sound so wise,but then i come out with something stupid which probably makes the other person feel even worse lol,so i do tend to hold back.

That's exactly how I feel. There are some really smart people on this forum, and that's great. I'm pretty satisfied with just sitting back and reading all the great advice people give. When I do try to come up with something of my own, it can take me an hour just to write a few lines. I got too much of an perfectionist in me, and it can be pretty annoying sometimes
Jeremi said:
GeminiGurliex said:
I often feel like everyone gives such good advice on here and they sound so wise,but then i come out with something stupid which probably makes the other person feel even worse lol,so i do tend to hold back.

That's exactly how I feel. There are some really smart people on this forum, and that's great. I'm pretty satisfied with just sitting back and reading all the great advice people give. When I do try to come up with something of my own, it can take me an hour just to write a few lines. I got too much of an perfectionist in me, and it can be pretty annoying sometimes

me too. I give ****** advice and no one follows it anyway. I like to hear what others say, sometimes I put stuff myself. But idk, seems to me like no one actually follows advice anyway.
That's exactly how I feel. There are some really smart people on this forum, and that's great. I'm pretty satisfied with just sitting back and reading all the great advice people give. When I do try to come up with something of my own, it can take me an hour just to write a few lines. I got too much of an perfectionist in me, and it can be pretty annoying sometimes

Ditto same for me, but this time it takes me even less time to post, I think I've gained enough confidence just to say something which I'm pretty pleased at, I used to delete, still do to a slight degree, everything I wrote then rewrite it again, delete then rewrite. I think I'm getting the hang of it now. Sometimes I'll read the paragraph I jsut wrote and then change everything or something.
I think its normal to read what you have put. I do this sometimes just to make sure it acutely makes some kinder sense.

I have never seen ****** advice of you QUI or of any one from in this thread. I think sometimes all you can do is acknowledge someones post and say I understand what your saying and I took the time to read your post.

As far as making our self's look silly cos you might not have the best advice in the world. Well we don't all get it right every time. Your advice might be good for one person but not for another.

I would not be to concerned about what ppl think. If your nice you well still be loved :)
Bluey said:
As far as making our self's look silly cos you might not have the best advice in the world. Well we don't all get it right every time. Your advice might be good for one person but not for another.

I would not be to concerned about what ppl think. If your nice you well still be loved :)

Life is way too short to worry about people that are going to make fun of you or dislike you for something you say on a forum...or wherever else for that matter.

For instance, I've grown comfortable with my role as "overbearing forum prick". It's not just a job, it's an adventure.
JustLost said:
For instance, I've grown comfortable with my role as "overbearing forum prick". It's not just a job, it's an adventure.


I must have missed something.
If you are unsure what to write then simply say what you one can criticise or judge the person you are or the way you feel...if they do then they normally have their own issues to deal with.

You can spend too long trying to come up with the perfect answer...I wish it was that easy.

My advice...say what you think.
Minus said:
JustLost said:
For instance, I've grown comfortable with my role as "overbearing forum prick". It's not just a job, it's an adventure.


I must have missed something.

Sometimes I say things I probably shouldn't...but I find it's better than saying nothing at all. :)

Also, a lot of you that say you don't give good advice...I disagree, I have yet to see anything on these boards that misses the mark completely. Everyone has something to contribute.
JustLost said:
Also, a lot of you that say you don't give good advice...I disagree, I have yet to see anything on these boards that misses the mark completely. Everyone has something to contribute.

I know that i generally shy away from giving advice. I know nothing.

Anyone who may feel the same way should know that not everyone is looking for advice. Many just want to be heard. Maybe to know that there are others that understand their pain and loneliness, their problems. That they are not the only one that feels so alone.

I agree that everyone has something to contribute, even if that isn't advice. Even if that is just saying "Hi, you were heard, someone will be along soon if you are looking for advice".

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