Friendly vs. Flirting

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Case, yes. It is.

The problem is when I join a new group of friends (In my line of interest, these are mostly male), there will always be one guy that has this crush on me (They claim it's got something to do with the fact that I'm just "too kind to them" that it's impossible that I wouldn't be interested in them. Really though, last time I basically said "Hi!" and that's it.)

Most of them are also "nice guys" (Apparently this has something to do with the fact there's like almost no girls in the community and if you 'get' one, you're the ~man~ (insert cringe)). I don't want any of them, for personal reasons.. and like now, last time. I got "abandonded". Someone that was claiming to be the bestest friend for me and the moment he hears from someone that "no, it's not going to work" - I stop existing. I get ignored.

Now if this only happened once..

I think in the last 3 months this has happened about.. 7 times or so?

(And before I get bashed here too for complaining about this (because most comments I get are "You should feel grateful that you're getting that kind of attention!").. It's not fun. I'm not an object. My gender doesn't objectify me. It's not because I'm a girl that likes gaming that you can be 100% sure you're going to like me. There's more to me than "Oh, it's a girl who likes to play games hue hue hue hue." Thank you.)

(((And Case, you should hear the rumor mill that goes around about me. Every single male I meet, I apparently am "dating". It's getting hilarious.

"I saw you post a picture where this one guy was standing in the corner, ARE YOU TWO DATING? People are saying you're dating!"

I. can. not.))))
Rainbows said:
The problem is when I join a new group of friends (In my line of interest, these are mostly male), there will always be one guy that has this crush on me

Wow. That's a pretty high rate of harassment IMO. You deserve more respect than you seem to be getting from the guys around you.

Rainbows said:
It's not fun. I'm not an object. My gender doesn't objectify me. It's not because I'm a girl that likes gaming that you can be 100% sure you're going to like me. There's more to me than "Oh, it's a girl who likes to play games hue hue hue hue." Thank you.

Yep. Totally agree. I have seen some pretty embarrassing behavior from clueless gamer guys when it comes to the girls. It's sad. I'm not sure why guys can't just let you be who you want to be without getting all hormonal.

Rainbows said:
(((And Case, you should hear the rumor mill that goes around about me. Every single male I meet, I apparently am "dating". It's getting hilarious.

I believe you. It seems like high school. Would wearing this t-shirt have any effect?


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