If there's anything I genuinely can say that I feel that I'm blessed by, it's that I'm blessed by the ability to be easily entertained.
That being said, what I consider to be "fun," most people consider to be boring and just what they do in downtime while droning/brooding or waiting for something fun to show up in their lives.
I can get easily lost in Wikipedia rabbit holes and sewing together disarticulated cross-referenced material between Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica and whatever else I can Google up on keyword searching on any particular subject or another.
It's a clever money saving technique to have cheap or free entertainment, and that's exactly why I utilize the fact that I'm easily entertained.
Sure, I could go to an $80 convention at the cost of $40 in gas and probably $200 for a hotel overnight all in the next town over....but do I really need to spend $320 on an enjoyable time?? I'm not really a social person, so in order for me to do something like that it's REALLY got to be worth it.
Concerts were my thing in my younger years, because I like a lot of European music that doesn't really come here to America, let alone the Bible Belt of the U.S., so a small handful of those concerts really were Once In A Lifetime Opportunities. ---And even then, it still didn't/wouldn't cost me $320.
I guess the benefits of being a Creative Introvert is that I'm easily entertained and can do so on a budget very easily.