iran clerics are ******* crazy!!!
but you know I'd take my chaces, it's worth an earthquake
there has been a lot of sesmic activiy this year
let's see since jan
there was the one in hati, Chili, the cro, serbain area, mexico then china, as well as the iclandic volcano
end of the world, there was a metor that pasted over head here, but i was inside diligently studying so i didn't see it
ehh maybe but i think we've always been pretty clos eto being ******, and fear of doomsday induced activites would probably just make it worse
my take on is, we've always been pretty close to being ******,
though i know God would just for me to get done with all my college and academic hard work to for it to be for ******* nothing when the world ends
( world ends solely because of me, lols wow self centered much perhaps)
well at least I wouldn't have to worry about being financially set for life and carriers and ****
I don't treat anything like a big deal anymore not even big deals,
if it does come down to it, i just have to find a way to get all the hot bi-curious chicks in the same room as me

although because of the Flynn affect it would mean that our generation would be smartest generation ever which would be cool
of course I've only taken half a semester of earth systems science so i can't say I'm a credible enough expert to say this with certainty,
but when we were going over glaciers and isostacy
when there is a mass melting of glaciers and sheet ice the reduced weight on the land can bring about increased seismic activity, so maybe it's due to global warming, which is interesting because seismic activity and climate are not directly related, but one can affect the other,
like volcanic ash clouds blocking out sunlight causing colder climates like in 1816 the year without summer after Mount Tambora erupted
wow I am so rocking the science today
sucks i suck at math or the scientist gig would so be in the bag
stupid ohh math and science are interrelated
i have a feeling this has been the killer of many aspiring scientists