God, I can't take compliments

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hummm B1...are you thinking what I am thinking B2....Yes B2... haha bananas always sort of remind me of the cute banana brothers lol.
Katia said:
I know how you feel. Compliments tend to make me uncomfortable. Most of the time I don't believe they actually mean what they say but are just trying to be nice so as not to hurt my feelings.

Also, I hate being in the spotlight so whenever someone compliments me I feel like I've been put on some pedestal that I don't deserve. You would think that compliments would be a good thing. It's kind of ironic how they can make people feel uneasy or feel even worse about themselves than as before.

I feel exactly the same, feels like people are just lying to me to try and make me feel better about myself. Even if I want to believe them I still find it impossible for myself to. I feel like after someone says something nice about me I have to say something bad about me just to even things out.

It also just plain confuses and frustrates me, its like I get conflicintg results. On one side I have people telling me how great I am, and on the other I cant seem to find anyone that thinks im worthwhile. I know from experience that no girl wants to be with me, so that only leaves me with the fact that my friends are only trying to make me feel better about myself. :(
I'm really the exact same way. I get really awkward and uncomfortable, and joke it off as well. So, I can relate.
Jeremi said:
I always find it so awkward when people give you compliments. Sure, they're nice to hear but responding with a simple "Thanks" is too hard for me. I always have to joke it off, or say something completely random, or I don't say anything at all because my brain just freeze. I feel like a complete douche, because I know it's not easy to give someone a compliment, and it must suck when people just ignore it like that.

One reason I find compliments so awkward is because I don't trust people. I can't accept someone giving me an honest compliment. Either they're trying to manipulate me or make fun of me.

That's also the reason why I find it so difficult to give compliments. I feel like people will think the same way that I do. That I'm just being ingratiating, or that I'm after something. I want to give people compliments all the time, but I just.... Fail!


How do you feel about compliments?

The same problem you have is one main reason why my mistress and I broke up. Everytime I complimented her, it didn't matter to her. She just ignored it, for whatever reason.
I remember her saying that she didn't know how to respond to compliments, and I just remember thinking "a bit of gratitude, acknowledgement, and attention would be nice for a change..."
Anyways... people who give compliments usually end up as the douche, not the other way around.
(I dunno, I'm being a douche)
No your not being a douche. You can tell some ppl a million things you like about them and one thing you don't like and it would be like you don't say the million things and only said the one bad thing. Even though it might had only been constructive criticism.

For anyone that cars about you they should be pleased you bothered to take the time to notice how good they look.

The thing I have learned to do is when someone gives me a complement. No matter how embarrassed I am I just smile and say thank you :)
Like I said you're too much on the giving side... But I don't know how to take a compliment either.

They are usually shallow and meaningless anyway, but if someone you love gives you a compliment, then eat it, let it fill you, and believe in it.
GGRR ! I Hate when i get compliments for my looks, i dont believe them and i turn red for nothing
I don't take compliments well either. I am trying to change that. Have you found a solution to this problem?
Been a while since I visited this site. I've gotten better at taking compliments lately. All I do is smile and say "thanks". There's no reason to make it more complicated than that. It depends on the person who gives it though. People who are sarcastic in general are hard to trust.

Nice to get a compliment once in a while ^^
compliments are nice...I like the attention. Depends on what kind of compliment. Its obvious when one is a load of bull, so when it is, ill open up a can of whoop ass on them and that will show them how to complement me the right way :) haha lol
when I was younger I used to not be able to accept compliments. I'd say "oh that isnt true" and proceed to try to explain to the person why I was right in saying that it wasnt true. needless to say that irritated more than one person.

Now when someone pays me a compliment i say "thank you!" although i may feel awkward about it. I try not to show it anymore.
iamben said:
I use to draw away from people on the rare occasion that I would receive a compliment, but after a while I began to simply smile and say thank you no matter what is going through my head. I found that I feel better afterwards. It's hard but you kinda just have to program your brain to respond in a positive way. Simply saying thanks is a good way to work towards that.
I say thank you, but my mind immediately dismisses the compliment. Not sure why. I'm always paranoid that if someone says something nice about me, they must want something in return or that there has to be a catch.
I don't like compliments. I can take them, but I don't care for them. I'm not fishing for compliments. I never do.
I feel pretty weird when I get compliments. I never believe the person means it, or think maybe the person just has limited exposure to things/people for comparison. I usually end up saying something like, "You must be talking about somebody else! I'll say thanks for her, though... Thanks!"

I would also like to mention that I read somewhere that it only takes one insult to undo the good of a hundred compliments. So I try to give compliments whenever I can do so sincerely.

By the way, all of you are awesome.

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