Good Deeds! What have you done lately..

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Apr 1, 2010
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Just to keep up on the upside of things.. what goodness have you done to uplift the spirits for yourself and/or others?

A few months ago I was in China, at the Great Wall. I saw a merchant chasing down these Japanese tourists trying to sell a few misc. items.. like magnets, pictures, souvenier items. He didnt look like a regular vendor without a stand and only selling things from a basket while wearing scuffed up clothing, half broken slippers with a slight lip limp. I walked up to him and bought $50 worth of magnets, pictures of the wall, and a few art piece. $50 wasn't alot for me to spend but I know it was good enough to probably help feed his family that day.

Another was, yesterday, while I was waiting for the bus downtown.. I gave my umbrella to a some tourist who got caught in the storm. He was under a pillar for cover while shielding his daughter inside of his jacket. I litterally walked across the street to hand them the umbrella and told them to stay dry. And because of this.. Im at work sick.. drowsey from taking theraflu an hour ago. Still I feel good about it.. :D
Aiiro said:
Well. . .the other day at the gas station I gave a random lady who said she had ran out of gas and didn't have the money to get home five dollars, if that counts.

Wait.. did she have a car? I see a bunch of homeless peeps asking the same questions and Im the only car at the gas station. LoL
You know, George Steinbrenner is a colossal piece of ****, but he said something in a documentary about him one time that I've actually taken to heart: "A good deed isn't really good at all if other people know about it." So maybe this is my way of covering up the fact that I have no good deeds to my name. Or maybe I'm a saint......


It's the first one :(
Is it bad that I can't think of anything?

I glared and kinda sneered at someone today. I guess that made me feel pretty good.
Brian said:
I glared and kinda sneered at someone today. I guess that made me feel pretty good.


Not sure if that qualifies as a good deed.
I gave a 2 year old a quarter for some M&Ms. The Mexican restaurant jipped him on it though, only one M&M came out...still he was happy and his parents were smiling.
I was gonna create my own thread, but seen this so I'm bringing it back from the dead.

Today I helped a granny onto the bus and opened all the windows as she felt dizzy; I thought the fresh air would do her good. I did not see the bus full of people glaring at me as it was freezing, **** them.
Funny this got revived as I actually did a good deed today, I found a purse at a supermarket and handed it in to the customer service desk.
Edward W said:
Funny this got revived as I actually did a good deed today, I found a purse at a supermarket and handed it in to the customer service desk.

That's nice. I once left all my cards in a phone box (er yeah it was that long ago!) and someone handed it into the local library. I didn't know for a few days as I didn't get the message but when I did it really restored my faith in humanity!
I don't know if this counts, but I told the cashier at the gas station that he had really nice eyes. Because he did! It made him smile, at least.

I also saw someone drop money in the parking lot and ran after them to give it to them.

It feels weird posting this, like I'm tooting my own horn. =/

That's a weird phrase. Why would I want someone else tooting my horn? It's my horn!

9006 said:
I was gonna create my own thread, but seen this so I'm bringing it back from the dead.

Again, I'm bringing this back from the dead.

Last week I drove 8 miles to someones house to deliver a letter that got delivered to my address by accident, turned out to be an old man's birthday card. I'm still waiting for my reward... JOKE!

Keep posting your good deeds people...
Yesterday a little boy was riding his bike back and forth across the street. I watched him almost get hit 2 times. I went out of my way (and out of my comfort zone) and rang the doorbell of the house it looked like he lived at. His much older sister answered and was thankful I let her know. As I was walking away, the little boy was screaming...guess his bike riding was done for the day. lol

This kid was only like 5 or 6 years old.. wtf are his parents thinking! no one was watching him!!
nothing really... but I am trying to set up a competition to create solutions for problems related to immigration...
and I guess the other night I borrowed money for her drinks to a lady who forgot her wallet
I am working on a project for the bumblebees in my neighbourhood. I have the seeds of some of their favourite flowers and herbs to sow and I'm hoping to grow them a bumbly paradise. I'll be providing hives as well as top quality accommodation inside my home for any injured or sick bumblebees. Today I finished building the beds. There are just five because I don't expect too many injuries - velvet-covered matchboxes with miniature marshmallows for pillows and lamb's ear leaf blankets. I used periwinkle coloured velvet because the little bumblemoos love it of course but also because it looks so attractive against their yellow fur. I set their beds up real nice and left some sprigs of lavender nearby to help them sleep. Next I am going to continue working on finding a therapist willing to volunteer for my bee care unit in case any of the lil boos are troubled.
I occasionally give money to people standing by the road holding signs saying, "Please help", or some such request.

I know they might be scamming and planning to drink on my money or something like that, but still....I can spare it and their plight could be for real.

Oh yeah, I donate blood to the Red Cross four times a year. But the blood drives are always at my church so I get to visit with people whom I know and I really don't get out much at all so it's a social event for me.

Oh jeez! OK, I know this isn't the thread for it, but you know you're lonely when donating blood becomes an occasion you look forward to.
i cook, i clean the house, wash the dishes and pretty much do all the errands for the family thats hates me so much and they thank me by shoving their foot in my ass.

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