Have you ever fallen for someone you barely know?

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2012
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I know someone close to me has.
And I have too. Still trying to move on but no one has taken her place yet :'(
I'm gonna poop the party and say this is the kind of feeling that I would not use "fall in love" to describe it. How can you fall in love with a person you barely know? You can be infatuated with the image you have of said person, but you can't really be "in love" with the person, because you don't know who the person is. A more reasonable feeling (although feelings are not always reasonable) would be the desire to know that someone better.

THAT SAID (party pooping over ahahah)

There has been some people that caught my interest in a first glimpse, or maybe just one small conversation. Given my rant above, you can tell none of those times were worth of my later efforts.
Yep,every day of the week, with every girl I see. ......sad I know , but.................ALL Women are Beautiful!
If I find someone I'm interested in, I tend to fall pretty hard pretty quick. I don't know that I would call it love, but it's definitely more than just a basic normal attraction. But then when/if I actually get to know them that may change. The initial attraction has to do with appearance since that's what you see first, but for me personality is a must and takes precedent if I get to know them. The thing that sucks the most is finding someone you are attracted to physically, getting to know them and really liking their personality as well.... only to find out that they are unavailable.

Also, you get points for having a Matrix signature.
I've been attracted to someone I barely knew, but I've never had a "love at first sight" moment, but that's probably mostly because I don't confuse love with attraction.
Yes, I have.
One of the annoying things about it is that if the other person shares your feelings straightaway, then everyone says 'Ooh, love at first sight. That is so lovely etc etc' when you tell them about it, while if the other person does not share your feelings immediately, then people say you are infatuated instead and don't take you seriously. This sucks a lot.
It would happen to me all the time. My last relationship kinda killed that - as well as strong romantic emotions in general.
Love is not really possible for strangers. Love is when you know the person's good and bad, their strengths and flaws, their dreams and fears and because of them and despite of them, you love them nevertheless. But attraction in its simplest possible form can happen when you first time see the person. Before love can bloom it needs its seed.

I thought I loved some people back in the day, but in the end it was just infatuation. I didn't know these people well or even at all. I loved the image that I had of them, not the real person. Only when I expeperienced true love towards a real person instead of just mirage, I realized how silly I was thinking my earlier crushes were anything else than crushes.
It doesn't seem really logical, and I'm not sure it's ever happened to me, except maybe once as a really young man, but I think love at first sight is possible. Rare, perhaps, but possible. Then again, maybe I've just seen too many movies.

There are times when you can tell a lot about a person just by the first impression they make. Psychics and other 'mind freaks', in my opinion, are able to make their living, doing what they do, because they have an uncanny ability to read almost anyone. Couple that with the fact that at least half the people they read, are going to want advice of some kind based on hokus pokus, whether seriously, or with a certain cautious distance.

Point being is that, I think for some people it's possible. I mean, if you really think about, it's not that far fetched that it could happen. Rare, again, I say, but not out of the realm of possibility. I'm sure timing and place would have a lot to do with it. Love at first site at the bar, I would say, has a small chance, and isn't realistic. Love at first site at a highly specified organization event, where everyone is already of like mind for the most part, more probable, yes.

Attraction, physical, and mental, I really see no difference. It's a ******** distinction, probably largely the result of a society where women are constantly pressured to perform, as far as looks go. I don't view myself as a person inhabiting some sort of body that is seperate from me. I may not always be whatever I look like, paints me as, but what I look like is invariably a part of me. My age and my history is worn into the groves of my skin, my style or lack there of, may or may not represent a varying degree of variables.

So I guess, 'love at first site', might be a case of juding the book by it's cover, however, I think it's possible, in some cases, where it just so happens to work out. Very few cases...

Then, I suppose, there is the fun part of disecting what love really is. On the cynical realistic side, it's probably just the result of an emotional attachment designed specifically to increase the chances of reproduction as well as to maintain a monogomous pair bonding relationship to ensure the apt raising of said offspring.

Guess it just depends on if you are on the one extreme of a hopeless romantic, or the cynical pragmatic realist tournament creature, where sex is just a function like pooping, and relationships are basically just agreed upon levels of trustworthiness to base socio/sexual transactions upon, which will either grow in it's mutually beneficial nature, or fall apart.

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