Have you ever felt that things about the world were turning you ugly on the inside?

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Probably. Some things you just can't win though. If you like yourself, you're racist. If you want to celebrate other cultures, all this cultural appropriation ******** comes into play. So, some folks can't win either way.

Just gotta take a step back from all the crap and try not to get sucked into to all the caca that is constantly shoved in our faces.
Yes. I work in a job that deals with some dark underbelly of things and weirdly there is no acceptance of that (perhaps managers don't know) and I can feel it sometimes getting to me. But the thing is.. you have to disconnect. If you are watching tv / social media.. stop. Find the nearest webpage with funny dog videos and watch that every day. Stop watching 24 hour news networks. Check facebook only once per day.
I went through dark times because of an incident many years ago. Evil thoughts, I hit the bottle real bad and kept to myself. Positive thoughts, positive people. Look at your situation and think "yes it's bad but there is someone out there worse off than me" then work towards getting help or making things better. Trust me, it does get better.
This past week at work ... made me feel like that. I realised I was getting negative, and just not very nice towards others. Someone had to tell me to ease up a bit for me to snap out of it. Made me go into turtle mode for a moment to reflect, and I just realise that I need to shift my perspectives on things and make some changes in my daily routines to feel better.

I realised I haven't been on the forum as much cos work consumed most of my time and realised that it made me lose the humanity I used to have. Being on here always seem to put me back in a good, humble place. Being around people in real world made me become like a lot of them. And I don't want that. :(

I guess in this case, you gotta find what works for you, that will take you away from the ugliness and be the opposite of that. Nothing can change that in us, except ourselves and our decisions to do so.
Yes. I don't think I ever attempted to stop it, but dealt with it instead. I'm more prone to embrace even the horrible things, just to remain aware of everything and not end up in cognitive dissonance. That shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you still know that good things exist in the world as well. Just not exclusively.

But I admit that in the present age where constant streams of information crash down on us, you can easily find yourself in a state of sensory overload. Opting out for a while is the most sensible thing to do then.
Rodent said:
Yes. I don't think I ever attempted to stop it, but dealt with it instead. I'm more prone to embrace even the horrible things, just to remain aware of everything and not end up in cognitive dissonance. That shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you still know that good things exist in the world as well. Just not exclusively.

But I admit that in the present age where constant streams of information crash down on us, you can easily find yourself in a state of sensory overload. Opting out for a while is the most sensible thing to do then.

Hmm, how do I say how I feel without complimenting you? I can't seem to think of a way. Oh, I know... we'll fall back on a forum favourite: +1
Death has many reformations, being the formless thing that it is.

Depending upon which way you cut your moral alignment, it can be a positive or a negative experience to give into it. I would suggest heavy thought, and taking the time to mull it over before making the decision. Think of your future. Or more importantly: Think of what you DON'T want your future to be like.

In my particular situation, I had to choose between being successful and heartless, or being humane and just. I went with the later. Because, I grew up poor my whole life. It doesn't bother me that much, I'm kind of used to it. Success was nice, but I mean there's no point to it for me if it demands that everyone around me that I have to see hates me but doesn't say so to me. I'm more the "let's talk this out..." type of a person. At the same time, likewise, I've had to develop the temperament of gauging that conversation and knowing when to cut it off before a civil conversation senselessly becomes an argument and nothing gets accomplished.
I feel like it's happening right now.
That's why I'm trying to avoid the news as much as possible.
It makes me so angry, hateful even. I feel like what's going on now is pure evil, and for the dumbest reasons at that.
It also makes me feel like giving up, puts thoughts of doom in my head.

For my mental health, the less I know the better.
Yes, I think we've all been there a time or two in life. it's human nature. It's just a matter of how much you let it control your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Not dwelling on world events will lessen your focus on the negative an fears associated with living a meaningful life.
This past week at work ... made me feel like that. I realised I was getting negative, and just not very nice towards others. Someone had to tell me to ease up a bit for me to snap out of it. Made me go into turtle mode for a moment to reflect, and I just realise that I need to shift my perspectives on things and make some changes in my daily routines to feel better.

I realised I haven't been on the forum as much cos work consumed most of my time and realised that it made me lose the humanity I used to have. Being on here always seem to put me back in a good, humble place. Being around people in real world made me become like a lot of them. And I don't want that. :(

I guess in this case, you gotta find what works for you, that will take you away from the ugliness and be the opposite of that. Nothing can change that in us, except ourselves and our decisions to do so.
Accept ourselves? If only it were that simple. Why are people using sites like this. Because they are themselves and it gets lonely. Whatever happened to a problem shared is a problem halved. With no one that loves you enough to share whatever strife comes out way. It is a cruel world on your own. I lost a friend because we had different views they think it's fine to move yourself and thinks it's all top of the party tree to be on your own and independent. I think the opposite. When you share your life with atleast one other that is finally willing to spend time with you that's when life is good. Some people prefer being alone which is great, I do to a degree but constantly? It makes you very ill and then someone says "go love yourself"! Take care. They really don't know how much it hurts
Accept ourselves? If only it were that simple. Why are people using sites like this. Because they are themselves and it gets lonely. Whatever happened to a problem shared is a problem halved. With no one that loves you enough to share whatever strife comes out way. It is a cruel world on your own. I lost a friend because we had different views they think it's fine to move yourself and thinks it's all top of the party tree to be on your own and independent. I think the opposite. When you share your life with atleast one other that is finally willing to spend time with you that's when life is good. Some people prefer being alone which is great, I do to a degree but constantly? It makes you very ill and then someone says "go love yourself"! Take care. They really don't know how much it hurts
Truth hurts.

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