Have you ever...

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I have not, but it's on the list, preferably in a 67' Impala.

Have you ever been shot at?
None. Specifically for being afraid to regret it later ;-) Besides, everyone has one now and I'm an anti-conformist.

Have you ever been poor?
Sure, when I first started out and wanted to make it on my own.

Have you ever doubted the validity of a story you read online?
All the time. I'm looking for fake and when I don't find it assume it's true. Depends on the source, though.

Have you ever had a blog?
Yes, but didn't get very far.

Have you ever looked out the window and thought all the other people are gone?
No, my son has thinking he was Tarzan and could jump to another.

Have you ever broke a bone?
Not yet. But I'm still young, it's bound to happen.

Have you ever had a serious injury?

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