Have you ever...

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No but i'd like to.....always been a bit of a rebel

Have you ever been in a crowd situation where you feared you were going to get crushed?
No but plenty of football crowds where it gets a bit whiffy because so packed in.

Have you ever been interviewed by a police Detective who specialises in a certain field?
I plead whatever our equivalent of the fifth amendment is.

Have you ever eaten an entire loaf of bread in one sitting?
Don't think so..can't remember really

Have you ever given or received an embarrassingly large tip?
Yes. I have given one. At a large family gathering that I organized at the last minute, with a couple of cranky aunties, no reservation, and multiple different requests.....he earned it. And he took care of my son and myself with my food allergies. and...no one else tipped. Tough job and he did great. I appreciated his hard work.

Have you ever worried that you sent the wrong Christmas card addressed in the wrong envelope ? ( I also worry about the coffee pot being left on...even though I know that I unplugged it :D I'm "one of those". )
Nope. I don't worry about it, but ask Beautiful Loser if I should worry more...

Have you ever sent or received a Christmas card with absolutely nothing written inside it?
loool, no, not yet, but I might someday

have you ever burst out laughing in mid-sentence?
Yea I get the giggles sometimes with with my broth in law he cracks me up .

Have you ever been told you've got small hands?
Yes once, just a scarf and that was the beginning and end of my excursions into knitting.......way too impatient :D

Have you ever read the end of a book while still half way through just to see what happens?
No I'm on page 24 of the Russian Revolution I know the ending.

Have you ever hidden inside your house along with your whole family when santa, about 30 Carol singers and a bloke with a pick up and a giant Christmas tree came a knocking? :p
Hahahaha ...NO. But I have hidden from the neighbours, and the propane guy.

Have you ever won at scrabble?
Hope not. I haven't deliberately, anyway.

Have you ever gone to a picnic or a barbecue - noticed your hands were filthy - but decided to risk eating without washing them because you didn't have access to a restroom?
Only 2 weeks :D Been eating the same thing for lunch for.........jeepers it must be 30 years now

Have you ever refused to shake someone's hand?

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