Just Games
Yep just recently .I got a story on that.See i had a bit of a breakdown and left my job.I was at my local super market looking at bread on the reduced trolley in the evening with a couple of others.There was three cheezy loafs ,you know the crusty oval shaped ones ,all three i could 'ave for under a pound result i thought and took 'em to the till.Well pleased as i handed the cash some lady came stormin in and screamed as she clocked the empty trolley..'you stole it' .The lady serving looked at me and mouthed no...no...no.So i stood there thinking ..should i just give her a loaf, but i looked at the till lady and she mouthed sshhh and handed me the bread...i felt really sorry for the lady who wanted the cheezy 28p loaf
Have you ever made enough meals in one night for the whole week and put in the fridge.
Have you ever made enough meals in one night for the whole week and put in the fridge.